Does anyone NOT have a REGIME (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Is there anyone here that does not have a consistent regime that they follow? It seems like I can't follow any type of regime I set for myself. I think from now on, I'm just gonna go with the flow with the products I have and the different techniques used here on the forum. I feel like having a regime makes me worry about my hair more. What do you ladies think???
I dont have a set regimen. I just look at my hair on wash day and decide what products I will use. The only thing I try to remember to throw in the mix is some sort of protein treatment. I do have a notebook that consists of my wash days since October. I can tell you not one day is exactly the same! LOL!

But I make sure to note whether or not it was a successful wash day or not and how the texture of my hair felt afterwards.
i dont. i'm constantly trying out new products in hopes to find "the one" so its just whateva. it also depends on the style i'm wearing at the time. since i'm in protective styles now i switch up a lot so its hard to have a steady regime i follow.
mrslee said:
I do have a notebook that consists of my wash days since October. I can tell you not one day is exactly the same! LOL!

I track the days I wash and condition my hair in a lil' notebook as well and what style I put it in! Neat-o! :weird:
I just deleted my regime and just listed all the products I have. I'm going to wash my hair whenever...not always every 2 weeks. I'll just style my hair in different ways. I probably won't be using my blowdryer either.
Pooh, I pretty much do whatever. I use different products like a smoothing shampoo/con if I plan to wear my hair straight and use more moisturizing products when I am several weeks into my relaxer and have a lot of new growth. I also use more grease products when I am several weeks post relaxer. It just depends on how I'm feeling and whatever works at the time. I always deep condition whenever I wash, which is 2x a week and always use some kind of protein.
I dont have a regimen either because I am a PJ and I use different products especially conditioners.
I change my hair styles constantly braids,buns phony ponys,weaves.
mrslee said:
I do have a notebook that consists of my wash days since October. I can tell you not one day is exactly the same! LOL!

But I make sure to note whether or not it was a successful wash day or not and how the texture of my hair felt afterwards.

I'm laughing...cause I've kind of been doing the same thing since last May...except it's on a printed out calendar from my MS Word software...but I've found it to be quite helpful.

It also helps me keep track of when I utilized protein, a moisturing product and gives me an idea of when it's time for a stronger protein (like I noted I was having some breakage at the six week mark -and I tried to skip doing the Aphoghee...and wound up having the tangle has reduced to almost nil...but I know I would benefit from the stronger protein now).

Okay...back to the non regime having people...
Poohbear said:
I track the days I wash and condition my hair in a lil' notebook as well and what style I put it in! Neat-o! :weird:

It is great!!

Mona! I should have known my hair twin would have one also! We should compare one day! :)
I don't have a Regime I do what I feel like. I wash my hair once a week. I don't Surge but I do use wild growth oil from time to time. Thats about all I do.
I don't. I'm finding it hard to develope one since I haven't really figured out what products work best for me yet.
mswinni said:
I don't. I'm finding it hard to develope one since I haven't really figured out what products work best for me yet.
I'm somewhat in the same boat. I can use a product that works fine on my hair but at a different time, it will not work good on my hair. Then I could try it again and it works for me (example, Pantene R&N Moisturizer). :spinning:
I don't have a regime either. My hair was dirty a few days ago so I washed it. My friend is going to wash it again tommorow, so this will be the second time this week my hair will be washed. Usually it's every other week and sometimes I go to the beautician when I have the $$$.

But there's no set scheduele.
I don't have one yet, but that's not out of choice.

I really hope to find one at some point this year, but i'm not going to be militant with it.. There will be room for different ideas from time to time.

I consider my regimine to be a work in progress. I think my compulsive and somewhat excessive PJitis kind of prevents me from developing a true regimine. I have a few things that I'm using pretty consistently right now but the rest of it is almost anything goes. I rummage through my stash and pull out what sounds good at the time.
I don't have one either. I find that as my natural hair gets longer, it's getting very picky. So a lot of things I used when I first started transitioning just don't work anymore. I CO wash my hair every 2-4 days and try to deep condition every other week. I just play it by ear, I'm tired of trying to figure it out:-)
I have regime, I pre poo, shampoo, and deep conditioner. As far as products go no, I use something different everytime. I only have one staple, so far, but most of the time I just use what the spirit leads me to do.
I think I'm seeing a trend here...Poohbear, you're transitioning, right? And a few people who responded are naturals growing out hair (like me). Anyway, I'm glad you posted this because I kind of felt guilty about not being able to establish a regimen. But, when I first came here in December I was relaxed. By the end January I had done the big chop and my hair's needs seem to change week to week. So, I'm not going to trip and just take it one day at a time. And by the way, I posted this on another thread Poohbear, I love your new avator pic--your hair looks so thick and pretty. :yep:
hopeful said:
I think I'm seeing a trend here...Poohbear, you're transitioning, right? And a few people who responded are naturals growing out hair (like me). Anyway, I'm glad you posted this because I kind of felt guilty about not being able to establish a regimen. But, when I first came here in December I was relaxed. By the end January I had done the big chop and my hair's needs seem to change week to week. So, I'm not going to trip and just take it one day at a time. And by the way, I posted this on another thread Poohbear, I love your new avator pic--your hair looks so thick and pretty. :yep:

Thanks for the comment! :grin:

I've noticed what you have noticed too in this thread! I guess it's okay too as long as we take great care of our hair! ;)
I wouldn't call what I do "having a routine"

I have certain products that I use and love. And my staple supplements and that's it. Kinda simple but it works for me.