Did the big chop! Now I need help!


New Member
I had been transitioning to natural for exactly 11 months. Last week, I decided to do the big chop and had about 4 inches of my permed ends cut off. Now I have a pretty good size TWA. I usually wet it in the shower each morning and leave a little conditioner in. I've been wearing it in a TWA with different headbands every day. I think I'm between a 4a and 4b.

When I get out the shower, I have beautiful curls but they don't last when my hair is dry. For the naturals out there, could you suggest any products that will help my natural coils/curls to remain throughout the day? Thanks for your suggestions.
my hair has some tight spiral curls like every where..i use a holding cream..well actually its a wrapping cream to try to hold my little biddy bees with out them puffing out on me..
Try Qhemets products, in particular the Honeybush Hair Tea gel. I mix it with a lil curl activator one of the members recommended by smooth shine. Both products work well by themselves but I mix them to make my qhemet go farther. The qhemet olive cream detangler may work well for you too. Just do a search there are lots of reviews for the products on this site.

There is a banner at the top of this site for Qhemet. (Qhemetbiologics.com) The activator you can find locally.

There are other natural products out there. I didnt care for the oyin greg juice and I havent tried the others but I'm sure you will have a lot of recommendations soon.
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I wanna say congrats on your BC!!!! :grin:
But, no I don't have any advice. My hair does pretty much the same thing when it drys.
If you don't mind the work, try a twistout.
Congrats on the big chop! :clap:

I have type 4a tightly coiled and frizzy hair, and I just rub Citre Shine Gel over my hair to keep the curls remaining throughout the day. Also avoid combing your hair out. ;)
Congrats. I have the same problem. Sometimes I leave humectress conditioner in and it holds the curl difinition close to what it looks like wet. Unfortunately it does work all the time for some reason. What I do to achieve texture with curl definition is;
wash,two strand twist,set under dryer,the next day I spray elasta-care moisturizer,mix snap back w/elasta-care like silk and apply to hair. I do this every 2-3 weeks. I wear my hair in various textured states after a two strand twist. I love the knotty natural look, the curly sorta good hair look illustrated above (that's what my people say and think. Fool this is a bush!!) I did the big chop in March. I am still trying different products to see what works well with my hair texture as it grows out. Good luck. I can say that I am glad I did the bc because now my natural hair oils have reappeared after being MIA for years.
What works for me is to comb out before or while in the shower. After I've rinsed conditioner from my hair, I don't comb too much. I use fantasia ic gel and whatever butter/oil mix I have on hand (usually shea/coconut) put it on while it is wet then put a t-shirt on to soak up drippies while I get dressed. After I get dressed, I don' touch my hair anymore. This usually works the best for me to maintain my curls.
I would conditioner wash in the shower with Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner and then apply a mixture of Elasta QP Feels like silk and Asha's Cocoa de Loche. Let it air dry-No towel. Nice curls all day.