Does anyone here exfoliate her scalp?


Well-Known Member
I have terrible dry flaky scalp. Transitioning has helped, but it still gets dry, flaky, and itchy. I've mixed baking soda with my shampoo, and that works wonderfully, but now Kimmaytube has 50-11 YouTube vids saying that baking soda is bad for your hair. (It really hurt my heart too, because my scalp loved it! :sad: )

Do any of you exfoliate your scalp? What do you use? I think I'll try a sugar scrub or something this weekend when I wash, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.
My DD used to have terrible flaking scalp. I used the brown sugar scrub with grapeseed oil and a few drops of rosemary and peppermint oil.

One treatment worked 98%, no more flaky scalp for her.
I read that the granules in any product used for scalp exfoliation can cause micro tears on your strands. I didn't like the sound of that.

I have a flaky scalp, but mine is caused by seborrheaic dermatitis, not product buildup. I recently tried a supposed "cure" for scalp issues, and it worked really well for me. I've tried it 3 times now.

1 part ACV, 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 10 parts water. Massage into scalp, cover with shower cap and leave on for minimum of 10 minutes. I left mine on for a few hours, some people sleep in it. When I shampooed, my scalp was 98% flake free and pink. I redid the treatment twice afterward and am very happy with the results. No itch, no scabs, no huge pieces of scalp sloughing off.

I was a bit wary about the hydrogen peroxide at first, but my hair is fine; no breakage, no color change.