DIY Cinnamon Hair Treatment


Well-Known Member
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees. It's used in both sweet and savory foods. Cinnamon trees are native to South East Asia.
Cinnamon bark is widely used as a spice. It is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavoring material. It is used in the preparation of chocolate, especially in Mexico, which is the main importer of true cinnamon.
It is also used in many dessert recipes, such as apple pie, donuts, and cinnamon buns as well as spicy candies, tea, hot cocoa, and liqueurs. True cinnamon, rather than cassia, is more suitable for use in sweet dishes. In the Middle East, it is often used in savory dishes of chicken and lamb.
In the United States, cinnamon and sugar are often used to flavor cereals, bread-based dishes, and fruits, especially apples; a cinnamon-sugar mixture is even sold separately for such purposes. Cinnamon can also be used in pickling. Cinnamon bark is one of the few spices that can be consumed directly.
Cinnamon powder has long been an important spice in Persian cuisine, used in a variety of thick soups, drinks, and sweets. It is often mixed with rosewater or other spices to make a cinnamon-based curry powder for stews or just sprinkled on sweet treats (most notably Shole-zard, Persian).
It is also used in sambar powder or BisiBelebath powder in Karnataka, which gives it a rich aroma and tastes unique. It is also used in Turkish cuisine for both sweet and savory dishes.
Cinnamon has been proposed for use as an insect repellent, although it remains untested. Cinnamon leaf oil has been found to be very effective in killing mosquito larvae.
The compounds cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, eugenol, and anethole, that are contained in cinnamon leaf oil, were found to have the highest effectiveness against mosquito larvae.
Also cinnamon aromas have some health benefits although these are not guaranteed.
Cinnamon bark, a component of the traditional Japanese medicine Mao-to, has been shown in a 2008 study published in the Journal of General Virology to have an antiviral therapeutic effect.
What Is A Cinnamon Hair Treatment?
This treatment combines the richness of protein packed eggs with conditioning oils. It can be applied to any type, texture or condition of hair.
It can be a long process and is fairly involved so it is best done on weekends on when you have a lot of extra time and you can air dry your hair.
Have dark hair and wish it was lighter? Well, there's finally a solution, and it doesn't dry out your hair. Plus, it will smell great! Just grab some cinnamon and away we go.
Step 1
Make sure hair is moderately damp. Put a small amount of conditioner through your hair (for the cinnamon to stick) and grab your cinnamon. Mix water together with the cinnamon and evenly spread throughout your hair.
Step 2
If you are using a brush, make sure to get the brush nice and wet so the cinnamon will glide through your hair better.
Step 3
Rub or paste the cinnamon in the desired areas or all over your hair. Make sure to get underneath and to rub your hair together to spread the cinnamon all over the hair. Rubbing it helps to evenly cover the desired areas.
Step 4
If desired, place a plastic bag over the head to assure full protection and secure it tightly. This helps if you are planning to sleep with the mixture in your hair, which happens to work the best.
Step 5
Leave the mixture in your hair overnight for best results, or for 6-8 hours depending on the shade of your hair. 4 hours work as well but might not give you the shade that you want, so try to have it on for as long as you can. Remember, you might feel some tingling sensation!
Step 6
Rinse out your hair. If you have curly hair, use shampoo to get the cinnamon out. When dry, your hair will smell amazing! (Add a bit of honey if you want a lighter look to your hair.)
I've done this in the past. The key is to use the Least amount, because it will Burn the heck outta your head if you use to much. I like it a Lot better than peppermint for scalp stimulation never stops tingling, and your head smells delicious!
I used to do a cinnamon and honey scalp treatment years ago. It only takes a few minutes and rinses out fairly easily. It doesn't lighten your hair. Its just helps to keep your scalp healthy.