Do you share tips/regimens/products with friends?

Do you share regiments tips and/or products with your friends?

  • Yes!! I share all my hair knowledge with my friends!

    Votes: 23 23.7%
  • Nah! Even if I looked like Rapunzel they wouldn't listen!

    Votes: 16 16.5%
  • It Depends...some friends I help...Some friends I don't

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
I was looking at the other gurl's thread and I was wondering do yall help your friends with their hair now that you have some knowledge about how to treat your hair?

Personally a lot of my friends think the only way your hair can be healthy is if you go to a stylist every 2 weeks. They think they will answer all of their problems. They use heat excessively without a protectant and have Neck length hair and shorter, but assume it's all in the genes. I give tips...but they never listen because (You know black people can't wet their hair that often) And they think my hair is going to eventually fall out. So I don't help. I judt hlep my mom but other than that I'm just waiting for others to see my hair getting longer and I'll just direct them to the site. I'm done giving tips to non listeners lol
i so feel you on this thread:grin:. i have tried in the past but i think i will stop now.i try to help my sister but she couldnt get past the washing more than once a week and i made a huge mistake and told her about MN,:spinning: needless to say she is not a believer. she thinks i am obsessed and calls LHCF "the hair cult". i've gotten my roomate to join me on my hair journeybut she's the only one so i've deceided if any one asks me i will help but no more voluntered information

p.s. i still have hope that once i reach my hair goal they will all knock down my door trying to find out my regiman:lachen:
Well I do hair in my spare time for my friends,family and others who get referred to me, and I mainly do alot of protective styles like braids and twists when it comes to them wanting low maintenance do's. But like you said some people think they know every thing, and don't want to listen. But what I already knew about braids and twists, I learned on my own, and thus try to give them tips to maintain the styles so they would last longer. But do they listen??? Oh NO!! Here they come back to me wanting me to sort their hair woes when I told them PLAINLY of tips to keep their do looking fly. And their hair is like a matted and tangled mess when they come to me for a new do and such. UGH!!! Family and friends have always admired my hair and all the different ways I styled it before I chopped it all off. So now they've seen me at my shortest ever, and and one family member is saying "Girl WTH you cut yo hair off for?" My reply? "It's MY Hair, MY Right!" So after my response, she gonna ask me about what she can do to get her edges to grow. I asked her if she listened to what I told her when she got the do' done. And she said yeah, but it didn't do nothing for me. I'm like Yea right, after you talk about me cutting my hair and you want tips from me? Girl go to your salon and ask them there, I'm so DONE telling you and other peeps anythang if you ain't gonna listen, don't need to be wasting my breath on hot air! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL Heck about 5 of them have computers, and I'm SO Gonna write this forum addy down and give it to them, and tell them that they don't need me anymore if they're not gonna listen.
I lead by example....folks don't LISTEN; you have to SHOW & prove. :grin:

If someone asks and seems genuinley interested maybe i'll tell them.
i don't volunteer unless they ask. i don't tell them about the hair board unless they are really desperate and open to being here.

i tried just offering help only to get the :rolleyes: face and told that the stuff i do works for me because i got "good hair" and because "i am mixed"

none of those statements are true.
I don't even discuss hair with people outside of never really comes up in conversations. If someone were to ask my regimen I would share, but I don't volunteer.
People want the hair without the effort and patience it takes to care for it while it grows, so I leave them to it.
I don't volunteer any tips because no one will listen, except for my little sister. She loves using shea and avocado butter now and doesn't use hair grease anymore. From past experience, people ask my about my hair and for advice, and after I tell them, they lose interest. It's like they want to hear a special secret to have long healthy hair fast. If I told someone to put grease and water in their hair every day for a month and that will do wonders for their hair, they would be excited to believe that instead of wash your hair frequently, trim you ends often, use this or that product, etc. That's been my experience. Something quick and easy with fast results.
Yes, my friends and I share beauty and hair tips all the time. I think it's fun and beneficial especially if they give you some info you didn't have before
If they ASK, I will tell. Most think there is some magic product that I use but time, patience and NO HEAT is what keeps my hair, long, thick and healthy. I get the sideways look.

