Do You Think Anything Is Wrong With Me?


Well-Known Member
Hi I've being growing my natural hair from a big chop 4 years ago and my hair has stayed the same length for over 2.5 years. My current length is 6 inches (6 inches in 4 years.). Also I am having breakage at my crown and I have been babying it since November and it has only grown 1 inch and some areas only a cm in that area (in 8 months.) It is also very rough, dry and sore no matter how much I keep it moisturized.

I have been taking good care of my hair like I've learnt on the boards, ie deep conditioning, protein when needed, satin pillowcase, only combing wash days, co washing and shampooing once a month sometimes twice a month with a sulfate free shampoo, keeping my hair moist and the odd trims when needed.

Last year I discovered I had Psoriasis but only on my body not my scalp. Do you think that has anything to do with it with it being auto immune related?

Please help I know it's not due to breakage as my roots grow in gray I am 48 and I hardly notice any growth at all say 1 cm a year. My sister is 52 and her hair is flourishing she gets her 1.5 inches every 3 months I know coz I am the one who dyes her gray hair. I am at my wits end.
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My hair when I.started my journey years ago had what I think is rederred to as scab hair. It was very rough and crinkly-like. I have absolutely no idea what caused it accept bad hair practices so I had to cut it all off and I started over with a teeny afro.

I noticed you said you keep the hair moist. Do you have a staple moisturizer inbetween cowashing?Sometimes it isnt needed if you cowash alot.
Hi @snookes,

It could very well be an internal issue. I big chopped in 2012 and just go to SL last year. I had a lot of stress in 2013 and my hair barely grew from 2013 through 2015. Then I found I had some immune type conditions in 2014. And then I started menopause at the end of 2013.

So health issues and stress can definitely slow down your hair growth.

The good news is finding a good diet and supplement regimen can help to turn things around.

I can't say for sure that is what you are experiencing but I have e experienced that so have some familiarity with it.
Sounds like it could be an internal issue. Are you taking medication for your psoriasis?
No hun they just prescribed the usual lotions which I stopped using. I use my whipped shea butter with essential oils and I find it controls it a lot better.
Hi @snookes,

It could very well be an internal issue. I big chopped in 2012 and just go to SL last year. I had a lot of stress in 2013 and my hair barely grew from 2013 through 2015. Then I found I had some immune type conditions in 2014. And then I started menopause at the end of 2013.

So health issues and stress can definitely slow down your hair growth.

The good news is finding a good diet and supplement regimen can help to turn things around.

I can't say for sure that is what you are experiencing but I have e experienced that so have some familiarity with it.
Well am vegan so the only culprit diet wise could be soy. Yeah my hair is bearly growing still. Maybe I should see a doctor luckily for me I am in the UK so I guess they would refer me to a dermatologist if need be.
My hair when I.started my journey years ago had what I think is rederred to as scab hair. It was very rough and crinkly-like. I have absolutely no idea what caused it accept bad hair practices so I had to cut it all off and I started over with a teeny afro.

I noticed you said you keep the hair moist. Do you have a staple moisturizer inbetween cowashing?Sometimes it isnt needed if you cowash alot.
I would say I co wash weekly which helps a lot. And use a homemade spritz in between washes if my hair feels dry. I would think that I am over the scab hair with it being over 4 yrs now, it's just this one spot which only broke off last November on my crown which is just under the size of my palm so is quite considerable and my scalp gets sore there and hair is very unruly. I dunno thanks anyway
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Well am vegan so the only culprit diet wise could be soy. Yeah my hair is bearly growing still. Maybe I should see a doctor luckily for me I am in the UK so I guess they would refer me to a dermatologist if need be.
Do you eat grains or nuts? If so they can wreck havoc on the immune system. Like I said I'm not saying that is your issue but there are a lot of different foods that can cause issues even those that are considered healthy.
Do you eat grains or nuts? If so they can wreck havoc on the immune system. Like I said I'm not saying that is your issue but there are a lot of different foods that can cause issues even those that are considered healthy.
Not a lot sweetie. But I tell you one thing I've not been doing since I joined the boards is oiling my scalp. Can you believe it even tho my scalp is sore and dry at the crown. So recently and I mean recently I've started using my whipped shea butter with essential oils in it & giovanni direct leave in so it's more like a lotion and it feels good.. Maybe just maybe I am one that needs to oil moisturize the scalp. Maybe that will help
Have you always been vegan? Are you getting enough protein? Do your nails grow slowly too?
Vegan around 7 yrs. Oh yeah I get loads of protein from beans, lentils, soy, peas, rice and certain veg. My toe nails grow like the clappers lol my finger nails constantly break as I am a cleaner and I don't wear rubber gloves. But yeah they grow alright
Not a lot sweetie. But I tell you one thing I've not been doing since I joined the boards is oiling my scalp. Can you believe it even tho my scalp is sore and dry at the crown. So recently and I mean recently I've started using my whipped shea butter with essential oils in it & giovanni direct leave in so it's more like a lotion and it feels good.. Maybe just maybe I am one that needs to oil moisturize the scalp. Maybe that will help
Sounds like you have it under control.
Hi I've being growing my natural hair from a big chop 4 years ago and my hair has stayed the same length for over 2.5 years. My current length is 6 inches (6 inches in 4 years.). Also I am having breakage at my crown and I have been babying it since November and it has only grown 1 inch and some areas only a cm in that area (in 8 months.) It is also very rough, dry and sore no matter how much I keep it moisturized.

I have been taking good care of my hair like I've learnt on the boards, ie deep conditioning, protein when needed, satin pillowcase, only combing wash days, co washing and shampooing once a month sometimes twice a month with a sulfate free shampoo, keeping my hair moist and the odd trims when needed.

Last year I discovered I had Psoriasis but only on my body not my scalp. Do you think that has anything to do with it with it being auto immune related?

Please help I know it's not due to breakage as my roots grow in gray I am 48 and I hardly notice any growth at all say 1 cm a year. My sister is 52 and her hair is flourishing she gets her 1.5 inches every 3 months I know coz I am the one who dyes her gray hair. I am at my wits end.
Well thank you ladies for your replies it looks like an appointment with the doctor is due to get my bloods checked
I suggest the following-

-Get a blood test to check your vitamin levels- Iron, D, Calcium, etc
- Take B-12 supplements since you are a vegan. You can only get B-12 from an animal source
-Stop co-washing and use a real shampoo once a week and deep condition.
- Increase your daily/weekly exercise
-Use Aloe and fenugreek seeds mask on your scalp 1-2 a week.
What's wrong with grains and nuts? I thought they are encouraged as things to eat.

Do you eat grains or nuts? If so they can wreck havoc on the immune system. Like I said I'm not saying that is your issue but there are a lot of different foods that can cause issues even those that are considered healthy.
Definitely have blood work done, check your vitamin D level. In January I began losing hair in the middle of my hair, it was the size of a nickel.I continued losing hair in the months to follow. Finally, I saw my doctor and blood work showed I was deficient in vit D. Once I began taking my prescription, my hair started growing back. Good luck!