Dear Oprah, Mariah & Leona: Don't Forget That Curly Hair Is Beautiful Too


Well-Known Member
I read this article and was real impressed:yep:

Today, an open letter to Oprah Winfrey was published by Michelle Breyer and Gretchen Heber of The problem? On Oprah's "Great American Haircut" special, curly-haired women were made "better" by being given straight hair. "In case after case, beautiful waves, curls and kinks were beaten into submission with blow dryers, flatirons and extensions. In one of the most curious cases, a beautiful woman — who was wearing a gorgeous and undoubtedly hard-won afro — was given stick-straight extensions," write Breyer and Heber. They continue: "Oprah, you are well loved the world over, due in no small part to your uplifting gospel of self-acceptance. Yet, in the eyes of curlies, these makeovers send an unmistakable - and most disheartening - message that one's natural hair isn't acceptable."

As a curly girl myself, I agree with the content of this letter — although I am not at all surprised that a makeover means straight hair. We're living in a day and age where curly hair is like an STD: It's best to get rid of it as soon as possible and pretend you never had it.

Witness: Mariah then; Mariah now. Nicole Kidman then; Nicole Kidman now. Jennifer Lopez then; Jennifer Lopez now. Beyoncé then; Beyoncé now. Even new singer Leona Lewis lost her tight curls in order to "make it." I could go on. Not to mention movies like The Princess Diaries, in which the heroine goes from an ugly dork to a pretty girl by (ta-dah!) getting a blow out. It's great to try a new look, and we all know the feeling of wanting something you don't have. (I'd be lying if I said I didn't go straight every now and then.) But the subtext is that curly hair is somehow "wrong" and in need of "fixing," like a crooked smile, ill-fitting wardrobe or something else you'd "make over." Worse, I suspect there is an underlying racism in the aversion to curly hair. It's often described as "wild" and "untamed" which basically means "savage" and isn't that just a polite way of saying "black people have it" ?

In any case, curly hair is nothing to be ashamed of. Obviously. In the words of Breyer and Heber: "We are proud to espouse the message that curly hair, like eye and skin color, is always in style and is something that one needn't change in order to 'fit in.' After all, curlies make up more than 50% of the world's population - we need to rock our curls!" It would be great if the world accepted curly hair, but if Oprah can't, what chance do we have?
An Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey From [PR Newswire]
I agree wholeheartedly with the article.

I have followed Nicole Kidman's career for many years and her hair is almost as curly and coily as mine :yep: It used to be a gorgeous, red cloud of hair. Now, she's bleached out and straightened... Nothing wrong with change now and then, but why does it always go in the same direction?

And Oprah herself looks 1000 times better with curly or coily weaves than her straight weaves...somehow it just suits our faces better. I wonder why? :rolleyes: LOL
I agree wholeheartedly with the article.

I have followed Nicole Kidman's career for many years and her hair is almost as curly and coily as mine :yep: It used to be a gorgeous, red cloud of hair. Now, she's bleached out and straightened... Nothing wrong with change now and then, but why does it always go in the same direction?

And Oprah herself looks 1000 times better with curly or coily weaves than her straight weaves...somehow it just suits our faces better. I wonder why? :rolleyes: LOL

I've been trying to get this question answered for a few years now. It seems one direction is more 'manageable' than others:look:

This kills me! I enjoyed the article!

We have some curlies working at my job. They are YT, and whenever they straighten their hair my other coworkers comment that they look SO MUCH BETTER with straight hair.:ohwell: So what do they think of me?
The person who mentioned her co-workers, I've witnessed the same thing. One of our PAs has naturally curly blonde hair that she normally wears short. Then one day she blew it out and flat ironed it. All morning all you heard was, "Debbie! Wow! Your hair looks so good!" You would have thought she looked like a dog on every other day. (Her "Thank you"s kept getting more and more pissed off. :lachen:) And yeah, her hair looked ok straight, but it was just as cute (cuter in my opinion) when she wore it curly.

THe next day she wore her hair curly as usual, I made sure to compliment her. She understood why I was doing it, and we had a good laugh,
Thanks Kurlee for posting this. I REALLY needed to read this today. I have a relaxer in the bathroom that has been calling my name all weekend. It's hard going against the norm but I'm really looking forward to enjoying all my curls and naps:grin:
I'm not going to pretend that getting up with stick straight hair, fluffing it out and heading outside to watch it ripple in the breeze like fine silk wouldn't be fun. I know because my hair did so for years, while I relaxed.