For example my best friend work braids all last year and at New Years she wore her own hair out. It is so nice, thick and beautiful. She doesn't like it because it is too "Thick" and out of control. SO her SIL told her to relax her hair, blow dry and then use an electric comb and it will flatten out. So she is going to do it. The issue is that since high school she had complained that her hair was too thin to wear out. SO WTF is the problem now. I figure some people won't be satisfied. This same best friend blow dried her 14 month old's hair to see how long it was. I didn't say a thing. It wouldn't matter.
I share all of my hair knowledge with my friends. I have no problem answering any questions they may have about hair care.
p.s. i still have hope that once i reach my hair goal they will all knock down my door trying to find out my regiman:lachen:

i agree! my sister did ask me about moisturizers and how do u know its a good one. my mother also inquired about shampoos and if its true they're drying. but after these questions they pretty much retired from asking me anything else. but i know for sure once my hair gets mid back or even APL they will ask me non-stop what they can do for their hair.
Well I get asked questions all the time about my hair. Then when I explaint what I've been doing it's like "oh okay" in one ear and out the other. They like what I've accomplished and how my hair looks but choose not to listen when I explain what needs to be done and how to achieve. And I agree that some just think the salon is the sole answer to maintaining healthy looking hair. I stopped going to the salon around 5 years ago - it had become too costly and what she was doing I could do even better. So that's what I did. Only time I did visit was for a trim and that's probably once every 1 1/2.

The only people I share with are you all ...
When I first joined, I told everybody and their mama about what I was learning but only a few friends have listened. Right now, I don't volunteer but give details if I'm asked- except the details and location of this site:sekret: - this is my secret for myself :yep:.
I only give advice to those who ask and I only give as much as they ask for (so if I notice thinning edges but am asked only about breaking ends, I stick to discussing only broken ends). I never give unsolicited advice and I don't try to convince those who disagree with me. I don't even try to imply that they are wrong. I just agree to disagree because it's not worth the aggravation. If they want to walk around with broken, damaged hair and attribute it to being black when I here I stand black as ever with thick, healthy hair, then that is their business. My hair continues to grow.

My mom and my aunt have both resorted to wearing TWAs after years of breakage and damage. Their hair never got past neck length. They've decided it's genetics and back when my hair was damaged and short, they told me I didn't have the type of hair that grew. Now that my hair is down my back, rather than realizing that the idea that some sorts of hair don't grow is complete nonsense, suddenly they've decided I have the type of hair that grows. You can't fight that kind of ignorance. I don't even bother giving them any hair advice and I don't respond when they look at me funny for caring for my hair the way I do.
I have 7 really close friends. 6 of them are natural with locks, sister locks, ect.

2 of them have WL locks. The other 2 have APL locks (just locked 2 yrs ago). One is natural with SL unstretched. One is MBL and she is Latina so wash n go, lol.

My only relaxed friend is just genentically gifted. Her mom has really thick long hair as well. She uses KISS method and when we met, she had MBL thick healthy relaxed hair. Last year she cut it to SL, not sure why - she had no damage :confused:. But anyway, it's back to thick APL.

Lol, I think I need their help.:lachen:

My sister on the other hand has some issues and is very receptive to my help :)
I lead by example....folks don't LISTEN; you have to SHOW & prove. :grin:

ITA. I tend to only give information if it comes up in a discussion or if asked a direct question. For my family though, I share products freely -- I buy extra products and give them good stuff from my PJ stash. Even with family though I am not that talkative about haircare because -- let's face it -- this is an obsession. If I start talking about it even a little, they will know just how hair-crazy I am.
OMG Sonce I just had a conversation with my Mom this weekend. I told her that she would get no more hair advice from me because she is too hard headed.

