New Member
But you know what - I think that just proves that sometimes we get too caught up on length as a measure of progress. I used to get so discouraged trying to keep up. Now I just "work with what I got" (taken from Amina's avatar)
You are very right. Many of us have had years of hair abuse. It is unrealistic to think that one protein treatment will just fix it. I love seeing all the ladies here work towards their goals length or otherwise. Some people are able to grow out the damage as they gain length without problems. Well, that ain't me. Regardless of how much length I have gained then cut and gained again, I have still come LEAPS AND BOUNDS from what I started with. I also have been constantly learning something new everyday. I never gave a thought to relaxer run off until now that I have learned that it might be a cause to some of my issues now. This is just going to be a race I gotta run at my own pace.