Do you ever lie???


Well-Known Member
Do you ever lie or bend the truth when you're trying to explain to people that you're growing your hair out?
I do all the time.
I'll be like: I know this woman who has hair till here(I usually point at APL) and she told me her secrets
and then I kinda tell them my *simplified* regimen.
I know lying is bad and stuff but everytime I told anyone I'm growing my hair out because of some internet site I get looked at like a clown.
I know what you mean...I told my friend about the I said in another thread...she thinks LHCF is a cult...she wont bother to listen to what I have to say....

so when I say something about my hair to her and Im about to mention LHCF...I just say something avoid her ranting about how crazy I am for listening to things I see on the internet.

ETA:...if she finds out that Im trying to go to one of the meet ups...she might try and call an intervention on
My husband use to think this site was a cult also but now he's always asking what's going on the celebrity world.

He's was the first to know in his group that Shawn Carter had a small child.

Now, he always comments on my hair and ask my advice on his hair condition or other people hair. Like he'll say "She need a little moisture on that brittle hair".:lol:

But to the original question, No

I really have no reason to.

I was concerned about my hair when I joined this board. I was looking for information in books and online and came across this site. It is a source of information that just happens to be more personable than a book.

But, I don't really take it that seriously. If I have to lie about something, either I am ashamed of it or it really isn't the other person's business anyway. :)

But, like xDestinedx, I won't talk about it to someone that seems to have a problem with it. It's not worth it. I also don't make efforts to always bring up my hair goals. It is kinda personal, you know.
dlewis said:
Now, he always comments on my hair and ask my advice on his hair condition or other people hair. Like he'll say "She need a little moisture on that brittle hair"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That was funny!
nope, i have no problems telling people that i'm trying to grow back hair that left me bald in some places b/c of a bad experience with a weave...sure, i have goals besides wanting everything to be completed filled in (actually, i think i'm a scalp anorexic...i want so much hair that i want it to be hard to see my scalp :p), but people seem to be content with the weave part
I have a Don’t ask, don’t tell policy.

True... most people do not believe me when I tell them there is a group of BLACK women on the web who are growing out their hair :eek: , share their tips :eek: and techniques, and are not trying to hit on each other :eek: . My friends were worried when I started to attend the local meetings in person – like I was going to be abducted by a cult or something.
I don't mention it b/c people look at me funny sometimes. One girl saw all my products and said "damn, all that for what? your hair is not that long" Then I said "it will be" and she scoffed at me. So now I keep it simple and sweet "I just like products" or something like that.

My SO is very supportive tho. he helped me put in my virgin relaxer and everything. He always wants to "put the grease on your hair so the moisture can be closed in" His words not mine but he means seal in the moisture, lol. One time we saw this girl with short hair and he said " damn she needs that stinky horse oil the crazy hair ladies always talk out"
dlewis said:
My husband use to think this site was a cult also but now he's always asking what's going on the celebrity world.

He's was the first to know in his group that Shawn Carter had a small child.

Now, he always comments on my hair and ask my advice on his hair condition or other people hair. Like he'll say "She need a little moisture on that brittle hair".:lol:

But to the original question, No

So does mine!! We will be out somewhere and he will say "ls that a wig or some weave? Either way she needs some olive oil or something on it":lol:
marie170 said:
So does mine!! We will be out somewhere and he will say "ls that a wig or some weave? Either way she needs some olive oil or something on it":lol:

Girl, you gonna get me in trouble I'm laughing so hard. Between your post and Plenty's thread, I've been laughing no stop.
dlewis said:
Girl, you gonna get me in trouble I'm laughing so hard. Between your post and Plenty's thread, I've been laughing no stop.

OH LAWD !!!...:lachen: :lachen:

when you said that I flew over there to Off Topic.....
RavenIvygurl said:
I don't mention it b/c people look at me funny sometimes. One girl saw all my products and said "damn, all that for what? your hair is not that long" Then I said "it will be" and she scoffed at me. So now I keep it simple and sweet "I just like products" or something like that.

My SO is very supportive tho. he helped me put in my virgin relaxer and everything. He always wants to "put the grease on your hair so the moisture can be closed in" His words not mine but he means seal in the moisture, lol. One time we saw this girl with short hair and he said " damn she needs that stinky horse oil the crazy hair ladies always talk out"

A similar situation happened to me too. My roommate (midback hair- 3c/4a) said to me one day while I had just washed my hair that she doesn't need all those products, shampoos, conditioners, etc. She said she could use dishwahing liquid to wash her hair and it would still grow and be healthy. I was sooo heated! This was after my big cut to my chin and she tried to make me feel like a fool. Now that my hair has grown back to APL, homegirl has shut her mouth. She still finds other ways to make me jealous though, but whatever. lol.
CurliDiva said:
I have a Don’t ask, don’t tell policy.

