Detangling Tools Help


New Member
Hello Everyone,

This is my very first post on LHCF, I want to thank everyone for your continued contribution here.

I have started my HHJ seriously for 6 weeks now, my hair is EL, damaged, 4C, tightly coiled, relaxed and easily breaks.

Since my HHJ I have accomplished finding some products that works and maintaining a protein moisture balance (which helps with the breakage).

But this past weekend I suffered the worst wash ever. I attempted washing in sectional braids (a big No No for me!). I felt as though my hair clumped together and I was unable to gets the braids undone during the poo process. This resulted in me losing clumps of hair. I nearly was in tears as I have little hair to spare.

I am currently stretching, I'm at 12 weeks post. I used the following in this wash:

Prepoo: Aussie Moist to legthn and sealed with grapeseed oil on slightly damp hair.
Poo: Mane N Tail
Black Tea Rinse
Protein Tx: Mizani Moisturefuse
Condish: Mizani Moisturefuse
DC: Humectress

I really want to work on tangles and knots throughout my stretch during my wash. Any suggestions of detangling combs, brushes, products and steps would be very helpful to a newbie like me!

I thought I could wash my hair in braids/twists, too. Uhhhh....NOPE!!:nono:

But I have found a way to wash my hair in *sections*, and that prevents tangles and knots for me:
I simply part my hair into 4 sections, the same way I would part it for a relaxer. Then I put a clamp on each section. Once in the shower I remove one clamp and service that section only. I wash the length of the hair striaght down. I do NOT ever scruch my hair. Then, while firmly holding on to the length, I use the pads of my fingertips to massage the scalp with the shampoo. I never touch the scalp area unless I am firmly holding on to the length of the hair first. This keeps the length from moving, and from getting tangled. Then I rinse by letting the water flow freely onto that section. Once that section is completely rinsed, I reclamp it and move to section 2, then section 3, then section 4. After all four sections are done, I just stand under the running water a bit. That part feels great.

I apply my deep conditioner the same way - 4 clamped sections.

When I detangle, I use Mane'n'Tail detangler. Wow! That stuff melts tangles like butta! I only ever use 2 combs in my hair-life, the rake and the shower comb. Both are awesome for detangling in sections. When done detangling my sections, I finger comb into a bun to air dry. That's it. I am only wearing buns until I reach BSL.

Here are pics of the two combs I mentioned. Hope this helps.


  • rake comb.jpg
    rake comb.jpg
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  • Shower Comb.jpg
    Shower Comb.jpg
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If your hair is really that damaged, is it a good idea to stretch? Just putting that out there since I am a newbie and would like to know the answer too.

Thanks for your response: Thanks for suggesting the clamps, I can see how this may be an alternative for me.

I've heard of the Mane N Tale detangler here on the forum. I will pick some up. When in the wash process do you detangle with this?
Kinky4Agirl My hair is damaged but honestly I am keeping the breakage at bay some with moisture protein balance. I really am trying to stretch as much as feasible to grow out some damage before my next trim. Just my approach to this.

Thanks for your response: Thanks for suggesting the clamps, I can see how this may be an alternative for me.

I've heard of the Mane N Tale detangler here on the forum. I will pick some up. When in the wash process do you detangle with this?

Nope. Unlike some others I detangle ONCE AND FOR ALL when its all over!....there is only one detangling session on my wash day - and that is after I rinse out my DC. That's why it is CRITICALLY important for me to NOT move my hair around too much during the washing/DC'ing process.

When I sit down to detanlge, its a very thorough process, but not necessarily time consuming. I put in my favorite DVD or cable channel, and just relax. I never attack my hair in a hurry or do a rush job.

Section 1: I unclamp the hair. First spritz the length with Mane'n'Tail. Then take the rake comb and start at the very bottom ends and detangle while working my way up. This part is a breeze. I stop right before I get to my new growth. I am currently 12weeks into a 18week stretch, and ny new growth is monstrous! But Mane'n'Tail to the rescue. Once the length has been detangled, I simply break out smaller pieces with my fingers, and spritz M'n'T directly on the ng,then run the rake come thru it. Butta....! Section one complete. Re-clamp and move to next section.

Honestly, this doesn't take long at all, and my hair is thoroughly detangled when done. This is what works for me. Hopefully, you'll get some really good alternatives as others chime in.

But I do not suffer any excessive shedding or breakage when taking care of my hair this way.
@ Baddison Thank you so much for such a thorough answer, I'm a sucker for details. I will attempt this at my next wash this weekend. I'm assuming I can find these combs at a local Beauty supply store, I'll look for those and and the mane and tale detangler.

Tool structure comb from sallys the best non seamless comb ever
Nadege from Replaxed Hair Health has a video on detangling and she recommended it. Its awesome

I love my seamless combs like no ones business, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING detangles my hair like my 1$ Annie Rake Comb from the local BSS. If I need to thoroughly detangle my wet hair this is the comb I'm running to. I love it so much to the point that I'm actually in the process of filing the seams off :yep:.
Since my hair is fine, fragile and tangle-prone, the most important aspect of my HHJ was unearthing an effective approach toward detangling - the most favorable time during my wash-DC process to detangle while using the best possible products and tools.

For me, successful detangling involves:

- Using a product that offers what I describe as “bliss” (slip + silky softness + moisture), which would be Elasta QP Crème Conditioning Shampoo
- Parting my hair in the center and addressing each half as a separate entity (with no braiding or clipping)
- Only detangling while rinsing the shampoo in the shower, and allowing the force of the water to aid me
- Combing the hair slowly from tip to root using only a Magic Star Jumbo Rake, which is seamless
- Avoiding any re-tangling and knots by gently smoothing DCs, leave-ins and sealants on the hair

Trust your hair because it will let you know which products and methods are optimal as well as the best time to use them. For instance, while my hair thrives on oil, conditioners, and moisture, it hates co-washing, pre-pooing, oil rinsing and baggying. I would advise you to test out different techniques and products and see which will best suit your needs.

Welcome to the board and I wish you well on your HHJ!
Thanks Lamaria211, Enexitstageleft, IdareT'sHair, & Pjaye for all the information and tips, I Really appreciate the help.

@ PJaye thanks for the welcome!
is this your first time stretching for 12 weeks? you might just need to get used to the stretching to be honest
it'll get better
Your Fingers are the best tool! i got a lot of new growth going on right now, but i use my fingers to detangle. i separate the strands like string cheese, smooth, and gently comb through.

i first detangle before i wash/cowash.

i add some oil to my hair and get rid of the shed hairs and separate the strands with my fingers.

after i have cowashed or dc'ed, i dry my hair with my tee shirt for 15-30 mins to remove the water.

i finger detangle on damp hair, before i add my leave-ins. once my hair is 85%-90% dry, i detangle with my Magic Rake comb. it is a really wide, seamless comb. i didn't use it yesterday and was able to get my hair detangled without it.

i stopped detangling my hair in the shower because i was pulling too much hair out and i stopped detangling my hair dripping wet and full of product. my hair is fine and likes to clump together when product is added, or when it is wet.

oh and i think it is time for you to relax again! i think you should start your stretches off slow. 12, 13, 14, etc.... build your way up, and found out how to get a really good reggie to help with the stretching process. it is counterproductive to lose hair when you are trying to stretch for repairing and preventive measures.
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Remington Tangle Tamer Wet/Dry - Cord or Cordless Convenience W/ On/off Switch

