Does A Damaged beginning stifle the growth process, or I should say how important is.


New Member
A healthy start when you want to grow your hair out. What I mean is, in your opinion what kind of hair grows faster? Healthy trimed hair, or it does not matter as long as you are applying TLC to your hair and following a healthy hair care regimen.

Also I hear a lot of people say simple is better...but their hare care regimens seem like a lot of work! Well, not all but some. It may just be me because right now I am not that motivated, this is one of the main reasons I am on the stretch challenge. I am trying to get re-motivated if that makes sense.

I am really curious on what you ladies feel. Please share your take on the above questions.
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It can matter, if your hair is severly damaged and splits all the time, those splits can travel up the hair shaft and ruin new growth.

This happened to me. I didn't trim for a whole year, then I saw that I had splits way up in the hair shaft.
I believe that your hair is always growing(some faster than others) but if your ends are chewed up or breaking then you won't see any progress. Sometimes an aggressive trim is necessary to begin a healthy journey.
ITA, if the hair is that jacked up then you may need to do a BC or gradually cut away those bad ends, but the hair is always growing as long as the folicle/cells are alive.
pink_flower said:
I believe that your hair is always growing(some faster than others) but if your ends are chewed up or breaking then you won't see any progress. Sometimes an aggressive trim is necessary to begin a healthy journey.
You can always come back ofrom damage but you have to cut out the damage, either the BC or scheduled trimms, and alot of hair TLC and patience.
I'm still a newbie, but I think everyone has to start "somewhere" in this hair journey of learning to love and take care of our hair. It does not matter where you start from, but the great thing is we are all making the effort to start, learn and be empowered to make better decisions.

It could be as simple for some as finding a new shampoo or conditioner, while other may need a major trim or change in hairstyle or even a change in attitude. Most ladies seem to have experimented with new products or different techniques learned from LHCF until they found that "simplified routine” works for them.

It is OK and natural if you are nervous, bored or just plain overwhelmed at times, but this will pass. If your hair is very damaged, take a deep breath, release any shame or guilty, and know that you are learning and every little step will get you closer to your goal. Healthy hair is always beautiful hair at any length! ;)
Although I would have loved to have started this hair journey with the healthy head of hair I have now. I could have been bra-strap :cry:
I do feel because I know what I went through and how I felt with unhealthy hair. That I now appreciate EVERY LAST STRAND!!!. My hair was so damaged I have to get 3 inches off, the best thing I have ever done.
But now its my crown and glory

I remember about 9 years ago.. I would go to the salons and they wanted to give me a massive cut because of my damaged hair. I refused to let them, instead I went to the beauty school with my damaged hair and let them wash, condition, deep condition, and style my hair. My hair flourished, I don't know what happened to the damaged hair.

Now, I am the one that keep damaging my hair with over and under processed relaxers. I will trim about .25 inches off my hair every blue moon (every 6 months), but I refuse to do a bald cut or massive hair cut. It wouldn't look good with my face.

I am transitioning right now damaged hair and all(ALTHOUGH I DON'T THINK IT'S THAT BAD). I plan to trim .25 inches off every 6 months. We will see how it goes, but until then I don't plan on doing anything massive. I have about 1.25 inch to 1.5 inch of new growth since I've been transitioning.
Bmm said:
A healthy start when you want to grow your hair out. What I mean is, in your opinion what kind of hair grows faster? Healthy trimed hair, or it does not matter as long as you are applying TLC to your hair and following a healthy hair care regimen.

Also I hear a lot of people say simple is better...but their hare care regimens seem like a lot of work! Well, not all but some. It may just be me because right now I am not that motivated, this is one of the main reasons I am on the stretch challenge. I am trying to get re-motivated if that makes sense.

I am really curious on what you ladies feel. Please share your take on the above questions.

Healthy trimed hair
I say this b/c some try not to trim, in order to save length, but my have thin or scraggly ends. I don't know but that imho is due to dmg. One should really cut that off, and start again. If there are split ends in there, no matter how much tlc you give them, they can still split up the shaft of the hair, and in extreame cases split to the root. That's no good. I would rather cut them off, and take the shorter length and go on from there. Atleast this way you can learn to retain and use tlc on the "healthy hair" you have. That's really were you see the growth, in retention of the hair. Just my 2 cents
MzTami said:
I remember about 9 years ago.. I would go to the salons and they wanted to give me a massive cut because of my damaged hair. I refused to let them, instead I went to the beauty school with my damaged hair and let them wash, condition, deep condition, and style my hair. My hair flourished, I don't know what happened to the damaged hair.

Now, I am the one that keep damaging my hair with over and under processed relaxers. I will trim about .25 inches off my hair every blue moon (every 6 months), but I refuse to do a bald cut or massive hair cut. It wouldn't look good with my face.

I am transitioning right now damaged hair and all(ALTHOUGH I DON'T THINK IT'S THAT BAD). I plan to trim .25 inches off every 6 months. We will see how it goes, but until then I don't plan on doing anything massive. I have about 1.25 inch to 1.5 inch of new growth since I've been transitioning.
I totally agree, I have damaged strands due to a relaxer mishap and the lady suggested I cut my hair. Why should I cut my hair when the damaged part is growing.
I'm co-signing with the other ladies on trimming the damage. I personally don't believe in massive trims so I have to be anal about moisturizing and protecting my ends. If your hair is prone to splits, I have a suggestion. I got to a point where I was paranoid about my splits (don't be psychotic... but you're welcome to the rest of the advice lol) so I purchased my own shears and once a week I do a thorough check to see if I had splits. Sometimes they're not even .2" long, but I send em on their way and seal what's left with jojoba oil or a serum. Perhaps you could do what MzTami is doing and slowly do away with the frazzled ends and save some of the anxiety of "cutting" hair.
I believe in slowly trimming away the damage, if you don't want to do a massive cut. I just cannot stand thin, damaged ends. I also have shears and go through my hair every couple of weeks looking for split or damaged ends.