Deep Trim Today (pics!!)


New Member
I am not a happy camper ladies. Today has been a bitter sweet day for me. I did the Phyto relaxer and I'm totally hyped about it. I'll post a separate review tomorrow. RIght now I'm devastated that I had to cut so much of my hair off. I have before and after pics.

I can't understand for the life of me why my ends keep doing this when I always have a ponytail/bun and I don't use any heat. Maybe since my hair is already fragile it cannot handle a relaxer. I may have to start thinking about transitioning. But I want straight hair. I feel so bad. I've been on this board for over 2 years and I know everything to do, but my hair won't cooperate.

ANd to make things worse, I was so disgustedwith my hair, I just hacked off a good amount while it was in a ponytail. Well when I took the ponytail down, the hair was very uneven and DH had to cut another inch just to even it up. I'm officially done grwoing my hair out ladies. Too uch stress and no progress in two years.

From here on out I'm trimming OFTEN to keep my ends looking good. And that's it. Thanks for letting me vent.
sorry to hear about your frustrations. I understand where you are coming from. I must say though that your hair looks amazing. It looks so healthy and straight! It does not look like hair that can't handle a relaxer in my opinion. I don't think you would have gotten as much length as you have if your hair was too weak for a relaxer. Will you share your regimen?
I understand how you feel. I've only been trying to grow out for six months and I to am discouraged.

But I MUST add that you have a GAWJUS head of hair!!! :eek:

Its a funny thing....perspective. You look at your hair and see frustration and I look at your hair and see a dream. I don't think I'll ever achieve your length, but the PJ in me won't let me give up!!!
Your hair looks really good post trim Army. Im sorry to hear about your breakage :(. I know u take care of your hair very well. Maybe u could start spacing out your relaxers a little longer, or have u contemplated texturizing or leaving the relaxer on your hair for less time. My hair has been resisiting perm for about a year now. Next time I relax, I will leave it on for less time so that eventually my hair will be slightly texturized.
Ouch, I'm sorry, ArmyQt. If it's any consolation, though, your hair still looks really long and beautiful :). I don't know, but could it be that parts of your hair are just growing faster than others, because I don't really think it looks like straight breakage. Even in the before picture, parts looks thin, but not damaged. It still looked pretty healthy to me. Anyway, it looks really lovely either way.
Thanks ladies :) I've been obsessing in the mirror ever since I trimmed. I hate I had to let go of the length, but I DO love the way my hair looks and feel. Oh length smelngth. I don't care and I'm not giving up. My hair is bouncing and behaving like nobody's business :D I'm gonna go with it and the heck with the stressing. I mean it IS just hair.

@ Britt - I'm already relaxing my hair every 16 weeks. I don't think I can go any farther than that. But I will probably start rinsing the relaxer out @ about 12 min instead of 18. That hopefully will make a difference in my thickness.

@ Dreems - Girl you know what, you are right in your evaluation. Now granted I haven't been chopping my hair, but I have been trimming small amounts to keep it in shape. I was in shock today to see that gap. If you look back at my older photos you will notice the same pattern. It seems that the back of my hair grows alot slower than the top. And it is possible that that is what it is. When I parted my hair across in the back, I could tell that the area in the middle was a lot shorter. This section of my hair is a completly different texture. It's very light and curly, regardless of my relaxer. SO I think you may be on to something. :)

Nikki don't be discouraged. It WILL come eventually. If nothing else, your hair will become healthier. It IS a process. But don't give up :kiss:

Ladies thanks again for all your encouraging words. :)
Armyqt, your hair looks great! My hair is at least a good 5" from your after picture. Trims can be very emotional at first, but your hair is still long. You'll recover the length, healthy length, in no time--you'll see. I have about an inch that needs to come off, and that's a major trim when you only have 17.5 inches; but I know that it has to come off oneday. You are an inspiration pre- and post- trim.
Army, you had me scared for you! Your hair still looks beautiful....long and healthy :) I think the other ladies are right...maybe it is the constant stress of wearing a ponytail? Everyone can't wear styles like that all the time. I know a lot of ladies on here have had great success by using the bun as a protective style to retain growth, but when I tried, it broke my hair off :ohwell: My hair does much better when I alternate between wearing it down, loose ponytail, and the occasional bun. Don't worry, things will get better. But if it means anything, you still have a gorgeous head of hair!

It looks great ArmyQT. Even with 4 inches cut off it still looks long. I would just stop wearing the ponytails all the time. And believe me, your hair seems thin in the before picture because it seems that your crown area doesn't grow as fast as other parts of your hair.

