Do You Use a Heavy Protein?

Do you use a heavy protein?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 52.7%
  • No

    Votes: 53 47.3%

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Do you use a heavy protein, such as Aphogee's Two-step or Dudley's DRC-28?

If so, how has it affected your hair, and do you think that you could go without it? Feel free to share your thoughts about heavy proteins.

Also, which heavy protein do you use?
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Heavy Proteins Don't Really Help Me That Much because they are overkill. The only proteins that agree with my hair are the hydrolyzed ones (hydrolyzed collagen for example) and silk protein/silk amino acids. Proteins like milk protein and wheat protein....those need to be kept to a moderate amount or my hair is hard......I'm not sure why certain ones work amazing and others don't work at all...but that's the trend I've noticed with protein on my hair.

I'd actually rather use Aphogee's 2 minute reconstructor, or some other light protein every week and skip heavy proteins altogether. And this was true even when I had relaxed hair.
No, I use a light protein (AO GPB) every week. I've tried adding an egg to my DC and that was too much for my hair, so I don't try using any heavy proteins.
I used the ORS conditioner recently on my natural hair and it made my hair super hard. When I was relaxed I considered it a moderate protein, but now that I'm natural it feels more like a heavy protein treatment. When I was relaxed I would do aphogee 2 step every 6 weeks, I can't do that now that I'm natural. I have better luck using lighter proteins like Aphogee 2 minute.
My fine strands crave protein and when I don't give it to her, she acts out really badly:lol:. Anyhoo, I use Dudley's DRC 28 either the week before my texlaxer or the week afterwards - no other time. I do use many other milder protein treatments once a week however.

Oh - I will be trying KeraCare Super Reconstructor which is also hardcore and when I run out of the DRC, I may stick with it or alternate between the two depending on how well it performs on my hair:yep:. Afterall the KeraCare SR is terribly expensive for such a small bottle - 8oz - $25. Well at least it will last a while seeing that I only texlax every 12 weeks or so.
I actually just used the two step yesterday. I have fine strands and it keeps the breakage at bay. I can go without it. As long as a I have some sort of protein from keeping my strands from turning to mush.
Only when I have severe shedding and breakage.

At one point in time I think I wad blowdrying too much and my hair was shedding and breaking like crazy. I had to start using Aphogee every 4-6 weeks in schedule. After my hair would be so soft. Which means my hair was craving protein cause you know that stuff makes your hair dry. I'd still follow up with the moisturizing conditioner.

Now DD she has light hair. As in brownish red. This sound weird but I seen an article on sandy brown type color naturals needing heavy protein in their regime awhile back, so I know I'm not crazy. Anyways her strands are super fine and fragile and protein is a must for her. She needs it like every wash. Just a regular conditioner with protein in it. I forgot what I used to use but her hair also loves MT which is the heavy protein. I will probably use it consistently for both of us since I love Aphogee's results but it burns like acid and stinks. Also I can get MT locally and it smells yummy.

excuse my typos i hate it as much as you.
Geminigirl what protein products do you use on your dd? My dd need some protein to stop her hair from breaking but I don't want to use nothing too strong. Also do you use a dc that has protein/mositure?
I used Aphogee 2 step every 6 weeks for a year, and my natural hair loved it (I do NOT have fine hair, not by a long shot). Then I stopped to see how my hair reacted, and it clearly likes the 2 step. I now use it once a quarter, and alternate between that and mega-tek as a treatment every six weeks. My hair did not do nearly as well with just the light protein treatments.
My hair HATES it, I give up. I'm not joking: if I put yogurt in my hair, or an avocado for 5 minutes I'll have to pick a pair of scissors and cut here and there and I have to baby it back for a month. Even collagen in products is pretty scary for my hair.

Aminoacids (aloe, tresemme naturals, aubrey organics rosa mosqueta),ceramides (wheat germ oil) are all I need if I want a little pick me up, in a different way than protein does. I have no idea why.

I keep noticing that many people who have thick strands like me hate protein, and people with fine strands seem to love it, but I may be wrong.
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My hair HATES it, I give up. I'm not joking: if I put yogurt in my hair, or an avocado for 5 minutes I'll have to pick a pair of scissors and cut here and there and I have to baby it back for a month. Even collagen in products is pretty scary for my hair.

Aminoacids (aloe, tresemme naturals, aubrey organics rosa mosqueta),ceramides (wheat germ oil) are all I need if I want a little pick me up, in a different way than protein does. I have no idea why.

