different products


New Member
Do you think by using to many different products in your hair can cause alot of damge? even though most of the products are used for different steps and reason such as oils for ends, deep conditioners,and leave-in etc.? do you think we should use one brand name products for better results instead of this and that?
I don't think it can cause damage, maybe buildup if you overdo it. All those product have different purposes but it mostly to add moisture if your hair tends to be dry like most black hair is. You just have to figure out which products your hair likes and how to get the best results with them.
i agree. and no you don't have to use the same products from the same line, thats what they want you to believe. in my entire life i have never come across someone who only uses the products from the same line. they might use a lot of their products e.g same shampoo and con and leave in but you will always find other items from other lines that they use
I think using too many products in your hair can cause problems such as buildup but using products from different lines is not a problem. I am the queen of using products from different lines. Like alliyah said I dont think anyone one complete product line..you make like two things from a line but the others may not agree with your hair. It's all about trial and error.