Please don't give up! Just ignore it, keep doing what you're doing, and I bet one day you'll look down and see that your hair is way past brastrap.
Armyqt said:
Thanks ladies :) I've been obsessing in the mirror ever since I trimmed. I hate I had to let go of the length, but I DO love the way my hair looks and feel. Oh length smelngth. I don't care and I'm not giving up. My hair is bouncing and behaving like nobody's business :D I'm gonna go with it and the heck with the stressing. I mean it IS just hair.

@ Britt - I'm already relaxing my hair every 16 weeks. I don't think I can go any farther than that. But I will probably start rinsing the relaxer out @ about 12 min instead of 18. That hopefully will make a difference in my thickness.

@ Dreems - Girl you know what, you are right in your evaluation. Now granted I haven't been chopping my hair, but I have been trimming small amounts to keep it in shape. I was in shock today to see that gap. If you look back at my older photos you will notice the same pattern. It seems that the back of my hair grows alot slower than the top. And it is possible that that is what it is. When I parted my hair across in the back, I could tell that the area in the middle was a lot shorter. This section of my hair is a completly different texture. It's very light and curly, regardless of my relaxer. SO I think you may be on to something. :)

Nikki don't be discouraged. It WILL come eventually. If nothing else, your hair will become healthier. It IS a process. But don't give up :kiss:

Ladies thanks again for all your encouraging words. :)

Girl Please! Your hair is awesome! I know what you mean about the growth in the middle. I have the same issue! I just do mini trims in hopes of one day it will all be even. I think I have about .05 to go! I dont understand my middle piece either! It can drive you crazy if you let it! Keep up the good work!
your hair does look great and i agree with dreems maybe it is growing at a diff rate
you said the middle was shorter is that where you put your pony too? maybe a
shift to a lower spot might help you said it was curlier there too maybe extra moisture
in that spot will help too
Your hair looks beautiful, ArmyQT. :) I know a cut like that can be traumatic and frustrating but your hair is still long and it looks healthy. Do you alternate where you put your ponytail? That's the only thing I can suggest besides just wearing your hair down and moisturizing the ends or wearing very loose protective styles.
I wish I could wear my hair in differnt styles. But y'all know I'min the military and I can't wear my hair down @ all. There is no other way I can wear it besides in a ponytail. I don't pull my hair tight at all and I wear silk scrunchies. If it was the ponytail wouldn't it break of closer to the roots? I'm gonna start surging in about a week. And I'm gonna start greasing the length of my hair. Maybe I just need more moisture on the length. Also it could be just my ends getting weak over time from relaxing. We'll see. I fell really positive about the Phyto relaxer. so maybe there's hope.

I swear I've grown a whole other hair of head since I've been on this board :lol:
From your post I was thinking that you had to cut your hair really short.. but your hair is still long and really beautiful!
Your hair DOES look beautiful Army...and I would go with the silver lining approach....

Maybe your hair likes more trimming, and it's certainly long (and growing - I def see progress since we all showed up here at LHCF) so if you wanted to trim a little more often to maintain a blunt look, you could do that now painlessly and STILL keep growing your hair. You'd just be moving a little more slowly since it's ALREADY long. ;)

I understand your frustration, but think you're at a point a LOT of people would love to be. :) You can grow your hair and actively work on the "look" of it as well!
Army, QT... I' m sorry to hear about your hair. Perhaps it is the relaxer. I could relate to everything your post said. As my hair gets longer it seems to grow in an irregular pattern similar to yours. I only wish my hair were as long and thick as yours. Even if you maintained and continued to trim your hair is absolutely beautiful! :)

I just realized something. Our head is shaped in a circle and if all the hair is growing at the same time, you will get the same length all over. So what I'm trying to say is that perhaps the middle cannot catch up with the back fast enough because the back section of your hair is always going to look the longest because it doesn't have as far to reach your goal whereas the top and middle sections have a long way to reach your goal.

Did I make sense? :look:
Totally makes sense. It will naturally be layered.

I was wondering if this might just be the way it grows in a v. Perhaps she could try growing it this way past her goal lenght and then do a trim and maintain a blunt cut at the goal lenght?
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I'm so mad at movie star right now....what da?!!

I should only be so happy....just to get to half of what this chick is post trim!

You have such a gorgeous head of hair....whatever about the long as it's healthy and it's certainly that.

I know...I know...the trim was traumatic...I'm not minimizing that at have my hand extended to you to hold....but my point is...ya still are looking gaw-ge-ous even afterwards.:grin:
Your hair is soooo pretty, Army! I can only DREAM of my hair being that long!!! :)

I really believe that if you change up your styles, you won't have that problem anymore.