Detangle or Definition dilemma

I love my hair but I have noticed some crazy changes since doing my final chop.
Sometimes I wash my hair I get great definition other times I don't. And that's naked.
Now I know this has to do with 2 factors 1. products certain products make my hair beautiful others make it look like I got electrocuted. But I have noticed this even before cutting the damaged hair that whenever I detangle with a comb or denman my hair never has definition. But when I was doing finger detangling I had magnificent hair naked, but still so much shed hair trapped in my hair. I've tried both dry with oil and wet with condish detangling but same results. I've tried switching denman brush styles and wide tooth combs. I recently tested out my K-Cutter and now I have definition in the front (yay!) where I had very little more definition and frizzy curls undefined curls in the back. Before I knew if I didn't clumping anywhere else I would get it in the back of my hair at least.
Oh to make matters worst when I do get definition its not from the root its from mid-way down and then it spiral, curls, kinks, coils etc. Why does it do this?
Do I sacrifice definition for detangling or vice versa?
Does anybody have any suggests, tips, advice,guesses, spells, prayers?
At what point are you detangling now? Are you getting in the shower and detangling and then rinsing and getting out?
I've detangled both ways. Now I do dry detangling during pre-poo because I get less breakage this way. But even when I detangled wet in the shower with supper slippery hair a la HEHH or HEHydraliscious my curls would still break apart. I've tried detangling after a deep condition with my final conditioner rinse and even tried detangling after washing but before deep condition. Either way the curl pattern is always separated if I use a comb or denman. If I use my fingers to detangle I get great curl definition, but don't get out the shed hair.
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I've detangled both ways. Now I do dry detangling during pre-poo because I get less breakage this way. But even when I detangled wet in the shower with supper slippery hair a la HEHH or HEHydraliscious my curls would still break apart. I've tried detangling after a deep condition with my final conditioner rinse and even tried detangling after washing but before deep condition. Either way the curl pattern is always separated if I use a comb or denman. If I use my fingers to detangle I get great curl definition, but don't get out the shed hair.

I would have definitely guessed that you'd get the most definition by combing before you get in the shower. How about detangling before washing. After detangling, mist your hair, put on a DC, and put a cap on and leave it. Then wash and condition.

I know exactly what you mean, though. My hair doesn't really have "definition", but whatever little I ever got was when I hadn't used a comb for at least several days before washing. :ohwell: I was hoping for you that if you condition 2 times before the final rinse you might get some more definition.