Does anyone have a problem with their nape area?


Active Member
I have always had trouble with the nape of my neck. Normally the stylist would always trim this area to make it look neat, so it has always been shorter than the rest of my hair. My hair is now growing but the nape is still really short. :(
Do you guys do anything special to this area. I have noticed a lot of ladies have this same problem when I check out other people's hair in the street. :)

I have had an issue with breakage because I over proteined, so I am working on correcting that with lots of moisture. My hair is about a 1/2 inch to an inch in the back and I am not sure if it will ever grow. My sister thinks that I should stop going to Morena because of blowouts and that I should weave my hair back up. I go to her every two weeks. I love washing and taking care of my hair in between visits. I usually wash, condition, wrap and let it airdry. i bump the ends in the morning and go or sometimes I wear a phony pony. Could pulling it back be part of the problem? Am I manipulating it too much? Sistaslick's info on hair was right on time. Can anyone give me some suggestions? Thanks in advance for all your help and support. :)
i used to have this problem when i was relaxing myself. I think it was because my relaxing method was to start in the nape first. I think its a myth when people say that your coarsest hair is your nape. My coasest hair is the top crown of my head, so my stylist starts there first. And keep the relaxing time to a minimum when relaixing this area...and this goes for your edges also.
Mizani_Mrs said:
i used to have this problem when i was relaxing myself. I think it was because my relaxing method was to start in the nape first. I think its a myth when people say that your coarsest hair is your nape. My coasest hair is the top crown of my head, so my stylist starts there first. And keep the relaxing time to a minimum when relaixing this area...and this goes for your edges also.

I so agree with you. My nappies/kinkiest and driest area is my crown! My nape actually has the softest texture and really curls up when it's wet. To the OP do you perm your hair? My nape and edges/sides were my worst area for the longest time and I couldn't figure out why. Since I've been perm free for over a year those areas have been revitalized. My nape is in great shape! PERM IS THE DEVIL :lachen: :lachen:
Bre-Bre, your hair looks great!!! I am afraid to perm my own hair and Morena always starts it in the crown because that is the nappiest part of my hair. I always have trouble with this and I have been searching this problem and i think I need more moisture. My hair started touching the bottom of my neck and i got so cute with wearing my hair down more instead of in protective styles. Why do I do this to my hair. :(

I am going to get it weaved up because it really grows and still I look professional at all times. I am going to have to figure out a new rigiment for myself and this weave. Last time we did the tree braids in front and weaved hair in the back, but my edges suffered greatly. They are so nice and thick now. My girlfriend does it and I am going to ask her to please be very careful when she braids so that this does not happen.

Mrs. Mizani my ends look just like yours only my hair is not as long. Your hair is gorgeous too. I am going to start by taking better care of my nape. ;)
Hi Carol! Here are some suggestions for you that may be helpful...

1: Keep that area moisturized
2: Relax that part of your hair last
3: Don't keep the relaxer on that part too long
4: Lay off the blowouts
5: Put your hair in a protective style so that you won't have to mess with your nape too much.

I'm sure that you will receive alot more suggestions from the lovely, hair educated ladies on this board. ;) Happy hair growing:)
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Girl Ive been experiencing the same problem. But Finally Im seeing some growth. For the last 5 months I havent permed the back at all and now its finally growing. I think you should continue Morena if she works for you. Just try not to perm that area for a while and see what Happens.