Did you wait until you reached your hair goal to trim/grow out even ends?


Well-Known Member
My ultimate goal is BSL...but I am thinking that once I reach APL that I may want to trim it at that length for a while so that it can get even and have FULL APL...before I move on to BSL.

Do you think I should just let it all grow out and then worry about even ends once I reach my hair goal? or reach full APL before I move to trying to gain BSL ?

Im just curious what you ladies did/ plan to do.
i would say do it if your ends are thin/c thru. but from your siggy pics they arent so i wouldnt unless full apl is really what you want. i plan on cutting and trim because my hair is so thin, it doesnt make any sense for me to grow it out with thin ends.
i just had mine evened out in may. you can see in my siggy how horribly uneven it was. i tought i would wait but i couldnt take the unevenness anymore. i didnt/couldnt wear my hair down anyways because of it so finally it was like whats the sense in saving it. i will say it was sooo painful to cut that length off my right side lol. it was like two whole inches longer on one side. i feel so much better now that i did it tho.
I go back and forth about it all of the time. Since I do not wear my hair straight often you can barely tell what it really looks like straight so that is why I sometimes want to wait until I get to BSL to even things up. However on the few occassions i have worn my hair straight, I have really wanted to do another chop just to get rid of some of the layers. I won't know which way I go until I do something.

Today I am leaning toward letting my hair reach BSL and then doing a 1/4-1/2 inch trim every month of the bottom length and a minor dusting off the layers (I want to grow out) every 3 months. That should catch me up in a year or so I guess.
Personally I don't like thin or see through ends. I do trim once or twice a year. It takes me longer to reach my goal but I like the look of full blunt ends (which I don't have).
I think it's a personal preference. If you hair is healthy and slightly uneven, I would wait till I get to my goal and then start leveling things out, but if it's see through and very uneven I would level it out now. But your hair looks nice and full. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. Lol. :lol:
I agree that it depends on the condition of your hair, how you wear it and what your goals are. I don't trim my hair and won't until I get to a certain goal. However, I would do it if I thought the health of my hair required it. Also, I almost always wear my hair up, so unevenness doesn't bother me.
I agree with the other ladies as far as the condition and how you choose to wear your hair. I am going to wait until I reach APL to attack my ends. Only if it is necessary though.
Thanks vivacious :grin:

I think I will hold out until I reach BSL. You all make good points. I mostly wear my hair in its natural state. I only straighten my hair once every 3-4 months....so uneven ends really arent that big of a deal. I just noticed that infamous v already starting and was a little concerned. Hopefully, as long as I stay on track with a low-heat protective style regimen, it will just be a v and not raggedy ends :)

You all are so helpful ;)
I would strongly advise that you trim your ends regularly. Your hair is still growing, but those raggedy ends will jack up your progress...trust me, I know. Besides, what's the point of having long hair if it looks raggedy?

Trimming and cutting are two different things. I know some long haired sistas who trim every 2 weeks. I'm going to increase the frequency from every 6-8 weeks to every 4 because I want to keep my ends looking tight. As long as you don't trim more than you grow, you should be fine.

Hair grows 1" per month on average, so if you cut off 1/8, you'll still have a lot of new length.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
..but I am thinking that once I reach APL that I may want to trim it at that length for a while so that it can get even and have FULL APL...before I move on to BSL.

This is exactly what I'm doing now. I'm currently maintaining at APL. I'm currently on an aggressive trimming schedule and I'm planning do a cut(about 1-2 inches) in Sept. I anticipate that by then (after I cut) I will be at full, thick APL. Ultimately I want to be at BSL but I'm at the point that I'll get there when I get there. Healthy looking hair is more of a priority right now. I want to get there with healthy, thick ends and not have to cut because of damage due to split ends.
I've been with my hair dresser for 3 years and hair is still at a little past shoulder length! There's no way that my hair did not grow in the past 3 years. Especially know what I know now since I've been a member for this forum! I think she has been trimming (more like cutting) waaaaay too much hair. I used to go for touch-ups every 8 weeks, thank god for my LHCF ladies because now I can go as long as 10-12 weeks before I need a touch-up. Thing is, my hair dresser is still scissors happy! I'm really not happy that she insists to 'trim' (more like cut) my hair each time I go for a touch-up. I'm due to have my baby in September and I don't think I'll be going back to her for a while. I'm hoping to grow my hair to at least APL and go see her for a touch-up and trim to even out my ends in the new year.
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I will be doing this. I have a section in my hair that is 4 inches shorter than the rest. I am not cutting my hair again for the 5th time to even it all out. Ill let it do what it do :lol:. hopefully it will eventually blend in. I dont wear it straight it so wearing it curly conceals the unevenness.
I trim my hair every three months based on the Morrocco Method lunar trimming calendar http://www.morroccomethod.com/lunar.shtml I used to trim every two months, but I'm trying to stretch it out. I trim my own hair, so I can be in control of exactly how much comes off. I try to trim like 1/4 of an inch each time.

When I reached hip length in January, I held it there for two months and trimmed off all my new growth to even up the ends a bit. When I reach tailbone, hopefully by January 2008, I will hold it there for a little longer, maybe like 6 months, to thicken/even up my ends. Then I will keep growing!
KittenLongPaw said:
I trim my hair every three months based on the Morrocco Method lunar trimming calendar http://www.morroccomethod.com/lunar.shtml I used to trim every two months, but I'm trying to stretch it out. I trim my own hair, so I can be in control of exactly how much comes off. I try to trim like 1/4 of an inch each time.

When I reached hip length in January, I held it there for two months and trimmed off all my new growth to even up the ends a bit. When I reach tailbone, hopefully by January 2008, I will hold it there for a little longer, maybe like 6 months, to thicken/even up my ends. Then I will keep growing!

I dust my hair at full moons. I think, not sure it was ISIS who mentioned that so I'm doing it. I do a cowardly dust when the moon is full...not a search and destroy {too timid}....I braid then dust the ends off...very little but I am seeing some bluntness at the end of my braid.
Puzzled for a minute until I clicked on the link..I was wondering what does Morrocco have to do with NYC? I realized it's Anthony Morrocco's schedule. Thanks for the link, Kitten.