Does chlorine change colored hair?


Well-Known Member
I have colored hair but want to go to the pool a couple of times this summer, but scared it will turn my red hair sunkist orange. Will it ?
it will turn orangey without the pool. of all haircolor red-violet shades are the hardest to maintain in the sense that they are prone to turning orangey. my hair was your color before and even with color enhancing shampoo and putting glosses on top it was too much to maintain so i switched to dimensional coloring in the light brown-auburn-copper families instead. chlorine will make color fade.
I know they make special gel like products that claim to protect your hair from the chemicals and protect your color as well.
My hair is not color-treated, but I never go swimming without coating my hair with olive oil....just in case you were considering going swimming without any form of barrier on your strands. And yes, your color will fade. But with the olive oil it will be soft and easily detangled.