Does anyone else's hair grow unevenly?


New Member
This just has me ticked...I got my hair trimmed about three weeks ago, and now it's uneven AGAIN. :mad: It's alot longer on one side. I haven't had any breakage, and I don't favor that side, so what gives?

I guess I should be happy it's growing at all, but why does one side grow so much faster than the other? It's driving me mad, I tell you, MAD! :lol:
New here. My hair grows unevenly very bad and someone told me to cut it :( but, I just got it to grow the little that it has grown so I fit perfect in this category
That's my story, too! I can cut it all I want and one side still grows longer than the other. The left side finally, caught up to the right and then, left it in the dust and vice versa. I think that the sides of my hair are in a constant race w/ each other. The center jumped into the race for a minute, too. :lol:
Welcome to the forum Reckgyne.

Are you all sure it is not the styles you are wearing. I know I had uneven growth when I had a 6 month bun challenge. But to remedy that I got the cutest cut and now my growth is more consistent.

Just a thought
Welcome to the forum Reckgyzne.

Are you all sure it is not the styles you are wearing. I know I had uneven growth when I had a 6 month bun challenge. But to remedy that I got the cutest cut and now my growth is more consistent.

Just a thought
I've noticed the same thing. My right grows longer and thicker than my left. I figured it was because I sleep on my left side - have been for years and can't seem to kick the habit??? Anyone got any suggestions???
I am with you texasqt I have a habit of sleeping on my left side. I ran out and bought a silk scarf and tried falling asleep on my right side and constantly wake up on my left:confused: if anyone do have a suggestion i am willing to take anything Because my left looks like it isn't growing worht nothing.
the same thing happens to me. i had it trimmed and it was uneven again in no time. oh well, i'm not gonna keep trimming so it's gonna stay like that
I have the same problem and I was trimming to no avail. I will just let it all grow and when i'm ready to trim I will.
My right side grows longer than my left. I don't know why... maybe because I wrap every once in a while? IDK...
My hair also grows unevenly but more so front to back. longer in front shorter on the crown and long in the back:mad: it also has two different textures. Crown must be 4Z! :eek: just kidding:lachen: front and back 4A oh well whats a sista to do??
My hair grows in a V-shape in the back, and it angles shorter in the front, and I have gotten a blunt cut in the past, doesn't matter. If I want u-shape or blunt ends I'll have to let it grow in the V until it passes my goal then cut it back.
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My left is thicker than my right (the sleep side), the top grow faster than everywhere else, and I have a patch in the back that is so slow. I can live with the rest if I could get that back section to grow faster.
I've been trying for years to get my hair to grow evenly. I've always wanted to wear a nice even bob cut. Unfortunately, my hair grows in a v down the back...and just keeps growing. Other than trying hair growth techniques I don't know what to do. I am thinking about taking MSM to stimulate more growth.
Mine does. The right sight grows slower than the left and the front grows slower than the front. I used to have to get it trimmed even every 5 weeks, but since I'm transitioning, I'm just letting it be uneven.
My hair grows unevenly too. The left side usually outgrows the right. I'm always having to cut to even it up. It's always been that way so I've learned to live with it.
My hair grows at different rates at different parts of my head. I noticed that the 3b parts grow faster than the 3c or 4a and the 3c grows faster than the 4a but not as fast as the 3b.:ohwell:
the left side of my hair is so short and the right side is longer. on my left side it looks like someone jumped me and cut my hair all wild with a pair of scissors. the right side of my hair is nice. i am trying to sleep on my right side more, but i am not noticing anything. for now, i am trying to comb the left side less and spray more surge plus 14 on it. ill know if what i am doing is helping in 2 weeks when i get another relaxer.
My hair grows faster on the right side of my head...and that's the side that I sleep on, so I don't think that has much to do with stunted growth. I wear my hair up in buns more often than not so I don't think it's the style either...I think that's just the way my hair grows. I'll allow it to do so until I reach my goal, then I'll trim to keep it even...maybe.
I have the same problem also. The back and the lower sides of my hair grow fine but for some reason on top and the middle it grows so slow.
My left side is the devil :lol: I just cut about an inch and a half about a week ago from my right side to keep things a bit more even. Going forward I am really concentrating on my left side when doing my cowashes. I want that side to get more stimulation since I guess I favor my right side.

That's a 1.5in difference! :eek: I trimmed it even back in March, but I'm not entirely sure it grew that way. It might have been my wedding ring tearing out the shorter side. Only time will tell.
This is the only way my hair would grow:confused: My hair has nev er grown evelnly and I doubt it ever will. They way that I combat not showing my uneven hair is by wearing a protective style or wearing roller sets:grin:

I've never cut my hair to even it up.:perplexed :ohwell:
texasqt said:
I've noticed the same thing. My right grows longer and thicker than my left. I figured it was because I sleep on my left side - have been for years and can't seem to kick the habit??? Anyone got any suggestions???
My hair grows exactly like this and I've cut it even and it still gorws back like this and I sleep on both sides and my back...also my back grows way faster than my front & sides
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The top/front of my hair grows much faster than the back/rear. No cuts or trims til I reach my hair goal...til then only occassional S & D's. :look:
my hair grows unevenly also my hair is longer around the front, sides and back. the center is wayyy shorter than the rest. Im gonna keep trucking and trying growth aids. But i must say it looks really good when i do a braid out.(you cant even tell):grin::grin:
Just wondering: Have you ladies tried scalp massages???

My left side grows much slower than my right so I pay more attention to my left. I try to massage daily for 5mins with any good oil I have around - coconut, castor, indian oils.

Scalp massages are supposed to stimulate your scalp and help spread the nutrients around your scalp. If you focus on the "less privileged" part of your hair, maybe you'll see more even growth.