Difference between Puff and Ponytail?


New Member
Is a puff not pulled as tightly as a ponytail and is supposed to look more fuller?

I ask because I see all of these"puffs" and they look so nice and full but when I try to put mine in one it looks soo...pathetic:perplexed. I thought a puff was just a cute name for a natural ponytail. I'm so confused...:ohwell:
I think a puff is just a natural ponytail. I always have to fluff the mess out of my puff to get it to look nice and full, then I have to keep fluffing it throughout the day.
your first sentence is right. a puff is a pony tail where the band isnt so tight so that its fuller. the longer/bigger the hair gets you can start pulling the band tighter where its like doing a regular pony tail but it will look like a puff because its so big.

does that sound right lol?
There usually isn't a difference.
A ponytail is usually tied all the way, while a puff is wrapped just enough to pull back your hair. Although I think the difference may also be that those with curly and put their hair in a ponytail, it's usually referred to as a puff. Simply because of the nature of curly hair. Ponytail would be if your hair creates a tail, that lays flat.
Like a horses tail compared to a bunnies tail, both are tails but one usually referred to as puff(tech. bob or scut)
I think a puff is just a natural ponytail. I always have to fluff the mess out of my puff to get it to look nice and full, then I have to keep fluffing it throughout the day.

I thought it was cute natural terminology.

your first sentence is right. a puff is a pony tail where the band isnt so tight so that its fuller. the longer/bigger the hair gets you can start pulling the band tighter where its like doing a regular pony tail but it will look like a puff because its so big.

does that sound right lol?

That makes perfect sense...now how do you make it loose?:rolleyes:
Okay, so I just tried to make a puff. Is this a puff? It's not pulled all the way into a ponytail.

Sorry for the clarity. I took it with my webcam.


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I thought it was cute natural terminology.

That makes perfect sense...now how do you make it loose?:rolleyes:
i usually slick the front of my hair back. then i take a long goody band, the kind that looks like a really long pony tail holder. i double it up and slide it back just enough so that it looks like i had a huge puff.

if i wanted a pony tail i would have to brush my hair back and wrap the holder around several times but usually it ends up so tight my head hurts so i dont do that.
I believe another difference in having an puff vs a ponytail depends on the length of your hair. If it's long, you will have a ponytail unless you try to pin it up, but if you hair is shorter, you're more able to pull off a puff. This is my transitioning puff that I did while allowing my hair to air dry.

And this is my ponytail when I was transitioning that was styled using the same technique.

Okay, so I just tried to make a puff. Is this a puff? It's not pulled all the way into a ponytail.

Sorry for the clarity. I took it with my webcam.
even though your band is pulled back enough so that it looks like a pony tail your hair is so long and full i would call it a puff.
I consider a puff to be pulling the hair back to wherever you desire whether using a scarf or knee high etc, but not all the way together like a pony tail. This is definitely the way alot of naturals achieve a puff from what I've seen on YT etc. This puff yields fuller results and can be done at shorter hair lengths.

When I pull all my hair together using a clip or scrunchie or something I differentiate by calling that a pony puff.
My puff vs my ponytail

My puff is poofier (for lack of a better word) and bigger
My ponytail hangs


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For me it's more about shape and placement. I created all the styles below using an elastic type head band.


If I use a head band slide it back half way (not a full ponytail) I have a puff. This kind of puff still kind of hangs in this pic because of the length of my hair. On shorter hair it will look just like a big puff.

I can also have a ponytail that is a puff. I can use an elastic head band and triple it or a reg ponytail holder.

When I refer to a ponytail it usually has hang time. This was done on a twist out
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I love your puffs BostonMaria & Ms Lala!

Thank you so much for helping me understand the difference. I think I prefer puffs over ponytails right now because I don't want to stress my hairline too much.
Well, I consider a "puff" a pony tail that defies gravity and a "ponytail" is one that has hang time.

I agree...to me they are not the same thing. I puff is just that...a puff. It is tied like a pony tail, but puffed up and out. As said earlier, a pony tail is straight and hangs