DH just told me he could see my tracks!!


Well-Known Member
LOL - so, i did a self install Saturday night. Now I've always been a DIY'er. Normally, DH doesn't have much to say about my hair other than something along the lines of "if you like it, i love it."

So, I asked him if he liked my hair since he hadn't really said anything about it. He's like, yeah, I told you I liked it (he didn't, but neway).

Then he goes, 'you're not finished at the top though right?'

Me: Huh? Why do you ask?

DH: B/c you can see where you put it.

Me: :blush:
This was too funny! Thanks for sharing!!

I love the way DH just said he could see where you put it. That's hilarious!! :lachen:
here's a pic of the closure - i thought :rolleyes: i had done a pretty good job


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