I keep noticing that many people who have thick strands like me hate protein, and people with fine strands seem to love it, but I may be wrong.

Not to disprove your theory but I have thick strands and I only use kitchen proteins - e.g. mayo, yogurt, rice protein. I just add a little oil to them and the conditioning lasts for weeks after a treatment. Maybe your hair is already sufficiently "proteined" so you don't get an added benefit. Avocados - I don't use coz getting the little fibers out of my hair is a pita.
I dont. I really dont think my hair ever really needs something like Aphogee 2 Step. When I hear that I think damaged triple processed hair even though I know thats not the case.
The only protein I really use is Aphogee 2 step every 8 weeks or so. It helps my hair stay strong. It seems to work more over using a light protein like ORS replenishing pack frequently. I usually use it keep the moisture balance in my hair, it can get a little mushy after a few weeks. I also have thick strands and I also use heat.
I use the Aphogee or Emergencee every 6-8 weeks. Then I deep condition for 1 hour, plastic cap, no heat after. My hair feels a little harder, but I think it's because it's really stronger. Then, I lightly moisturize it, seal it, plait it. In the morning, it's very soft and good for the next 6-8 weeks. I say 6-8 because it depends on what I do in between: braiding, wearing it out curly or flat ironing.
Yes, I use Aphoghee's 2 step about every 6 to 8 weeks followed by a uber moisturizing DC. I have fairly course hair. Mostly 4s/ some 3c at my nape/ 95% natural. I also use protein before a planned flat ironing session and the first CW after flat ironing.
Not to disprove your theory but I have thick strands and I only use kitchen proteins - e.g. mayo, yogurt, rice protein. I just add a little oil to them and the conditioning lasts for weeks after a treatment. Maybe your hair is already sufficiently "proteined" so you don't get an added benefit. Avocados - I don't use coz getting the little fibers out of my hair is a pita.

Tiye Really? This is interesting, I guess one must try the protein experience once to discover if it's banded then, since it's impossible to guess. Mine has gotten more and more "proteiny" overtime, especially after a protein overload I had once with a sort of... fibrous guacamole :lol: (very fibrous :nono: lol)
My hair needs it. I used to use Aphogee 2 step regularly and then stopped for some reason. I switched to a DC that had protein in it but this past summer I noticed my hair breaking and shedding like crazy. I was retaining NO LENGTH! So I purchased Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor and Megatek. I used to Aphogee 2 minute 2 weeks in a row followed by a DC and have been using the MT weekly since followed by super moisturizing DC. My hair is thriving! No more breakage and WAY less shedding. I guess light proteins are not enough for me. I also have thin, fine strands.
Geminigirl what protein products do you use on your dd? My dd need some protein to stop her hair from breaking but I don't want to use nothing too strong. Also do you use a dc that has protein/mositure?

destine2grow It's been so long since I have done my DD hair. She cut the big patch. I got discouraged and then threw some braids in. i can't really remember what I used to use. i know her hair liked MT. I'm trying to think what else. I know her hair like the VITAMIN brand conditioner, some of those have protein and I have tried the yellow one and her hair like that and for DC. I would use Hair Mayonnaise. I seriously can't remember what else I used to use. I would put the DC on and if It didn't have protein her hair likes eggs too, a shower cap and let her sleep in it or run around and then rinse and shampoo and then use a rinse out. I am going to take her braids out this weekend and start this journey all over again but I will let you know if I run into some good protein conditioners for her hair. Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
I use DRC-28 every 6-8 weeks.

I am going to start using it once every 4 weeks

I do use a light protein for the in between weeks. My hair loves it and needs it to stay strong. I use a Heavy Protein the week before my relaxer and 2 weeks after.
When I first started my journey I thought I needed it. I later discovered that I didn't need a heavy protein, but my hair does need a med/light protein in addition to balancing it with moisture because I'm relaxed.

If you are double processed you would definitely need it if you want to keep the hair on your head :yep:

ETA: I don't know where Duo Tex falls in the category but I do mix it with conditioner and cover my previous relaxed hair with it for protection.
I used to use Aphogee 2 step every 6-8 weeks. It made my fine strands strong. I only use it now before relaxer time.
I just started using protein when I started using heat. I add an egg to my regular DC. I really don't see any difference in my hair, but it doesn't hurt either so I'll keep doing it.

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