Did your curls/coils change with length?


Well-Known Member
I've been watching a lot of hair videos on youtube and I'm noticing that a lot of the gurus who post the most often have had their curls to loosen with the weight of longer hair. ex Mahoganycurls, denimpixie, kimmaytube.

Then there are others whose hair seems to have stayed the same, beautifulbrwnbabydol, rusticbeauty, etc.

Soooooo what's up with that? I noticed that a lot of the ones whose hair changed use more wet styling and wash n go styles.
Mine hasn't changed from Colarbone length to 2.5in from WL. I hope it will eventually, but I don't imagine that will happen until my hair is around TBL.

My hair is fine and super light, maybe it has something to do with the thickness of each strand creating weight?
Sorry I wasn't any help :(

ETA: I am hoping they get stretched abit because I have 2 different curl patterns and I hope my wng's will look more uniform
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Mahoganycurls, denimpixie, kimmaytube hair pattern is the same to me i follow the first 2 and notice no difference just that their hair is longer

Personally i have not seen a change in my curl and dont want/expect it to
Mahoganycurls, denimpixie, kimmaytube hair pattern is the same to me i follow the first 2 and notice no difference just that their hair is longer

Personally i have not seen a change in my curl and dont want/expect it to

The only one I really watch is denimpixie and I believe she has mentioned (or I may have dreamed it) that either her hair doesn't shrink up as much or her curls dropped as her hair grew longer because of her coarser (thicker) strands.
My hair haven't changed. I think what may account for the appearance of someone's hair changing is the products they use. Heavier products = looser curls.
Mine has changed, my natural texture is thin 4c. When I started my healthy hair journey, it was very dry, frizzed hair. Now my hair is thick and curly like a 4a/3c look, I think it is products and diet. I eat MSM, Biotin, onions, ACV, and garlic; use MT, onion mask, frequent washes and GHE.
In some areas of my grass, I've noticed a change. I have fine hair that's relatively easy to straighten out or lay down. The closer to the scalp honestly looks like "new growth" (thicker and harder to see through) but farther on down it clumps and becomes waves or various sized spirals from super tiny to 1/4 inch. When it's dry it looks coarse, but when it's well moisturized it coils up. I don't have any hang time except for my nape. My crown is still the same.

My hair touches the sky for the most part. :love:
Mine look like elongated s shapes, but the curl is still no larger than a pencil, and I think the elongation has to do with my styling techniques & product. I never allow my hair to completely dry in an unmanipulated state because I would probably have to pull out the clippers.
My texture changed :( Which I was not happy with.

At bsl or shorter I'm a classic 3B. Once I hit WL and longer it starts looking almost 3A'ish. I've actually considered starting my hair journy all over again and deciding where I truly enjoy my hair at.

At home I wear buns and wng and rarely wear my hair straight so I almost dont see the point of growing it any longer (Now scratching TLB). I dont wear long braids and I only wear my hair straight about 3x a year if that. So if I'm not happy with how my wng's look at this length and that's all I wear, why not cut back?

I dunno. I'll decide for sure when I get home.
My texture is the same. The only thing that has changed is my hang time. My curls are more defined with less effort but I think that is owing more to moisture and healthier hair, not a textural change due to length.
Mine has changed, my natural texture is thin 4c. When I started my healthy hair journey, it was very dry, frizzed hair. Now my hair is thick and curly like a 4a/3c look, I think it is products and diet. I eat MSM, Biotin, onions, ACV, and garlic; use MT, onion mask, frequent washes and GHE.

Do you have receipts?:look: jk

but seriously do you have a old pic and new one that you can post?

I can see your hair being more moisturized by better products and your hair becoming healthier due to diet
the only change in hair texture and curl pattern I have read about is people who have had chemo hmmm hair is intresting:lol:
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