Do I need a trim?


New Member
I think I need a trim. My hair feels thinner at the ends. I'm really dreading it, because it took me a whole year to grow my hair out five inches with dustings along the way and one 1/2 inch trim. But now I fear I'll lose all my growth. If my ends feel thin, but don't look too bad, should I just trim and get it out of the way? Or if I do the trim of about 1 and 1/2-2 inches, will I have to do it all again before next year. How I am ever gonna get confortably to brastrap when I keep needing these trims? Does daily bun wearing really keep ends thick? Do you think when hair has reached it's longest point the ends thin out? AHHHHH!
Hey Melodee,
I don't think hair thins out when it has reached its longest point b/c I don't think that it ever reaches a point. Your hair will always grow. You just have to find ways to protect those ends to keep them from splitting and thinning and breaking. Can you actually see split ends when you look at your ends? That is how I can tell if I need a trim. And yes I think the bun helps along with variations of the bun of french roll or some type of "pin up" hair style. You just have to keep your hair from rubbing your collars.
I don't think your ends look thin. Is your hair layered? Maybe that is giving you the impression that your ends are thin when they really aren't?

Your hair definitely doesn't look bad so in that case, I would probably do some small trims along the way. Maybe every 2-3 months. I definitely think health is more important than length. Thick below shoulder-length hair is way more beautiful than thin-ended bra strap length hair anyday! (But I'm sure you know that, too!)
No. You just need to even out the 'V' shape, so your hair will appear thicker. But your hair isn't see thru, or appear broken at the ends. Even white girl hair looks thinner at the ends when its cut in a V shape, if you really pay attention.
Thanks guys.
flyjump, thanks for the kind words of encouragement!

Hairlove, thanks for the love. My hair is growing out of layers that were cone a year ago. I do beleive in healthy looking hair and don't want to hold on to thin ends. My hair seems worse noow, b/c I isn't straightened out and the ends are hanging down like spaghetti noodles. I should take a recent pic.

dannie19, the v-shape is there, but I kind of like it. Although my hair does appear thinner then. Maybe I'll have it cut into a U instead of straight across.
melodee - I think the v-shape looks nice on you. I also think that you maybe shouldn't compare your wet hair to your dry hair. With your wet hair, it's probably clumping together whereas with dry hair, the pieces are more separate. Does that make any sense at all?
Your hair looks very nice. It doesnt look like the ends are thinning. I mean Ive seen some see through ends and yours does not appear to fall into this catagory.

I understand what you mean about hair reaching a certain point and then looking like it's thinning. I have seen this on many ladies, but I have also seen hair thick and healthy to the very end--waist length. So Im assuming that those women with thinner ends didnt trim as much while growing it that long and they probably wear it out a lot and dont moisturize as much.
your ends look perfectly fine to me. They don't look "see through." If anyone needs a trim, it's me! I'll be getting one soon.
I didn't say her hair didn't like nice at a 'V'. I just think anybodys hair would appear a bit thinner because its not even. But I think a 'U' shape would still give it the nice layer affect w/ the thickness she wants. But overall her hair is lovely !