detangling with conditioner


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies

I noticed that if I wash my hair every 3 days, or if I wash my hair every 2 weeks, I still lose the same amount of hair: which is A LOT.

This led me to wonder whether combing conditioned hair (in the shower) is actually making me lose more hair than I would if I left my hair alone?

Does conditioner pull hair out of its follicle, that would have otherwise not left the follicle? If this was the case, so many ladies wouldn't co-wash every day! but with me it's seems every time I detangle with conditioner I lose hair. Doesn't matter if it's 3 weeks or 3 days. And it bothers me that I shed the SAME AMOUNT!!!! which leads me to believe that it's my detangling with conditioner that's the culprit

I should mention that, I don't shampoo my hair, because it just makes it impossible for me to detangle. Also I'm very gentle, so I'm not actually breaking the hair, I have looked at the lost hair and they are complete strands, I can never see whether a white bulb is attached when the hair is wet. When my hair is dry, I usually find complete strands.
Hi Ladies

I noticed that if I wash my hair every 3 days, or if I wash my hair every 2 weeks, I still lose the same amount of hair: which is A LOT.

This led me to wonder whether combing conditioned hair (in the shower) is actually making me lose more hair than I would if I left my hair alone?

Does conditioner pull hair out of its follicle, that would have otherwise not left the follicle? If this was the case, so many ladies wouldn't co-wash every day! but with me it's seems every time I detangle with conditioner I lose hair. Doesn't matter if it's 3 weeks or 3 days. And it bothers me that I shed the SAME AMOUNT!!!! which leads me to believe that it's my detangling with conditioner that's the culprit

I should mention that, I don't shampoo my hair, because it just makes it impossible for me to detangle. Also I'm very gentle, so I'm not actually breaking the hair, I have looked at the lost hair and they are complete strands, I can never see whether a white bulb is attached when the hair is wet. When my hair is dry, I usually find complete strands.

It could be that your hair doesn't like to be detangled wet. I have gotten into the habit of finger detangling with an oil before I wash my hair. I lose the least hair that way. When shed hair starts building up I spritz my hair with a bit of water and add an oil while it is dry so that my hair is slightly damp, just enough to be flexible, then comb with a wide tooth comb.

If my hair was soaking wet it would end up on the shower floor if I used a comb in it. My hair is weakest when it is soaking wet.
Hi Ladies

I noticed that if I wash my hair every 3 days, or if I wash my hair every 2 weeks, I still lose the same amount of hair: which is A LOT.

This led me to wonder whether combing conditioned hair (in the shower) is actually making me lose more hair than I would if I left my hair alone?

Does conditioner pull hair out of its follicle, that would have otherwise not left the follicle? If this was the case, so many ladies wouldn't co-wash every day! but with me it's seems every time I detangle with conditioner I lose hair. Doesn't matter if it's 3 weeks or 3 days. And it bothers me that I shed the SAME AMOUNT!!!! which leads me to believe that it's my detangling with conditioner that's the culprit

I should mention that, I don't shampoo my hair, because it just makes it impossible for me to detangle. Also I'm very gentle, so I'm not actually breaking the hair, I have looked at the lost hair and they are complete strands, I can never see whether a white bulb is attached when the hair is wet. When my hair is dry, I usually find complete strands.

What kind of combing are you doing? Wide tooth? Brush? Denman? Finger? Is it breakage or shedding? Are you detangling on soaking wet hair with conditioner? Damp hair? Dry hair? You lost 50-100 strands of hair a day so it can look like a lot after 3 days (a total of about 150-300 strands in the period of three days).

Does your hair feel or look thinner? Do you shampoo your hair with a non-sulphate? ACV? Baking Soda? You may just be a heavy shedder, it may be a result of build up from not shampooing often enough (once a month, bi monthly etc with a chelating or clarifying shampoo) it could be if your using conditioner that is protein or moisture heavy and you need the opposite. What kind of conditioner are you using? Whats your regimen?
It could be that your hair doesn't like to be detangled wet. I have gotten into the habit of finger detangling with an oil before I wash my hair. I lose the least hair that way. When shed hair starts building up I spritz my hair with a bit of water and add an oil while it is dry so that my hair is slightly damp, just enough to be flexible, then comb with a wide tooth comb.

If my hair was soaking wet it would end up on the shower floor if I used a comb in it. My hair is weakest when it is soaking wet.

Ow god, that may be true. I can't say if it's true, because I have never compared semi dry detangling with detangling in the shower. I still have a quarter left to detangle, and I was about to hop in the shower and detangle the remaining, but i'm going to finger detangle and see if I lose the same amount. If I don't i'm gonna be so angry at myself!

What kind of combing are you doing? Wide tooth? Brush? Denman? Finger? Is it breakage or shedding? Are you detangling on soaking wet hair with conditioner? Damp hair? Dry hair? You lost 50-100 strands of hair a day so it can look like a lot after 3 days (a total of about 150-300 strands in the period of three days).

Does your hair feel or look thinner? Do you shampoo your hair with a non-sulphate? ACV? Baking Soda? You may just be a heavy shedder, it may be a result of build up from not shampooing often enough (once a month, bi monthly etc with a chelating or clarifying shampoo) it could be if your using conditioner that is protein or moisture heavy and you need the opposite. What kind of conditioner are you using? Whats your regimen?

To be honest I use a very fine comb, but to be fair I'm not rough on the hair, very gentle, it usually takes me hours to do just half of my head. I do a mixture, so whilst the hair is wet with conditioner, I use my hands, then a comb, than back to hands if a section has knots, and so forth.

No I haven't noticed my hair being thinner. Because I'm extremely fine haired, when it puffs up it goes into a massive afro. It's just the amount which does not discriminate between high or low manipulation. So if I leave it a whole month I'll lose the same amount as if I wash it every 2 weeks, I noticed that.

I use pantene classic clarifying shampoo (the clear one)
for conditioner I use a very cheap one morrisons conditioner

I'm going to wash shampoo my hair more often to see if that is the culprit

Thank you ladies
Maybe it's the comb. And also quality of conditioner.

I used alter ego garlic condish to detangle and dry deep condition this last week and I noticed a difference in how much hair come out. Not a lot at all.