Deep Conditioning On Dry Hair?

What other site? :smile:

What kind of results are they getting? Sounds great.

I use a DC as my detangling prepoo. I apply it to dry hair. I finger detangle with it and then apply water if I decide to further detangle with tools. Sometimes I let it sit in my hair for 30-60 minutes, and sometimes I instantly shampoo it out. On proper DC days, I still do a proper DC after shampooing out the prepoo DC.

The prepoo/DC softens my hair and allows me to predetangle and detangle with way less mechanical damage, and that adds up over a year of wash days.

Then, since I shampoo it out (instead of rinsing it and shampooing naked hair), my hair does not feel stripped. It stays relatively untangled.

I don't know why I ever stopped this process. Well, yes I do: My prepoo DC is a SM masque. I'm back to it now, and it takes the dread out of wash day for me.
It all depends on your time and preference! I've tried both and to tell you the truth you need to check if you don't have lots of build ups on your hair strands. Because the deep conditioner needs to penetrate through your strands!

Other than that it's a time saver for a wash day!

This is a SUPER good point:

I watched a very long video by a medical doctor who specializes in hair and has a product line. In the video, she said that the point (I hope she meant one of the main points) of shampooing is to put the hair into the optimal state for receiving the benefit of deep conditioner.

That's why I do a proper DC on shampooed hair despite the fact that early I have prepooed with a DC.
Fusion of Cultures (youtuber) swears by deep conditioning on dry hair. I believe there was a point in time when Naptural85 also deep conditioned before washing (I think she did wet her hair before applying her dc mix though).

There is no right or wrong way to deep condition. It’s all about doing what works for you.
I wash with shampoo and condition my hair afterwards every two weeks. Every other week I deep condition on dry hair, rinse, apply leave ins and style. Shampooing every week is too much for my hair so I deep condition on dry hair to give my hair a break and to infuse moisture. I love deep conditioning on dry hair. I also apply my protein conditioners on dry hair. I feel like my protein conditioners take better on dry hair.
I do my protein dc's on dry hair. I then shampoo and air dry as usual.

I think it's beneficial to my hair because I clarify weekly and I'm always cowashing. My hair has zero buildup on the strands so the conditioner has a chance to penetrate.

Also agree that it's a great time saver. :up:
This sounds like another attempt to make haircare difficulto_O

First, why would you want to dc on dirty hair, especially if you are doing it with a heat cap or dryer? That's just baking in all the sweat and grime that's already in your hair.:confused:

Second, I would bet that if you did a test with dcing on wet hair and dcing on dry hair no one would be able to tell the difference.

IMO, it's best to keep it simple and just use it how it was meant to be used. Shampoo, dc then style. Simple.