Does anyone experience this with new growth.....?


New Member
I have been noticing that my scalp will get a little tender, sometimes borderline sore and itchy from time to time and while some things such as washing, massaging, hanging upside down to allow blood circulation would help, it would offer only temporary relief. I am now beginning to link new growth or growing hair to this feeling. Does anyone else experience this from growing hair?? I actually brought the issue up to two different dermotogists. One was a white guy who did not even understand the concept of "new growth" /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif the other was Black and said he has never heard of this before. I have a few theories why this happens but was just curious about other peoples' experience...

BTW, despite this, my hair remains fairly thick, healthy, and I dont experience any obvious negative side effects.
Well I can tell you that when my new growth starts to come in my scalp gets very itchy. The same holds true for my mother. Even though it gets itchy it's never to the point where it bothers me on a daily basis.
I have the soreness too when my newgrowth comes in. Not all the time but many times. I'm not in agony. It's just annoying. Nothing I do seems to help. I just live with it until my touch up which is usually no more than a week & a half away.
Anytime I get over 8 weeks I definitely get the itchy soreness. It hurts to touch, comb, or brush my hair. I don't know what causes this, but you are not alone.
yeah, I just took my braids down day before yesterday- and all day yesterday my scalp was itching so bad! ( like a dog w/ fleas!!!! ) I have thick newgrowth already and now that my hair is growing a little more, I have big flakes w/ double the itching and soreness. What gives? /images/graemlins/confused.gif
yeah, I just took my braids down day before yesterday- and all day yesterday my scalp was itching so bad! ( like a dog w/ fleas!!!! ) I have thick newgrowth already and now that my hair is growing a little more, I have big flakes w/ double the itching and soreness. What gives? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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Carletta, are you using Surge?
There is another post on here about scalp soreness. Maybe you to should compare notes and see if anything clicks?
What's weird is that I have just started to experience scalp soreness and sensitivity. I never had it when I used to relax my hair or when I was transitioning and wearing braids. Only after I had a big chop which resulted in a TWA have I had this problem. I thought that it could be the result of my stylist using the electric clippers on my head, but perhaps like some of the others are suggesting it could be a precursor to new hair. /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif
ive noticed that too, actually, i'm feelin it right now. its almost like i can feel it growing or something? it just feels like somethings moving on my scalp.
I used to get this too when I was fully relaxed. Highly irritating.....only rinsing my hair with cool water when I relaxed then putting a teeny bit of oil on my scalp would help for a few days.
yeah, I just took my braids down day before yesterday- and all day yesterday my scalp was itching so bad! ( like a dog w/ fleas!!!! ) I have thick newgrowth already and now that my hair is growing a little more, I have big flakes w/ double the itching and soreness. What gives? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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Carletta, are you using Surge?

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Yeah! I was, but I stopped when I took my braids down wednesday. I'm giving my scalp a liitle break for a week or two. Then I'll start again.
Wow, I thought I was abnormal for a second. Although I do think the Surge caused a lot of my itching!!!!
My scalp just recently (within the last few months) started hurted whenever my new growth started sprouting. It's really tender to the touch, which is annoying at times, but it's not that bad. I'm going to see if I can do some research to see what causes this. If I find anything, I'll let you know.
If you can find out what causes this, I will forever refer to you as "The Genius"! If that's not enough of an incentive, I don't know what is! LOL =)
Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet because I'm also suffering from itchy, sore scalp. I am a newly twa also and my scalp itches almost daily no matter what I do. I've done the ACV rinse, I've clarified, I've used tea tree oil, I conditioner wash almost daily but to no avail. Could it be the conditioner that I use? I use Suave Humectant and Pantene Hydrating Curls. Any suggestions for a shampoo or any types of oils to help with this annoying problem?
nurseN98 said:
I used to get this too when I was fully relaxed. Highly irritating.....only rinsing my hair with cool water when I relaxed then putting a teeny bit of oil on my scalp would help for a few days.

I do the same thing. I actually had to do it this morning. Massaging the sore area really helps. I guess it helps the hair push up through the scalp.
this always happened to me when I relaxed my hair. I last relaxed 10/4/04 and I did experience the sore scalp but it eventually stopped. Sorry that I can't tell you when, but trust me, I am glad that it did.
My scalp is always, always sore come touch-up time. I really don't understand why it happens though. I just apply a little grease and that kind of makes it better.
This happened to me like 3 weeks post relaxer and i thought my scalp was dirty. So i poured a concentrated ACV and water mixture on that area and it still didnt stop. After i washed yesterday though, I noticed more the area with this problem and that was also where i discovered that the new growth is hard. It needs to stop cos i keep on feeling that my scalp is dirty or something
I experienced scalp soreness around Christmas time. I think it is from new hair growing in through my scalp.
Yeah this happens to me too Shamboosie makes a comment in Beautiful Black Hair. I am having this pain right now in the middle of my head. He said that the only thing that would cure it is relaxer time. Not sure how true that is though.