DEN 1 Question about braiding your natural hair...


New Member
Did you find that you got the same amount , more or less when braiding your own hair as you did when you were using extensions? I decided to braid my own for a while to see how my hair handles the braids and to test my tolerance. Using four braids, plastic bagging daily etc. I just do not have the staying power for extensions and also I am concerned about shedding. I like to be able to see what is happening. I notice that you are doing a lot of natural hair braiding and thought if anyone had the answer you would. By the way, I love your hair site and really appreciate how helpful you have been to all of us. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Did you find that you got the same amount , more or less when braiding your own hair as you did when you were using extensions? I decided to braid my own for a while to see how my hair handles the braids and to test my tolerance. Using four braids, plastic bagging daily etc. I just do not have the staying power for extensions and also I am concerned about shedding. I like to be able to see what is happening. I notice that you are doing a lot of natural hair braiding and thought if anyone had the answer you would. By the way, I love your hair site and really appreciate how helpful you have been to all of us. Bonjour
When i was natural my hairdresser would use 4 packs of hair, I also remember you saying that you have fine strands so maybe you can use less hair instead. around the edges, nape and hairline, do not add a heavy amount of exstentions in these areas, as the hair tends to be more sparse and more inclined to develope build-up i suggest every 2-3 weeks check these areas for build-up or matting and redo a few of the braids this way your hair should grow out healthier and thicker. You will of course receive normal shedding for example if you have your hair braided for up to 2 months it may seem like a lot when you remove the, but its just the normal amount you would receive even if your not wearing braids, i usually add a reconstructor conditioner like Affirm every two weeks over my extensions and i don't get lots of shedding my hair is usually very strong with moisture after removing the braids. You know i'm always here to advise as best as I can, Good-luck DEN1
Thank you Den1 and for the rest of the question regarding when you braid your own natural hair (without extensions)....Do you get the same amount of growth as you did with the extensions? Thank you. I want to weigh my options? Happy Hair Growing Den and am looking forward to your answers. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Thank you Den1 and for the rest of the question regarding when you braid your own natural hair (without extensions)....Do you get the same amount of growth as you did with the extensions? Thank you. I want to weigh my options? Happy Hair Growing Den and am looking forward to your answers. Bonjour
There's no diffrence in growth when braiding natural hair, only that extentions stay neater longer.
bumping.. Does anyone else have growth comparisons with braiding their natural hair versus using extensions?