Do you belive that you have to use only one product line

Do you have to use the products only from the same line?

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i.e. same line conditoner, shampoo, hairspary etc to get the best results?

I think it is a bunch of crap, because too many different things work GREAT!

for instance

fav clarifying shampoo kenra chelating formula - LOVE the grapefruit smell
fav dc - leKair Cholesterol Plus - has jojoba oil , aloe , and protein
fav heat protector Ion straight anti frizz solutions
Now you know us LHCF'ers love to mix and match! :lol: There are very few of us who use one product line :)

To answer the question: NO!
I was doing that at one time. i was using all Keracare products. I think it's not needed for healthy hair and it's toooo expensive!! It seems my hair is softer and shinier by using diff products anyway
When I was relaxed I had the best results when I used all products from the same line, I haven't done that since I've been natural and I'm doing just fine, so I voted no.
I DO think some companies make products that work together but do you HAVE to follow their advice? NO.

For example, some products have certain pH balances, "XXX scientific technology", etc that suppose to help your hair from each stage of the wash process to styling.
I use what works for my hair, period. I'm not loyal when it comes to a hair care line. My hair is a whore! LOL :lachen: It likes many different hair products and I always give my hair what it wants.
I believe it depends on what you want to do with your hair. I believe that products that promise to make your hair straight/smooth have a formula in each of their "steps" that works together. Like Mizani's Therma Smooth! My old Stylist only used the conditioner on me. My new stylist uses every single Therma Smooth step and my hair is incredibly straight and silky after she flat irons it!

But if you just want healthy hair, I don't think it's necessary to use the same line.
Have to? No. I've never done it. I think if someone wants to, it's worth a try. If it works, great. I believe in doing what works.
I think for someone to use only one product line is a conspiracy. The companies obviously are just trying to market things that way to get more profit. What about people in other countries where they don't have all these crazy products? I am sure they use trial and error or word of mouth to find out what works best in their hair. That's why this forum is a good place to start because word of mouth can be a powerful tool. And when it comes down to it we must use our instincts. Survival of the fittest right?! Haha... Sorry if I rambled... :afropick:
Nopes, i believe in using what your hair responds best to. Neither do i believe that what works for someone else will definately work for you too. It mainly has to do with the texture of one's hair, methods applied and the content of the product.