Design Essentials Relaxer


Can someone please tell me where i can buy the Design Essentials Lo-lye relaxer online (not from

Pleeease, Thank you with a cherry on top!!!

(I've posted this many times and will continue to stand by it.)

Do you want the 4 lb tub? If so go to Ebay. The seller is "The Roots"

VERY professional... VERY prompt... they have all types of DE relaxer.

You won't be disappointed. I don't know if you can buy DE anywhere without a license... not even on DE's website.

I agree. I recently purchased from this seller as well, and received very prompt shipment.
I agree. I recently purchased from this seller as well, and received very prompt shipment.

Me too.

I contacted her via ebay and email to make sure she was sending the right type/strength and because I noticed that my ebay account had an old address and I needed it shipped to my current address. I was concerned she didn't get it because I didn't hear from her, but she did everything I asked.
I`m going to bug you one last time, i`ve never shopped on e-bay before...will she contact me and ask which type of relaxer i want. I wish to buy the DE lo-lye.


Ask as much as you want! You should initiate contact with her. Just select "contact the seller" and ask her. She'll respond right back. She accepts paypal but if you don't have an account, check and see what (if any) other payments she accepts.

In fact, I will be getting the lo-lye once I run out of my time release. I e-mailed her and asked if she had lo-lye and she said yes. If I wasn't sticking to my budget... I'd push the relaxer I have left off on someone just to get the lo-lye but I'm going to be patient.
If you live in NC, Durham has a MegaStore which sells this and anything else you can think of, including most dominican products. I was shopping there today and they stock the entire DE line.:yep:

Beauty World
1418 Avondale Dr.
Durham, NC 27701