Does diet and nutrition play a role in hair texture.


Well-Known Member
so i've been looking around the internet about eating healthier and i came across some people saying that a better diet changed their hair texture. I mean people said they went from coarse 4b hair to silky 4a hair.

This sounds kind of suspect:ohwell:. i don't believe that one could change the texture of ones hair just by changing their diet. but i could be wrong.

has anyone experienced a change in their hair (for better or worse) due to a change in their diet?
That's the first time I've heard this. I have heard that your overall health can affect the texture and quality of your hair. For example, hair that grows while you are battling an illness may be drier, rougher, or whatever than your hair normally grows. I wonder if that may be the link? Healthier diet=healthier body=healthier hair.
I have heard about some herbs loosening the curl pattern, but i dont know personally. I do know that coarse/dry can be addressed by diet, I definately noticed a difference after taking flaxseed oil capsules; my new growth was definately softer.
Yep. I have seen it happen in my own head. MSM can also work to help loosen texture by increasing the sulfur stores in the body.
i'd say i eat fairly healthy, i can't eat anything that's over 30% fat, unless it's dairy. So if something is 100 calories and 40 calories from fat, then I'm not touching it. And i drink a lot of milk and i've noticed that my new growth is silkier, and the parts where i've noticed it's grown in like that are in areas of my hair that were typically a bit rougher than the rest of my hair. plus drinking milk makes your waist smaller, so even if you don't get the hair results you want lol you'll have a tinier stomach.
I don't know if nutrition changes the texture, but it can definitely affect the health of your hair. I had long, thick almost BSL hair in college, and a very poor, low calorie diet made it thin and severly damaged. Good eating habits are definitely worth having for more reasons than one.
I take a tbl spoon of flax/fish oil daily and my texture is somewhat softer, and I have a slightly looser wave pattern. I see great changes in my skin as well. I took for about 60 days before I noticed changes.
Yes, it does. When I changed to a healthier lifestyle, especially when I added more protein, my hair began to grow out thicker and seemed stronger. After several months, I could actually look at a shed strand of hair and see two types of quality on it; thicker/stronger hair was close to the bulb but tapered down to a weaker/thinner-looking middle and end. :yep:
Its true when I was taking flax seed oil regularly... my texture kind of loosened up. Of course dc'ng and cowashing also had a similar effect.
It's true that a healthy diet has a key role in your hair texture because I noticed a big difference from when I was taking cod liver oil. My hair was softer. shiner and my texture loosened up a little. It definetly mad my new growth soft and it also help clear up my skin al little.