Did No-lye still not work for you....even if u did everything right?


Well-Known Member
I figured that people would be able to combat the issues regarding the calcium deposit since joining this board. But it seems like a lot of people (even AFTER hair knowledge) don't like it.

i'm wondering if i should even bother going from lye to no-lye. My ego is saying "yea u can combat the dryness with all this knowledge you have". But i have a feeling i'm gonna end up on the same "I hate no-lye" train as everybody else.
I figured that people would be able to combat the issues regarding the calcium deposit since joining this board. But it seems like a lot of people (even AFTER hair knowledge) don't like it.

i'm wondering if i should even bother going from lye to no-lye. My ego is saying "yea u can combat the dryness with all this knowledge you have". But i have a feeling i'm gonna end up on the same "I hate no-lye" train as everybody else.

Well I like no lye. I don't like lye. Too harsh on my scalp. I use a chelating shampoo to combat the calcium and I have no problems. Plus like you said...from all the knowledge learned here...I know how to keep my hair properly moisturized and protein when needed.
I use ORS no-lye. I've never had any problems with dryness or calcium deposits. I don't know if that's because of the ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo that comes with the kit or if its because of the knowledge I've gained from LHCF and BHM...or possibly some other arbitrary reason.
I never had a problem with no-lye. Lye relaxers always underprocess my hair and I don't like that. I like uniformity, and while underprocessing can be good, I don't like it when certain parts of my hair are straighter than others. I also don't like the fact that the relaxed hair doesn't lay smooth, it has a poofyish appearance to it that people mistaken for thickness. And worse of all, it TEARS of my scalp no matter how much I base my scalp. I can't take the burning. No-lye gives quicker and straighter results w/o any damage to my scalp. I still don't see why it gets such a bad wrap on the board, I've seen plenty of no-lye users IRL that have healthy hair.
I always use no-lye. Lye relaxers make me feel like my scalp is on fire - I've had them done before at the salon when I didn't know the difference and didn't ask the stylist to use no-lye.

Two of my favorite hair-care gurus (Sylver2 and Traycee) both use no-lye. The only time I suffer from dry hair is if I get lazy about deep conditioning. I also upped my moisturizing to twice a day.
I miss no-lye sometimes because ever since I switched to lye I can never get my hair straight enough to my liking. My hair feels like I'm transitioning sometimes, but I think it has something to do with my tehcnique and how I apply it. I will try other methods to get better results next time!
No-lye works best for me. The knowledge I have gained from here has allowed me to avoid the dryness associated with no-lye.
so would someone like to give examples of how THEY THINK they are combating the dryness...that everyone else seems to have a problem with