My mom has been natural most of my 32 yrs and has NO CLUE how to take care of her hair. Her hair only thrives when I (or someone else) attends to it....she simply will not listen:wallbash:

everytime she sees my hair she says "I didn't know you had hair like that, it's just growing so fast" :perplexed & me & my Daddy just look at her like she's a nut job:lachen:
I use to talk about hair all the time but I guess because my hair isn't hanging down my back nobody takes me serious. Now that my hair is relatively long, they'll listen but will they follow, that's up to them.
I only give advice to those who ask and I only give as much as they ask for (so if I notice thinning edges but am asked only about breaking ends, I stick to discussing only broken ends). I never give unsolicited advice and I don't try to convince those who disagree with me. I don't even try to imply that they are wrong. I just agree to disagree because it's not worth the aggravation. If they want to walk around with broken, damaged hair and attribute it to being black when I here I stand black as ever with thick, healthy hair, then that is their business. My hair continues to grow.

My mom and my aunt have both resorted to wearing TWAs after years of breakage and damage. Their hair never got past neck length. They've decided it's genetics and back when my hair was damaged and short, they told me I didn't have the type of hair that grew. Now that my hair is down my back, rather than realizing that the idea that some sorts of hair don't grow is complete nonsense, suddenly they've decided I have the type of hair that grows. You can't fight that kind of ignorance. I don't even bother giving them any hair advice and I don't respond when they look at me funny for caring for my hair the way I do.
This is me all the way.My white co-workers were talking about growing hair and they kept saying "trimming once a month" makes your hair grow out super fast!"The only person who I give advice to is my SIL b/c she will NOT have my neice looking like a bald ragga muffin.:lachen:We are about to go to the BBS now.
I try to give advise to my sister and my mother, but they really don't listen to me that much. I have to actually buy the products for them and they may or may not use them. For the most part they have been using them somewhat. They are just stuck in their ways, but slowly and surely they are listening a little bit.:look:
Nope, I sent an email explaining my cowashing habits and my girls we like you are crazy and dont mention the MN "coochie" cream for your hair no response..if I find that ox sh** will grow my hair I am going to be on it....LOL :lachen:Maybe...:rolleyes:
This is me all the way.My white co-workers were talking about growing hair and they kept saying "trimming once a month" makes your hair grow out super fast!"The only person who I give advice to is my SIL b/c she will NOT have my neice looking like a bald ragga muffin.:lachen:We are about to go to the BBS now.
Oh yes, good point! The only time I say something to my mom is when my youngest sister is involved. My mom's mismanagement had that girl's edges tore up, so I got involved and have taken over her hair care.
I gave up. My moms hair is stuck at APL, my sisters hair is stuck at SL, and my best friend's is stuck at BSL. In all these years, their hair has been stuck at the same length. My hair was stuck between SL and APL for 3 years. They are all noticing my growth and think its magical, yet when I try to give them advice they ignore it. They think LHCF is a waste of my time and that im out of my mind, yet I am retaining length. So i give. :rolleyes:
Ditto what she said :yep:
I give information when asked and most of the time some women think there is a quick fix and its not. I was just telling this to my mom last night, I told her that one of my girlfriends always compliment my hair but she don't want to hear things like she must look at the ingredients and look out for certain ingredients and also ask her stylists what products she use so she will know. Start doing her homework and getting serious b/c your hair don't become damaged overnight so the overall health is not going to improve overnight and she looked like :blush:. I was like whatever, so I haven't seen her since November and when she see me later this month she gonna look like :blush: again. But oh well there are NO quick fixes...

The way I feel now is the proof is in the pudding and I will show them better than I can tell them. Just b/c you go to the salon every two weeks doesn't mean anything if your hair is getting fried, dyed and laid to the side. :nono:

I lead by example....folks don't LISTEN; you have to SHOW & prove. :grin:

If someone asks and seems genuinley interested maybe i'll tell them.
I tell my friends and family everything about hair. This hair thing has become apart of my lifestyle therefore, I have no qualms about shareing tips, regimens or product knowledge with them.