Do You Comb Your Newgrowth When you Detangle?


New Member
Do You Comb Your Newgrowth When you Detangle when you are really post-relaxer? I noticed tonight when I was detangling that my problem comes when I try to comb from the root! That's when the shedding and such combs into play.

Do you comb your newgrowth during the detangling process? Why or why not?
Thanks for replying, I do use a shower comb but I am a 4b and my newgrowth was lookin' at my comb like "wut u talkin' bout willis!"

Do you avoid combing your newgrowth even when you do use the shower comb?
i use a wide tooth comb to comb my hair. this morning i couldn't find it and had to use a fine tooth comb (gasp). i tried to comb my new growth and had to give up after a couple of tries. so no, i don't comb my new growth cause i'm 8 weeks post relaxer.
No way! I don't comb through the roots, maybe closer to the ends. I have to flat-iron/straighten it before I attempt to comb it :(
I saturate my hair (new growth included) in conditioner and then when I rinse it out I can comb straight through it with no problem.
I try not to comb the NG. I usually don't. I tried to comb it about two weeks ago, and I got a huge headache. I even saturated it in conditioner.
Oh yes!!! I HAVE to comb through my roots. Last time I wash and pulled my hair back in a bun, I left it for a couple of days; except taking the holder out at night. I didn't comb through it or mess with it at all other than putting the holder in or taking it out.

Well, one night I went to play with my new growth and chile I couldn't get my fingers through my roots. I am currently 13 weeks post and I was about 11 weeks then. So, I have to co-wash every 3-4 days if I wear a bun, just so I can comb through my roots. I don't have this problem with twist-outs, braid-outs, or bantu knot-outs. That could be because I can't keep my fingers out of my hair then. With my hair pulled back in a bun, I guess it kind of gets matted together or something; I don't know. I just know I can't (in Chris Tucker's voice)ever, ever, ever, ever, ever....let my hair get like that again. :lol:
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Never! Only in the shower do I detangle, and even then I cant get too involved with my new growth.:eek:
BerrySweet said:
Yes, in the shower, from ends to root (not from root to ends). While rinsing conditioner out.

This is exactly what I do. When I am really post relaxer, (after 8 weeks) I slather on extra conditioner and this does the trick.
lexi84 said:
Never! Only in the shower do I detangle, and even then I cant get too involved with my new growth.:eek:

Okay, my newgrowth is getting crazy and I thought I was the only one.

When you finally do relax is the detangling hard?
Yup... I sure do but I guess I dotn count... Ive never had problems combng ym new growth.. Maybe I should just shut up... But to answer our question I do comb to the roots and it doesnt cause me breakage...
Yes in the shower I learned this the hard way, i hardly combed my new growth during a three month stretch and relaxed my hair, my hair was sooooooooooo tangled, all the hair that had shed had become tangled in the roots then as I relaxed the roots they became even more tangled with the hair further down the I had huge balls of knots in my hair and I swore I would end up bald after all the detangling. My hair is very coarse though and I stretched for ages so this is probably an extreme example.
MizaniMami said:
Thanks for replying, I do use a shower comb but I am a 4b and my newgrowth was lookin' at my comb like "wut u talkin' bout willis!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That was cute!

BTW, I comb my new growth as well, but directly under the shower, and with my big wide tooth comb.
YES! I always comb thru my newgrowth when detangling. In fact, the newgrowth is always very easy to comb thru...It's the relaxed hair that tangles and causes problems. When i am stretching, I section my hair in small parts, then i carefully detangle with a large comb, then i carefully detangle with a small tooth comb, then i hold my hair taut and blow out the roots so that they dry wavy and soft, and not curled and nappy which leads to breakage.
I always comb root to end. If I didn't I think it would get matted and become unmanageable. I comb and detangle my hair daily, if it gets tangled easily, I would probably shampoo more, or modify the use of some of the products that you use...
I detangle my newgrowth after I rinse the conditioner out. A stylist recommended this b/c she said that if you detangle right after the you put the conditioner in, your only going to lose more hair b/c you have to detangle again after you rinse it out. And I detangle from tip to root.

I found during my six month stretch that olive oil and ORS Replenshing pack (used under a dryer) really helped to detangle my hair.
lexi84 said:
Never! Only in the shower do I detangle, and even then I cant get too involved with my new growth.:eek:

Same here. I let the pressure of the water from the shower detangle with the aid of my Jilbere Shower Comb and mega amounts of conditioner. That's it. I dare not tackle new growth more intensely or any other way.
I detangle in the shower, while rinsing the conditioner out I comb from tips to roots. I would be afraid that my new growth would start to dread if I did not comb it for months (my last stretch was 5 months). If you are trying to make your mornings easier, you might want to do this at night and tie your hair up. HTH