do the stylist who do cornrows usually rinse the extention hair...


Well-Known Member
To prevent irritation? I am getting cornrows tomorrow and I am wondering

will she wash the hair?

and if so...

how does she dry the hair before it is put into mine?

Im talking about kenekelon hair extensions. I do not want any kind of scalp irritation, what do you suggest?
nope. most of them look at you sideways for even suggesting it. :look:

you can always do it yourself... i just let it soak for several hours in a strong ACV/water mix, then shampoo a few times and let it hang to dry.

works well for taking that fake "wiggy" shine off too, for any weave/wig. :yep:
I would think not - especially since it would be a mess to work worth until it dried. Like Lady Libra said - a soak in ACV will take off the coating. You can go to if you want more details - she goes other it there too.
I didn't rinse mine this time b/c i used a different type of hair, but last september I got individuals with kankalon braid hair and soaked the hair in vinegar, rinsed, and hung it to dry overnnight.

With my cornrows I haven't had any major issues, but again it is a different type of hair.