Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ......


Well-Known Member
Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ to purchase your products and supplements???
Most of the ladies on the forum have reggies that require several different products and supplements and I always see posters that are incredibly disappointed that other black women don't believe they can acheive the same results.
So it just makes me wonder, is it possible without all of the products, pills, tinctures and other concoctions? Doesn't it all add up after awhile?

** I am not against pjism at all. I just think that maybe the average woman that doesn't believe it's possible has the extra $50.00 + (possible bare minimum) to buy the "wonder" products to make it happen.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, ladies. :grin:

*(I wanted to add a poll, but I didn't see that option:ohwell:.)
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I believe I could. Back in the day when I was younger, all my mommy used on my hair was Bergamont Posner's Hair grease and Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo. No leave ins, no deep condishes, no hair creams, nadda. Trust, my mommy didn't have much money and my hair still thrived. Those two products probably cost about $1 total! :lol:
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I don't think it takes a lot of money at all. My products are cheap and I could probably thrive on even less if I wanted to (give me a coconut and I can have a complete hair regimen :lachen:).

I personally think technique (protecting your ends, being gentle, not misusing chemicals or heat) is much more important.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I believe you could. You can make the best moisturizers and conditioners right out of your own refrigerator.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

^^^ My mama didn't spend a lot on our hair either. It was still healthy, but it never grew past apl.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

^^^ My mama didn't spend a lot on our hair either. It was still healthy, but it never grew past apl.

So basically you just needed to improve your retention expensive products necessary.

I think that's what's most important. Now, I love a good conditioner (right now my favorite is 10$ for 11oz). Sometimes, you need lab formulated (ie more expensive technology) products to get great results, especially if you have chemically treated hair or use heat a lot. But generally, you can find less expensive alternatives for all the Joico's and Ojon's out there.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I don't have the money, yet I got it.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I think you have to try a few things to see if they'll work for your own unique hair before you can settle on a very simple affordable regimen. I had to try quite a few things before I settled on my staples and I am happy to say that they're all $6 or less each.

Although my arsenal seems like alot to most people its way cheaper then what other ladies are spending at the salon paying so called "stylists" to keep their hair shoulder length lol So I see the experimentation period as an investment:yep: and it ultimately paid off because now I know cheap effective products that will work for my hair and i never have to worry about it again.
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Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes. We spend money on most hair products because we like to buy things not because the products actually make our hair grow faster or retain length better.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I believe you could. You can make the best moisturizers and conditioners right out of your own refrigerator.
Although I have purchased some other stuff along the way, I def agree w/ beans4reezy. :yep: My DC & leave in condish are all natural from plants, foods etc. I might start making my own condish and soaps too like some of these other ladies. Def less expensive than paying someone or purchasing similar items already packaged. :spinning:
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Hm, it depends. I am beyond broke. I have to take cans in tomorrow to have bus fare for school on Tuesday. All summer long, I had to go without the products my hair likes. While they are cheap, I could not afford them. My hair suffered. It was really tangled and dry.

So, without some money a month, no I can not. However, if I have enough money to get simple things like cholesterol, shea butter, honey, some type of oil, and maybe my Giovanni's products, I'm good. :-)
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

With the help of procducts like Suave, Vo5, olive oil, and eggs/mayo for deep conditioning I think I could reach my goals. There are other small tweeks that one could add like more fruits, veggies and water. Working out also grows my hair fast. I can run outside for free. If funds are limited one must become more resourceful.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I think you have to try a few things to see if they'll work for your own unique hair before you can settle on a very simple affordable regimen. I had to try quite a few things before I settled on my staples and I am happy t say that they're all $6 or less each.

Although my arsenal seems like alot to most people its way cheaper then what other ladies are spending at the salon paying so called "stylists" to keep their hair shoulder length lol So I see the experimentation period as an investment:yep: and it ultimately paid off because now I know cheap effective products that will work for my hair and i never have to worry about it again.

I can't lie. I looked at your site and saw all of the products you used for your pressing routine and nearly fainted, but nonetheless, your hair is gorgeous.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes, The most expensive product I ever bought was phyto intense nutrition mask (£25) and I never repurchased. None of my hair products cost up to £10.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes, The most expensive product I ever bought was phyto intense nutrition mask (£25) and I never repurchased. None of my hair products cost up to £10.
Please excuse my ignorance. :blush: Do you mind translating the amounts into US currency?
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes, most of my products that I use are less than $10. My hair is not expensive to maintain.

All the extras is just gravy, not necessary but helpful.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

My hair is at its best when I use the more pricey things like Kenra.:sad: I can get by with Lekair Cholesterol and Herbal Essence Shampoo, but it really behaves when I use the good stuff. So since I am broke, I have been rotating using the cheaper stuff one week and the good stuff the other.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Absolutely. My key was never to cut again. I could live without all these products I've bought and think that I've done more damage with them. There are no supplements I take that "make" my hair does it on it's own. The key for me was actually taking care of my hair so I didn't have to cut it back into that eternal shoulder-length bob I was wearing.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I know could because I do. I use natural products that I already have in my kitchen
ACV, Olive Oil, backing soda, tap water

the only thing I add is cantu shea butter leave in conditioner
and I did buy some raw materials but a little goes a long way.

I doubt I spend more than 30 bucks every three months on my hair.

I save money by doing my own hair and keep my regimine super simple

the most important thing
is low to no heat
Protective styles
and moisturize moisturize moisturize!!!
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Definitely. I acheived more than the length I have today as a natural with inexpensive products. If I got into a certain salon product then I would buy it but it was not required. I didn't pop supplements for hair growth either. Now, I buy things because I want it and because I can, but if it was an issue, I would be using all cheapies. Any supplements I take are for overall health but may incidentally benefit my hair.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yep. The women in my families are ALL cheapies and we grow hair pretty well.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

heck, if i didnt have the money
i'd wear my hair in extension braids, i do them myself so it would be free..just buy the 2/$1.00 braiding hair:grin:
plus most of my products are grocery store bound.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Yes. We spend money on most hair products because we like to buy things not because the products actually make our hair grow faster or retain length better.

I agree. It's the techniques more than the products.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

yes. before hair boards i didn't use condish at home, only shampoo. i hardly moisturized either. i stayed at apl/bsl. so yeah i still would make my goals without the hair products i use now. i don't use supplements either so i wouldn't miss that.
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

I definitely think so. It just wouldn't have been as fun.
I like to try new and differnt things, order online, have a steamer.....but I know there are cheaper, local, homemade alternatives to all of these things and they aren't really necessary.
Some of the most important things for hair are also the cheapest: exercise and a proper diet.... and I don't even do that most of the time :-(
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

As the other ladies have mentioned, you can reach your goals without a lot of money have the trade off would be investing more time reading and actually learning about proper hair care for your hair type.

Most people spend money on trying new and different products that don't end up as one of their "staples." So when you find something cheap that works KEEP IT! Don't go off buying a better moisturizer just b/c someone mentions it (if you don't have the money to experiment).
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

** I am not against pjism at all. I just think that maybe the average woman that doesn't believe it's possible has the extra $50.00 + (possible bare minimum) to buy the "wonder" products to make it happen.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, ladies.

It's not the "wonder products" or the expensive ones, it's the care and the routine. I could do my routine with these inexpensive products:

Theraneem soap for shampooing (one bar lasts a long time)
GVP Biolage Matrix conditioning balm for co-washing
Renpure Organics Moisturizing conditioner ($6.99) or EO Vanilla Citrus conditoner (the one at TJ Maxx 32 oz for $10) or TJ Nourish or Elucence MBC
Castor oil
KBB Hair Milk (used to boos conditioner detangling and for dry twists)
Suave Naturals condiitioner as a leave-in
Giovanni LA Naturals gel
Deep treatments: rhassoul clay+yogurt+oil; zisyphus spina christi

My splurges would be Devacurl Set it Free and Curl Junkie Honeybutta leave in for dry twisting, and KCCC for gel. All are long lasting.
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Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Thanks for responding ladies. I was just curious because I hardly ever see posts about a cheap product yielding amazing growth results. ( usually $30 MT, $30 MTG, or $30 Carl's Finest Fish Oil)
Re: Do you think you could have reached your hair goals if you didn't have the $$$ ..

Thanks for responding ladies. I was just curious because I hardly ever see posts about a cheap product yielding amazing growth results. ( usually $30 MT, $30 MTG, or $30 Carl's Finest Fish Oil)

i understand. imo, those kinds of products aren't needed. hair grows regardless. it may not grow as fast as we'd like, but all we have is time so whats the harm? keep that money in your pocket.