Do u think a trim helps your hair grow faster?


Well-Known Member
By that i mean cutting off the damaged ends helps your hair stay healthy and grow faster? My ends are looking terrible. I relaxed yesterday WELL I want to baby and baggy my ends for 8 wks til my next relaxer and then if they still look bad cut them off. I can't wear my hair down because my ends looks so terrible. I am gonna wear my hair up and baggy for 8 wks. If I do trim they are going to have to take alot off. I don't care cause it will grow back and I am tired of this mess on my head but do you think healthy hair grows faster then damaged hair?

I mean I know my hair is still growing no matter what my ends look like but I noticed that alot of people who trim often or cut alot their hair grows back fast....what do you think?
I don't think it helps hair grow faster. I think thin ends are weak anyway and tend to break off as your hair grows because usually they are a result of splits that have peeled off. This breaking off naturally shortens your hair, so that any growth you get is canceled out. Trimming I find gets rid of the weak ends that are not worth holding onto anyway and leaves a stronger end that isn't yet in the process of peeling and thinning out. An end that can survive daily wear and tear much better and hence you end up retaining more and thus seeing an increase in length.
it can not and will not make your hair grow faster. it can however make it easier for you to retain the hair you grow insted of always having to chop the raggity ends off.
I trim frequently (every 3-5 months like clockwork) My siggy is the progress between trims. Both sets were taken right after a trim. I don't think my hair grows any faster after a trim but it appears in neater and I have a lot less hair lost in the process. A few 1/4-1 in trims as opposed to a 2-3 inch chop is less noticeable in the long run. And who knows how many split ends I will incur while trying to hang on to those ends. It's just not worth it to me.
I was alwasy told that and I have always cut my hair because of it. I have always cut my progress and it would take twice as long to get to my desiered length. Now that I know a little bit more about hair, I don't see how trimming the ends could help the hair grow from the roots. So I am no longer a believer.
I don't think trims make your hair grow faster, but I do think trimming every now and then helps rid you of brittle ends might be see-through or ratty looking, causing our hair to look fuller on the bottom. That alone can make your hair appear longer.
I don't think trims make your hair grow faster, but I do think trimming every now and then helps rid you of brittle ends might be see-through or ratty looking, causing our hair to look fuller on the bottom. That alone can make your hair appear longer.

ok ok don't beat me I am not trying to hang on to my raggedy ends...they aren't split. they just aren't smooth looking and clean they are probably dry...oh well I will see how I am lookin in eight weeks