does anyone PINCURL without rollersetting first??


Well-Known Member
I want to cowash and let my hair dry straight. Is it possible to get a cute pincurl set this way?

Can anyone help me out on the best way and products to do this??
Are you saying you want to airdry your hair straight, and then pincurl or pincurl your hair and then dry it?

If you pincurl after you airdry your hair straight, it should work but the ends may not be as smooth as from rollersetting first.

I haven't tried pincurling on wet hair yet. SouthernGirl has pics in her album doing her pincurls wet and the results are so beautiful. :love: Her pincurls look closer to bantu knots, IMO.
I do it but the resulting style is just OK; nothing to get excited about (which is fine with me to get out the door to go to work :) ).

I spritz Lottabody setting lotion on each section and pincurl.

Let's hope we hear others' techniques and products...
Isis said:
Are you saying you want to airdry your hair straight, and then pincurl or pincurl your hair and then dry it?

If you pincurl after you airdry your hair straight, it should work but the ends may not be as smooth as from rollersetting first.

I haven't tried pincurling on wet hair yet. SouthernGirl has pics in her album doing her pincurls wet and the results are so beautiful. :love: Her pincurls look closer to bantu knots, IMO.

Yes I want want to airdry straight and then pincurl.

Yeh, SG's are more like bantu knots, and I want to try those one days, but I want to pincurl tonight.

Have you ever done this??
MsDee4 said:
Yes I want want to airdry straight and then pincurl.

Yeh, SG's are more like bantu knots, and I want to try those one days, but I want to pincurl tonight.

Have you ever done this??
I've never airdried my hair straight, period. I always rollerset for smooth ends, then do other styles.
january noir said:
I do it but the resulting style is just OK; nothing to get excited about (which is fine with me to get out the door to go to work :) ).

I spritz Lottabody setting lotion on each section and pincurl.

Let's hope we hear others' techniques and products...

Thanks JN.

And Isis... I'm trying to be lazy and not have to rollerset tonight... :lol:
MsDee4 said:
Thanks JN.

And Isis... I'm trying to be lazy and not have to rollerset tonight... :lol:
I understand MsDee!:lol: There are techniques some of the ladies here shared on airdrying straight using the scarf method. I can't remember who they were though.
Isis said:
Wow, thanks for sharing Nvybeauty! Barrel pincurls, eh? :scratchch I haven't tried doing my pincurls this way, maybe I'll do it tonight! Mine are the flat, side pincurls which also work well.

I really like your airdry method too. :)
I'd leave a comment in your album but it's turned off.

Thanks. I know me....I would not respond to comments/questions until way too many moons later so I turned it all off.
delta_gyrl said:
I tried pincurls after a rollerset and it looked a H.A.M. I'll pass.....

Nvy- Your hair is gorgeous!

:lachen: :lachen: 'H.A.M' took me awhile. When I figured it out I spit tea on the keyboard.
nvybeauty said:

NooOOOOOooOO!!! Fotki is acting a fool and not letting me in your album. I KNOW i have the right password. :mad: And I'm sitting here with my hair airdrying... I need to see those pics...
I GOT IN NVYBEAUTY!!! :eek: :D :eek: :D I love your hair... and the pincurls look great!! I can't wait to try this.. Thanks for your tutorial..
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Me! I airdry my hair straight or banded then I separate it into sections and pincurl it. It finishes drying overnight in the curls and the next morning I have full, soft curls. It's a wonderful low maintenance and low manipulation style.
The pic in my siggy is how it looks the next day.
MsDee4 said:
Yes I want want to airdry straight and then pincurl.

Yeh, SG's are more like bantu knots, and I want to try those one days, but I want to pincurl tonight.

Have you ever done this??

I do this all the time.

I airdry in a bun one night, wear my bun a few days, and then I pincurl.
I like the results. I have to finger comb to get it the way I like though
ETA: I just looked at NvyBeauty's tutorial. I do the barrel pin curls in the back and the regular flat ones in the front.
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I pin curl my flatironed hair.....I love the results and I've gotten many compliments on it. I'll will take pics and place them in my fotki.
still haven't gotten it right without a rollerset first... but I WILL!!!

thanks ladies :kiss: