Do you think it's my imagination!?


"Honestly, Truly"
Do you think it\'s my imagination!?

I've only been 'taking care' of my hair for about 12 days now, but I swear it 'appears' thicker and at least an inch longer than when I got it cut
I've been using surge (not consistently though) WGO and doo grow, motion oil 9 and w/n moisturizing lotion.

Tying my hair in a satin doorag each night, using minimal combing.

I've just had my first hair wash since this routine and use apoghee evening primrose moisturizing and keratin reconstructor, followed by lekair deep conditioner and I only lost about 10 hair strands from start to finish!! I usually lose at least 30/40 strands during washing and combing afterwards.

Anyway, i'm just wondering if my hair *really* could have responded so quickly to this?
