Do you believe in "The One"?

Do you believe in "The One"?

  • Absolutely! I know HE is out there!

    Votes: 29 35.8%
  • Yes - and I married him :yep:

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • I used to, but not anymore. (Please explain)

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Nope - you can be compatible with many different people.

    Votes: 32 39.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Do you believe that there's ONE person out there who you are destined to be with? Or do you believe that partnering is a matter of finding someone (among many potential someones) with whom you are compatible?

I used to think the former, but now I think the latter . . . and it's quite liberating actually. Believing in "The One" caused me to shut myself off from opportunities completely because I know that "The One" was out there and he would find me and there would be instant chemistry and he'd meet all my criteria, etc., etc. :blah: Now, I certainly do believe that the Almighty has a plan for me . . . even that He has the man I'm going to marry and he's preparing us for each other . . . but I also know that I have choices and in order to be ready for the one (little "o"), I need experience, wisdom, and understanding . . . hence my efforts to put myself out there more.

What about you? What are your thoughts on this issue?
"I have no way of knowing whether or not you married the wrong person, but I do know that many people have a lot of wrong ideas about marriage and what it takes to make that marriage happy and successful. I'll be the first to admit that it's possible that you did marry the wrong person. However, if you treat the wrong person like the right person, you could well end up having married the right person after all. On the other hand, if you marry the right person, and treat that person wrong, you certainly will have ended up marrying the wrong person. I also know that it is far more important to be the right kind of person than it is to marry the right person. in short, whether you married the right or wrong person is primarily up to you."

~Zig Ziglar
I believe in the "One"; I believe in God's Will and "Perfect Timing". If a woman keeps her head about her when she is searching/waiting for a mate he will meet her on whatever journey she's on; because he is on that same path.....searching for a wife.

In my personal experience, on my search for a husband, God has bought a man in my life who doesn't fit the physical attributes that was on my "list". (Mind you, I'm referring to ONLY height issue, nothing else, he's FINE as heck). But he has so many other things that I find that I NEEDED and WANTED. I'm not sure if he is the "ONE". But I'm thankful for him; because meeting him; had me re-evaluate my "list".

So Yes the one is out there, I think as women we need to evaluate what is REALLY important.
I remember they talked about this on sex and the city.

I think it's depressing to think there is one person out a bijillion for you. Like miranda said, "why dont i just shoot myself now?"

I think everyone has more them one soul mate so if you miss one, another one wil come your way.
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most of us aware or unaware are searching for wholeness of self....when we are unaware of this we are reflected back to ourselves in other people which is why you can easily be attracted to more than one person and involved in relationships with them because they are different parts of you you hate and love people who are just like you,...they are all reflections of yourself

when you become wholly in yourself and are aware that you are ''the one" you are/have been looking for and the source of all look for yourself in others until you are wholly reflected back to where one person is the other whole of you

its not necessary to be "holy" whole in meeting, very few people are....however people can grow into wholeness together if they shatter the delusions of what love and relationships are about and get over pride, guilt and learn how to forgive and understand others and themselves and work out all the blocks preventing insecurities of the self

if you start to grow apart it means that person and you are no longer growing together for the evolvement of each of your whole selves and at one point they may have been "the one", but only for as long as you were growing together into oneness...when you are not there are other "the one"s" out there that will match to you
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Yes and No.

I believe that there are many "Ones". The idea that there is only one person for us out there to me seems a little naive. I think we can potentially be suitable with a number of people but we need to find our special someone depending on what has happened in our life until that point based on our values, upbringing etc.

However that said when we have found one of those ones they can then become "the one" (if that makes sense).

Tis all and my 2 cents.
There are probably man "the one" out there. It is just the timing that has to be aligned. If the timing is off then we may never meeting him.
I don't believe in "The One" so much as I believe in finding someone you click with, with faults you can live with.
I believe that their is "the one", but you may have to go through numbers 10-2 to get to them. And be able to recognize him when you do.
The last guy I dated, I swore he was gonna be my future husband. He had so many things I just knew I wanted. We met in a coincidental type of way, had the physical look, was Christian, astrologically compatible, college, blahblah, etc., basically most of the qualifications that I had on my list. I even had a "vision" of him proposing. He was it, the one, my future babydaddy, sent by "The Lort".:spinning:

Things didn't work out, and though I wasn't completely devastated, I realized how foolish it is to get so caught up in thinking that there is one person for you. If I continued to believe that he was the one capitalized and bolded, where would that leave me? I don't believe in that concept of one person made for you, and find it romantic yet naive.
I believe in that is the one for you at that time but they may or may not be the one for you forever. I think as life progresses people are in your life for a reason whether it is 1 year or 100 years.
most of us aware or unaware are searching for wholeness of self....when we are unaware of this we are reflected back to ourselves in other people which is why you can easily be attracted to more than one person and involved in relationships with them because they are different parts of you you hate and love people who are just like you,...they are all reflections of yourself

when you become wholly in yourself and are aware that you are ''the one" you are/have been looking for and the source of all look for yourself in others until you are wholly reflected back to where one person is the other whole of you

its not necessary to be "holy" whole in meeting, very few people are....however people can grow into wholeness together if they shatter the delusions of what love and relationships are about and get over pride, guilt and learn how to forgive and understand others and themselves and work out all the blocks preventing insecurities of the self

if you start to grow apart it means that person and you are no longer growing together for the evolvement of each of your whole selves and at one point they may have been "the one", but only for as long as you were growing together into oneness...
when you are not there are other "the one"s" out there that will match to you

Tiara, I love your posts. You always manage to say what I'm thinking, but way better. :yep:
I don't think believing in the concept of 'The One' is practical, or conducive to building real-life healthy relationships. One of the above posters made a good point: what if you gas yourself into thinking a certain guy is 'The One', and it turns out he's not? What do you do? Or what if you meet and marry 'The One', and he dies? Then what? Do you hang up your dancing shoes and give up?

I'm just curious to know how this works out, in rl terms.
I believe that you can be compatible with several different people and be "happy enough" and make that work. It will never be the same as when your with " The One", period.
But I also believe that "The One" exists and the relationship with that person everything is different, more intense, and better, your not just "happy enough" but can be truly blissfully happy.
I believe that there are multiples 'Ones' out there for us.

None of us are perfect - we aren't perfect within ourselves, and we'll never be perfect for someone else. However, there are some people out there who come so close to perfect for each other that they are the "One". At the same time - there are other people who are just as close to perfect - but differently - that could also be 'the One'.

;) I was lucky enough to find and marry one of my Ones. I know exactly how he's imperfect for me, he knows exactly how I'm imperfect for him, but we can't imagine ever finding someone more perfect for us. :lol:
Wow, I can't select any of the above. I don't know but I have reason to believe in "God's best" for you. It's up to you to consult God about who is best suitable for you and it is up to you to choose that person when God puts that person in your path. Whether this person was made specifically for you, I don't know... I do know many people who are married to people, who are 'in my opinion', NOT "the one." What's certain is that once you marry a person, they automatically become "the one" from a biblical standpoint so you should do everything in your power to make it work.
I believe that you can be compatible with several different people and be "happy enough" and make that work. It will never be the same as when your with " The One", period.
But I also believe that "The One" exists and the relationship with that person everything is different, more intense, and better, your not just "happy enough" but can be truly blissfully happy.

I SO believe this!
I believe that there are MANY people all around this world that you can be compatible with and have a meaningful relationship with.

I don't particularly believe in "the ONE"...or at least not a singular person being "The One", because I feel that this limits you. :ohwell: Not only that, but what if someone's "One" has already died before they were able to meet? Does this mean that anybody else this person gets with is not really destined to work out or cause them happiness?

I mean, I just don't really believe in it. I believe MANY people can be "the One". I think that as long as you keep your options (including your mind AND heart) open, while still being somewhat selective, you should be okay. :yep:
Wow, I can't select any of the above. I don't know but I have reason to believe in "God's best" for you. It's up to you to consult God about who is best suitable for you and it is up to you to choose that person when God puts that person in your path. Whether this person was made specifically for you, I don't know... I do know many people who are married to people, who are 'in my opinion', NOT "the one." What's certain is that once you marry a person, they automatically become "the one" from a biblical standpoint so you should do everything in your power to make it work.

This is what I believe.