Did anyone else spend their first year at LHCF...


New Member
Getting their hair healthy versus getting long length? That's my story. I haven't posted a lot lately and I took my pics out of my siggy because I was a little down for a while. My hair went from massive shedding to breakage. It just recently kind of slowed down on both. So, in an effort to keep it healthy, I've cut it a number of times. I haven't even posted a link to my fotki because it won't inspire anyone at this point. The most I can say is that I've gone from a nape length bob to right at the top of my shoulders (not much for a year of hard work and hundreds of dollars spent on products!). The front is only at my cheeks though. Don't get me wrong, this is not a sob story. I just renewed with LHCF today (1 year anniversary) and thought I'd share my story with the newbies and other folks who've helped me along the way. My hair is doing a lot better and I'm hoping I can post inspiring pics in about a month or two so that ladies having the same struggle will know there is light at the end of the tunnel!:D;)
Thats basically what Im doing. :yep: I have length goals but my first concern has always been and always will be health. The length will come eventually..

PS. Your hair is ALWAYS beautiful!! Pls believe that you are an inspiration! :yep:
I spent my first year actually admiring the hair and fotkis of others and that's about it. I'm spending the remainder of the year getting my hair in a healthy, natural state. From that point on, it's all about length. I've cut most of the damage off my ends through mini-chops. My new growth is healthy, thanks to good living, and baby making. :p, so once the rest of the relaxed ends are gone, I can concentrate on length. Not sure if I'll be relaxed or natural, mid back or bsl...but I want healthy hair more than anything that I can style MYSELF
Cayenne I always thought your hair looked very thick and healthy. I'd love to see your progress pics:)

Sometimes you do have to focus on health first rather than length. I'm at this stage now. But my first year of LHCF I wasn't taking good care of my hair at all.
Getting their hair healthy versus getting long length? That's my story. I haven't posted a lot lately and I took my pics out of my siggy because I was a little down for a while. My hair went from massive shedding to breakage. It just recently kind of slowed down on both. So, in an effort to keep it healthy, I've cut it a number of times. I haven't even posted a link to my fotki because it won't inspire anyone at this point. The most I can say is that I've gone from a nape length bob to right at the top of my shoulders (not much for a year of hard work and hundreds of dollars spent on products!). The front is only at my cheeks though. Don't get me wrong, this is not a sob story. I just renewed with LHCF today (1 year anniversary) and thought I'd share my story with the newbies and other folks who've helped me along the way. My hair is doing a lot better and I'm hoping I can post inspiring pics in about a month or two so that ladies having the same struggle will know there is light at the end of the tunnel!:D;)

I support you in your quest. Its about health of your hair. keep doing what u r doing and you wil get there. all you need to remember moisture, moisture and no heat. I spent a long time lurking and reading. I have 1 pic and some from December and they are not for length progress cause i have seen minimal length. Im happy to report today for the first time in years i did a stretch test on a strand of hair it stretched a while before it broke unlike the instant snap i used to get. So Im doing something right.
As usual, you guys are great. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I refuse to give up. LHCF is in my blood now!:grin: I promise I will open my fotki and post progress pics soon. I was just somewhat ashamed.:(

BUT I'M GOOD NOW! A whole new year and I'm ret to go! I drink carrot juice daily with a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in it. I just started taking silica/horsetail. I also rotate a multi-vitamin (lots of good stuff in it) and Ultranourishair on a daily basis. I'm settled on a regimen and I am protecting my hair. BSL - HERE I COME!! That's my final goal.

I did !!!! :p

I was looking at my hair yesterday and realized my hair is shorter now than it was a year ago. I started to get frustrated with myself but then I realized that it is a lot healthier. I have one or two more deep trims and then I'll be ready for happy growing. :)
As usual, you guys are great. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I refuse to give up. LHCF is in my blood now!:grin: I promise I will open my fotki and post progress pics soon. I was just somewhat ashamed.:(

BUT I'M GOOD NOW! A whole new year and I'm ret to go! I drink carrot juice daily with a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in it. I just started taking silica/horsetail. I also rotate a multi-vitamin (lots of good stuff in it) and Ultranourishair on a daily basis. I'm settled on a regimen and I am protecting my hair. BSL - HERE I COME!! That's my final goal.


Girl you know you want that tail bone length..... I know I do i just got some prenatals at costco for 13.99.. LOL
Sounds good, Fran. I totally feel ya on that! Looking forward to hearing about (and seeing your progress).

Closer - lmao @ tailbone. Girl, I can't do it. {whispering} 365 prenats at Whole Foods are good too. Don't ask me how I know.:lachen:
I did. It took a while before I saw progress growth wise. But I did notice a difference in the health of my hair. Whenever I would go to the hairdresser even they would notice it. And tell me how soft it was. Then I ended up chopping all my hair off and starting over. :lol:
I spent my first 18 months here trying to figure things out. I bc'd not long after joining LHCF, then relaxed a few months after that, suffered from breakage and damage, then bc'd again. I am just now starting to show more pictures of my hair. I am just now, after being here for 2 1/2 years feeling like I am seeing progress, finally, lol. I am really glad I stuck it out. I finally have a regimen that works and products that I love.
I learned alot. But I changed my hair so many times since I've been here, I haven't given it a chance to "do it's thing." When I first came (as a lurker), I was natural, then I relaxed, and last year I BC'd and now I'm back to being natural.

But I must say, with the help of LHCF my relaxed hair grew the longest it ever grew (the back grew past my shoulders and the front grew about 2" past my chin:)). Now with everything I've learnt over all those yeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrsssss, I've found a simple routine that I feel is guaranteed to help me reach my goals. :D I love this site.


I spent my first 18 months here trying to figure things out. I bc'd not long after joining LHCF, then relaxed a few months after that, suffered from breakage and damage, then bc'd again. I am just now starting to show more pictures of my hair. I am just now, after being here for 2 1/2 years feeling like I am seeing progress, finally, lol. I am really glad I stuck it out. I finally have a regimen that works and products that I love.

We have similar stories ;).
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Cayenne, you are one of the first people that was really an inspiration for me!! Your hair looked beautiful, I didn't even pay attention to the length. Seriously, I was wondering the other day if you had any updates. The length will come in time, but healthy hair is the priority!! :yep:
Getting their hair healthy versus getting long length? That's my story. I haven't posted a lot lately and I took my pics out of my siggy because I was a little down for a while. My hair went from massive shedding to breakage. It just recently kind of slowed down on both. So, in an effort to keep it healthy, I've cut it a number of times. I haven't even posted a link to my fotki because it won't inspire anyone at this point. The most I can say is that I've gone from a nape length bob to right at the top of my shoulders (not much for a year of hard work and hundreds of dollars spent on products!). The front is only at my cheeks though. Don't get me wrong, this is not a sob story. I just renewed with LHCF today (1 year anniversary) and thought I'd share my story with the newbies and other folks who've helped me along the way. My hair is doing a lot better and I'm hoping I can post inspiring pics in about a month or two so that ladies having the same struggle will know there is light at the end of the tunnel!:D;)

To the lovely Cayenne :kiss:

I am shocked to hear this, but I wondered where you were. I always marveled at your hair and thought it was nice, healthy and full-looking. I love the color and the way you keep the ends nice and neat. I'm very shocked to hear of your troubles. Sending out much love and inspirational thoughts and prayers to you, sweetie! :kiss:

SP ;)
Yep, I gained some growth--but my hair has gotten sooo healthy and it is too the point that i am now RETAINING what i grow.
I also spent that time growing out layers and my ends now are looking longer and thicker b/c of that.

I am REALLY looking forward to the next 1-2 years to see what I accomplish b/c I came a long way in terms of health---time to bring on the LENGTH!!:)
Hi Cayenne,

I definitely spent my first year getting my hair in healthy condition. Now it's finally growing and I don't have to worry about setbacks because I know my hair inside out--everything that works and what doesn't work. Also I've always admired the health of your hair. You were one of the reasons I had to try henna! Give it time sweetie :) I'm definitely one of the few that hasn't had miracle growth, but over the past two years I have really fallen in love with the health of my hair!
WOW!!!!:eek: I am so shocked and happy to hear that some of you admired my hair! That has me grinnin' from ear to ear! :grin: That is really nice to hear. Thanks for your stories and for letting me and other ladies (who have struggled) know that we are not alone. This is why I am glad that I have all of my pictures from day one because when I get this fotki going, you guys will see where I was and where I am now with hair health. I'm still working on the breakage but it'll keep getting better.
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To the lovely Cayenne :kiss:

I am shocked to hear this, but I wondered where you were. I always marveled at your hair and thought it was nice, healthy and full-looking. I love the color and the way you keep the ends nice and neat. I'm very shocked to hear of your troubles. Sending out much love and inspirational thoughts and prayers to you, sweetie! :kiss:

SP ;)

Very..very sweet. Thank you so much!
I did, i think I've gained about an inch since last year. I'm not too disheartened though I have spent most of my first year doing trial and error and as a result have suffered numerous setbacks along the way. On a positive note I now know what my hair likes and dislikes and what I need to be doing to retain length.
That is what I am doing. I believe that if I have healthy hair its going to grow anyways....so my goal is healthy hair for the first year that I am at LHCF
I did, i think I've gained about an inch since last year. I'm not too disheartened though I have spent most of my first year doing trial and error and as a result have suffered numerous setbacks along the way. On a positive note I now know what my hair likes and dislikes and what I need to be doing to retain length.

I know what you mean...I think last night I had a major setback:mad:. But I guess I will keep trying till I get it right. Makes me kinda mad that I never found LHCF back in '03 when I got my first relaxer:mad:,my hair would have been in a much better state.

But I guess it is never too late. :(

It's been almost a year... my hair is so different. No longer than it was a year ago but fuller and much healthier. I'm hoping to be able to concentrate on length since I seem to have got my breakage and shedding under control.
I spent my first year like you did. I did a lot of things wrong, but have finally settled on a regimen. I think gaining health is the first step to getting length. I plan on focusing on consistency this year and not stress about the length. By the way...I have TONS of pics that no on eon this site has seen. I'm waiting on the fotki until I feel like the results are worth posting. Keep your head up. This journey takes time
I did, when I first joined I had bleached blonde hi-lites all over and my hair was breaking. My hair was at the bottom of my neck for what seems like forever, I was not worried about length, I just wanted my thickness back. I kind of miss my bob, it was soo thick, the only thing was it was not long enough for a ponytail but it looked very healthy.
I did, when I joined my hair was dry, breaking and the ends were terrible. I spent the first year working on a regimen that worked for me and cutting away at those ends. It paid off for me and now I focus on length as well as health.
Shoot, its been more than one year.....But for real, I think getting your hair healthy is the first step to consistent length retention. Many of us have had years and years of abuse. It wasn't until I came here that I realized just how much I have put my scalp and hair through. I have made length gains these past couple of months, I am practically shoulder length now but I have a feeling that I will stay at this length for a while. I want to work on cutting off some of this bone straight hair and get some thickness back. I really want bra-strap hair but I know it ain't gonna be there in a week. Regardless of length, healthy, shiney, bouncy hair never goes out of style.
My 1st yr. I decided to cut my hair b/c I had see-thru ends & I figured I would get talked about. So, I stopped blowdrying & focused on treating my hair better.

I was initially trying every product that everybody reco'd (my cabinets were overloaded) & now I only have a few products & very simple regimen ;).