Did she break up with him?


Active Member
Okay here is the deal, my friend Jackson that I told you all about with the whole Mariah Carey compliment ordeal. Well we hung out last night after class and he was saying that he thinks his girl broke up with him, but is not sure. :ohwell:

He said that she text him to apologize about her behavior after he complimented Mariah. Therefore, they were cool after that.

However, this is what transpires after: She calls him after the text and he did not answer his phone, but text her back saying he was at a meeting (He would not clarify this for me so I do not know) anyway, he told her that he was in a meeting and would call her as soon as he was done.

She text him back okay. This was about 9:00 and he did not call back. At this point, it was approaching 1:00 am, so she text again, then calls- he still did not answer his phone. She texts again after this and says your still in the meeting? Right! (She was obviously being sarcastic).:rolleyes:

He text back and says yes. She goes “so is that why you did not answer?” He never responds.

He told me he finally responds back about 4:30 in the morning and tells her to call if she is still up. :ohwell::nono:

I asked him why he did not just call back and he said I was busy with this big cheesy grin on his face. I know the deal. Anyway, she never calls him. Sunday, he calls her –she does not call back. He text and she does not respond. He calls her Monday and she does not answer or respond. He said he called her and says let me know if this is your final will…I guess it means if she never plans to respond and all he gets is crickets.

I told him that maybe something happened, but it sounds like she knows he was up to something. I kept asking him what he was doing and he was laughing so at a point I was even annoyed with his arse so I told him her lack of response is her way of telling him to kick rocks. What is your take?

I also semi told him off because he was obviously on a late night creep.
I read your other post, never responded, but I thought it's ridiculous for her to get upset over that, but I thought what reasons would she have to feel that way.

I was reading an article where this guy said he sat back and thought about all the women he put into the crazy category and he finally got it that he gave them reasons to act that way. He stayed out late at night, didn't call when he said he would, so when those women finally snapped looking back his actions warranted that.

Everything is not always as it seems and this is the other side of the story.
What @Spiffy said...

BTW - your friend's behaviour warrants a deal-breaker for sure (unless he has a gig that legitimately calls for meetings into the wee hours of the A.M.).
In your previous post, I agreed that she may be insecure but I rarely believe a woman is insecure in a relationship just because....hence my response "she feels in competition with other women to be physically something she is not."

This clearly explains why she got upset with the M.C. compliment and rightfully so. He's a ar$$ and they arent completely over yet in my opinion but she's definitely at the edge. This is her way of saying I Can Do Bad All By Myself. This is not the first time he has made excuses about late night "meetings" or being too "busy" too call.

I am glad homegirl is walking...
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This is why I hate when women blindly say another woman is "insecure" or "tripping" or "irrational". (Not speaking about the comments posted in response to your other thread). But just in general when we hear of a woman that had some kind of knee-jerk reaction towards her man.....many times we don't know the whole story. You never know what a man has put a woman through to make her respond in such ways.
I got the vibe from your other post that he was that kind of dude. Regardless if a woman is "secure" it's just IMO tacky for a man to comment about another woman's body, celeb or otherwise IMO.
This is why I hate when women blindly say another woman is "insecure" or "tripping" or "irrational". (Not speaking about the comments posted in response to your other thread). But just in general when we hear of a woman that had some kind of knee-jerk reaction towards her man.....many times we don't know the whole story. You never know what a man has put a woman through to make her respond in such ways.

I got the vibe from your other post that he was that kind of dude. Regardless if a woman is "secure" it's just IMO tacky for a man to comment about another woman's body, celeb or otherwise IMO.

Exactly. It was they way he said it that was off. Sort of like he was screwing with her head. I'm not insecure, but I can tell when a guy is saying things to wind me up on purpose because he could give a rat's tail about my feelings. Me and ex would both compliment chicks, but you can tell when it's doing too much. If I'm considerate of my speech regarding Mario Lopez's package in his tight jeans he wears on ABDC, then the guy can keep certain thoughts to himself as well.
Yeah, he is a hot mess. I am his good friend, but I told him he played himself. He called me a few hours ago asking what he should do. He should take it as a lesson learned. He was looking mighty pitiful last night too. He tries to act tough like he does not care, but his body language tells me he knows he played himself with that one.
I wish more women would respond the way that your friend did. I'd tell a guy to kick rocks and chew on'em with no teeth in a minute after pulling some ish like that!
A meeting at 9pm?


Yeah, right, dude.

Now I see why she reacted the way she did - she already knew what was up. :nono:

And, I can't call it that she broke up with him. :look: You know how some women are - ignore him for a while so that he'll see what he's missing and come crawling back all contrite and ****. Or at least that's the plan. And when she lets him back, he's up to his usual in a month. :nono:
She may just be giving him a taste of his own medicine, although I hope she did break up with him. It sounds like he was quite arrogant about the whole thing and he expected her to be waiting up for him while he can do whatever he wants. The fact that he had a grin and was laughing shows what his state of mind was. She may take him back but for right now is making herself unavailable and trying to teach him how to treat her, though it might be too late now.
I kinda hope it's a breakup. Even if he recognizes that he played himself, does he see that he treated her badly?
Yeah, he is a hot mess. I am his good friend, but I told him he played himself. He called me a few hours ago asking what he should do. He should take it as a lesson learned. He was looking mighty pitiful last night too. He tries to act tough like he does not care, but his body language tells me he knows he played himself with that one.

:giggle: He didn't expect 'ol girl to pull that one on him. It seems like that's what he wanted though, to be done.
:giggle: He didn't expect 'ol girl to pull that one on him. It seems like that's what he wanted though, to be done.

Yes, I spoke to him last night and he was like I am going to try her a few more times. I hope she is alright:rolleyes:

Then he goes on a tangent about how she is all that, the total package...all these random statements about how he is into intelligent women thats why he loves her yada yada.:lachen::lachen: I was like, yeah I know Jack. :ohwell:
Yes, I spoke to him last night and he was like I am going to try her a few more times. I hope she is alright:rolleyes:

Then he goes on a tangent about how she is all that, the total package...all these random statements about how he is into intelligent women thats why he loves her yada yada.:lachen::lachen: I was like, yeah I know Jack. :ohwell:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: what a crock of ish