True... most people do not believe me when I tell them there is a group of BLACK women on the web who are growing out their hair :eek: , share their tips :eek: and techniques, and are not trying to hit on each other :eek: . My friends were worried when I started to attend the local meetings in person – like I was going to be abducted by a cult or something.

White people have as many hairboards as we do... would your friends find that strange? Good grief!
I wouldn't say that I lie..I just dont mention it. Me and SO were just having a similar convo...he told one of his friends a long time ago that I belong to a hair board...ok fine..recently this friend has been having these events at his house where people sit up and watch a movie then have a discussion about it. His friend invited my SO and some other people we know but somewhat quietly didn't invite me so my SO said something to him about it. His friend said that he figured all my interests had to do with the hair board and I might not be interested in something like that:lol: I laughed it off but my SO is pissed. I tried to eplain to him that you can not tell any and everybody about the forum. Some people just don't get it. Granted we have plenty of other discussions on the board about every thing under the sun, it doesn't matter. All people hear is "hair board". That is why I don't mention it to anyone.
secretdiamond said:
She said she could use dishwahing liquid to wash her hair and it would still grow and be healthy.

Is this true? :eek: And we've been spending our hard-earned dollars at Sally's and other places when we could have bought our "shampoo" in the dishwashing liquid aisle! :mad:
i cant remember lying about anything but only 2 or 3 people know that im trying to grow my hair. i told my friend who is a new memeber here tenegita10473 and she understands cuz we want the same thing, and i told my mother and she agrees with most of LHCF tips for the most part, i told her i wanted to use castor oil again and she was like "I told u about castor oil but u didnt beleive me....." but i told my best friend about this site and she thought it was stupid and all u need to do is trim ur hair for it to grow. :ohwell: i wasnt even gonna bother explaining all the tips here. i only explain for people who want to know. i already know that people will try to discourage me from my goals just because i have "n***a hair'" as i've been told. so i dont need the negativity but if i had to lie about it i would. i cant take the ignorant comments. cuz some people will try to argue u down to make u believe ur hair cant grow.
I don't lie, but I won't necessarily out right volunteer information unless asked. I may give a products review or something, but I never say I'm actively growing my hair out because I know how people are.
um.... no I don't. I get compliments from family and friends and I tell them what I do. It's not serious enough to lie about. If folks want to know then I'll tell them but if afterwards, I get weird looks I'l respond with a smile and a simple "well YOU asked." :) :p
Blossssom said:
Is this true? :eek: And we've been spending our hard-earned dollars at Sally's and other places when we could have bought our "shampoo" in the dishwashing liquid aisle! :mad:

Not for me! She was trying to show how much "good" hair she has. I'm like whatever! You do you & I'll do me. As long as it works, I'll put in the work! I'm loving my hair and can't nobody make me stop!
Well, when I was pregnant, I let people think that was the reason for my growth. Sometimes, I just didn't feel like explaining that I was stretching, cowashing, rollersetting, etc. Most people's eyes start to glaze over before I'm halfway done. So at one point, it was like, "Yep, it's all pregnancy hormones!":lol:

Well, there is one exception. (She might be lurking.) There was a really sweet lady at my doctor's office who gave me a compliment. She told me she was hoping to grow her hair out, and that she was wearing weave to give her hair a rest. I'm thinking, ok, she knows about protective styles, so she might not think I'm nuts! So I gave her the link.:D
But I don't volunteer any info either, unless I sense you could be "the one". You know, the one who will not look at you like :huh:

All of my sisters were "the one", after that I haven't shared this place with a cockroach:look:
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I don't lie about it. I don't tell everything either, unless that person shows interest. I would hate to waste my time on people who doesn't really care. Time is everything to me:look:
i would lie if i needed to. not everbody deserves to know everything. especially if they're just gonna turn around and tell me how crazy i am.
esoterica said:
i would lie if i needed to. not everbody deserves to know everything. especially if they're just gonna turn around and tell me how crazy i am.

Thank you! Nobody needs to know all about my business, and whether I'm on a hair board or not. If someone asks for tips on how to grow out their hair, fine, I'm more than happy to help. But when they're just going to give you the "look", no thanks, I don't have time for that.
lauren450 said:
Well, when I was pregnant, I let people think that was the reason for my growth. Sometimes, I just didn't feel like explaining that I was stretching, cowashing, rollersetting, etc. Most people's eyes start to glaze over before I'm halfway done. So at one point, it was like, "Yep, it's all pregnancy hormones!":lol:

Well, there is one exception. (She might be lurking.) There was a really sweet lady at my doctor's office who gave me a compliment. She told me she was hoping to grow her hair out, and that she was wearing weave to give her hair a rest. I'm thinking, ok, she knows about protective styles, so she might not think I'm nuts! So I gave her the link.:D

It almost seems like growing healthy, beautiful hair is the equivalent of the Underground Railroad! Man! :lol: