Do you switch up your PS? Or stay with the same?


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I started my journey back in November and although I have notice hair growth. I guess I feel it should be more. I have chosen my protective styling method as bunning!!

I have gotten some growth with bunning but, I'm started to think maybe I need to switch it up!!

My regime is I wash 1x weekly!! Co-wash 2xs a weekly!! I moisturize and seal 2x daily!! Now, I exercise 5x times a week so I have to take down my hair everynight. Which means I have to redo the bun every morning. I have to use ECO Styling Gel with moraccan oil in the mornings. To lay down the front, sides and back. I notice in the past two months my hair is the same length. Which is making me think maybe the buns are not effective as in the beginning. I notice most ladies pin their own hair down when bunning but, my hair is not long enough so I do the whole sock bun. I use a ouchless elastic band and tuck my ends under. I do oil the band with olive oil. I was thinking of going to micro braids or a sew-in? What are your thoughts? Has anyone done micros and had success?

If I choose to do micro's how do I take care of them to retain length during this process. Any info would be great!!
Find a synthetic bun filler or better yet do a "southern tease" with no filler.

That sock may be stealing all the moisture from your ends. That is probably why you do not see growth.
There is nothing wrong with switching it up! I've gone from buns to half wigs to braids and back. It really just depends on my mood.

You didn't mention your length but if you are NL and beyond, I would advise against micros. If you're referring to the micros where some of the hair is braided and the rest is left out, I don't think that is the best style for retention. You would have to be on top of your moisture game just to make sure your ends don't break off.

If you are NL and shorter, I recommend that you ask that they braid the micros bigger (about the width of a pencil). Do not let them braid your hair super duper small. And make sure they don't try to braid your baby hair.

When I had micros ( long time ago lol), I kept my scalp clean with ORS Herbal Cleanse (dry shampoo, should be able to find it in your local BSS). I would keep my hair moisturized but spraying Jane Carter Solution Revitalizing leave in through out my hair. Every now and again, I would wash my hair ( I would put a stocking cap over my hair, dilute some shampoo and apply it, then rinse. This is a good way to wash your hair without your braids slipping). At night, I would put a bonnet over my hair and call it a night.

ETA: You may want to try putting your hair into a Gibson tuck. It is a perfect PS for shorter hair and you won't have to rely on that donut bun maker thingamajig.
I would be sure to change the placement of the bun, so you don't have any stress on your hair. What I've known others to do is to also cover the sock/bunning device with conditioner, so the ends get an additional conditioning treatment, or cover it with satin.

As far as micro's... I don't care for them, especially if someone I don't know is doing them. Mainly because of the very small sections that are typically used and how tight some braiders braid. I just feel like it's too much stress on small sections of hair, and taking them out can be disastrous (IMPO). And the need to grab every inch of hair :nono: I tend to like braided/twist styles that use larger sections and still allow my hair and scalp to breath.

Sew-in's have been talked about a lot as protective styles as long as the braids are done well and aren't too tight. Also if you leave any hair out, consider what style your weave will be, something to match your texture or a straight style which would could mean daily heat. I think the trick to a good sew-in is a great stylist/weavologist (sp?) and good quality hair. Hair that you can use a few times, that will stand up to bi-monthly maintenance visits!

I hope this helps :) Good luck on whatever you decide!
Some suggestions:
1) Coat a silk ribbon in oil and wrap it around your sock bun to reduce friction against your ends
2) You said your M&S 2x's a day, on top of cowashes and DCing. Have you considered that you may be manipulating your hair too much? I know that I saw most of my length retention when I drastically reduced the amount I manipulated my hair.
3) I would consider full or half-wigs, I personally got a lot of length retention from using half-wigs. The hide your hair from the elements and decrease HIH syndrome and therefore tend to decrease manipulation overall.
4) I personally haven't employed braids as a retention methods but there are many threads on this forum where many ladies have done just that with great results.
Find a synthetic bun filler or better yet do a "southern tease" with no filler.

That sock may be stealing all the moisture from your ends. That is probably why you do not see growth.
@PPG Bubbles I do use a satin cover over the sock bun!! Sorry I failed to mention this in my original thread.

@ Shassha, I am a lil pass SL!! I was thinking the same thing but I guess I needed someone else to validate! I'm in a APL Challenge and I dont think my current method will get me their by December.

@ BLCButy, I do change up the position of the buns!! Thanks, I willl do a follow up on what I decided to go with and if it indeed work for me.

@ Onhergrind, Its hard for me not to manipulate my hair considering that I exercise 5x a week. My hair is soaking wet so I have to take it down at night and re-do in the mornings for work. Its why I was thinking of another style where I can apply the no manipulation rule!! ( UGH). Its frustrating cause I dont want to sacrifice gaining length over losing weight..might I add something I really need to

Thanks you ladies!!
Hey Ladies,

I started my journey back in November and although I have notice hair growth. I guess I feel it should be more. I have chosen my protective styling method as bunning!!

I have gotten some growth with bunning but, I'm started to think maybe I need to switch it up!!

My regime is I wash 1x weekly!! Co-wash 2xs a weekly!! I moisturize and seal 2x daily!! Now, I exercise 5x times a week so I have to take down my hair everynight. Which means I have to redo the bun every morning. I have to use ECO Styling Gel with moraccan oil in the mornings. To lay down the front, sides and back. I notice in the past two months my hair is the same length. Which is making me think maybe the buns are not effective as in the beginning. I notice most ladies pin their own hair down when bunning but, my hair is not long enough so I do the whole sock bun. I use a ouchless elastic band and tuck my ends under. I do oil the band with olive oil. I was thinking of going to micro braids or a sew-in? What are your thoughts? Has anyone done micros and had success?

If I choose to do micro's how do I take care of them to retain length during this process. Any info would be great!!

Don't worry about it, hair grows all the time. Protective styles don't make your hair grow. They help you to retain the growth you get because you don't break your hair off through physical manipulation. I've also found that my hair retains moisture better in PS probably because less surface area is exposed to wind and cold air.

Sometimes, it can seem like you're not seeing growth because the spot you usually measure didn't grow much since the last time you measured. I've noticed that different areas of my head have different growth rates.

I can always see my growth because I color my hair,it is mainly gray, so I can see my gray roots as they grow in. This month the hair along my hairline grew about a quarter of an inch and the hair at my crown grew a little more than an inch.

The other thing I suggest is changing the PS you wear often so that you don't unintentionally create wear and tear on any one area of your hair. Good luck!
I dont switch up ive been under wigs in braids for about a year I dont switch up because this is what works for me
I switched up from buns since my hair hit bsl, for some reason the buns did not look right to me and I got some nape damage. So now I use braidouts as protective styles. I'm usually in plaits or big twists during the week when I'm not going anywhere. But I now have a new LF(drew--i think) so I will be wearing that this spring and hopefully thru the summer if it doesnt get too hot.