I mean, why else, on a forum of mostly black women are people devoted to "swang"?

Our natural texture doesn't "Swang". I chased "Swang" for the last seven years and only recently discovered that a) My natural hair is less work than relaxed hair and b) No it doesn't swang, but it does something I like more...stands out.

And standing out, in a way that contradicts the European standard of beauty will not make money in the entertainment arena. Thus, the transition to sraight/blonde.

That said I can't wait for my hair to grow out and be like it was as a kid when it "swayed" with the breeze. Moving with the wind as IT pleased, not as the wind dictated. :grin:

Disclaimer: I'm not knocking those who want "swang" or relax. I was a relaxed head for years, and a texlaxed head for a few more and just BCed this Feb. Put the AK-47s, M-16s, grenades, cross bows, shuriken, and blow guns down. :lachen:

I frequent naturally curly and i love the fact that they embrace curlks so much over there! I love my and others curly hair and don't understand the worlds obsession with straight hair. The only reason i get blowouts is to properly see my ends and get a trim. Thats ALL! Within a day or two i HAVE to wet it and make it revert. Even Mariah CArey, the straight hair is so blah for her:nono:. Kimora's big curls were beautiful and now again ....blah:look:
I agree completely with the article! My mom relaxed my hair and now I regret it.. I miss my curly hair and it's beautiful!!!
I frequent naturally curly and i love the fact that they embrace curlks so much over there! I love my and others curly hair and don't understand the worlds obsession with straight hair. The only reason i get blowouts is to properly see my ends and get a trim. Thats ALL! Within a day or two i HAVE to wet it and make it revert. Even Mariah CArey, the straight hair is so blah for her:nono:. Kimora's big curls were beautiful and now again ....blah:look:

I think Mariah looked her best with curly really frames her face well.
This kills me! I enjoyed the article!

We have some curlies working at my job. They are YT, and whenever they straighten their hair my other coworkers comment that they look SO MUCH BETTER with straight hair.:ohwell: So what do they think of me?

I really hate it when people do that. I used to mainly get compliments when I had a fresh perm, or a weave. Now my hair's natural, and it makes me a little self-conscious around straight-haired people...

This society needs a turn-around!
I agree with the article especially since most of these women look more aged with it straight depending how it's worn.

Leona Lewis' nose....I mean hair isn't the only thing that appears to have been fixed.:blush:
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I was just thinking about Mariah Carey's hair and I have not seen it curly since the "Dreamlover" video... Haha... I don't get it. :nono: It's kind of a bummer. It's like does she get her hair straightened everytime she washes? I don't think she would wash her hair everyday... But like what the heck? It's ok to be different. :hair:
"We're living in a day and age where curly hair is like an STD: It's best to get rid of it as soon as possible and pretend you never had it."

Really makes you think. I wear my hair super-straight, but I totally agree with this article.
"We're living in a day and age where curly hair is like an STD: It's best to get rid of it as soon as possible and pretend you never had it."

Really makes you think. I wear my hair super-straight, but I totally agree with this article.

:lachen:Totally true!!!!

It is funny - But soo Sad....:nono:
Everyone wants Beyonce's or Nicole Kidman's hair.... and that hair is not their natural locks...
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i could agree with you ladies because you make good points but im going to have to disagree.
its called a make over. if you come in there with curly hair i would assume that they would make you straight. just like when women come with long dark hair they always cut it and make her some honey brown or damn near blonde. Oprah herself wears her hair semi big and curly. they are going to do the total left field of what you already have, other wise it wouldnt be a make over.
Thank you for posting this article, Kurlee!! I wholeheartedly agree! Unfortunately, society's perception of what is beautiful is completely warped :ohwell:. No one wants to be unique anymore. Everyone wants to "fit in" in order to be "accepted".
I use to think only straight hair would look good, but that's based on the stereotypes I saw and the imagery put in my head. But I love my natural hair and I wish someone would suggest that I wear it straight. I wear it straight when I want too, I wear it curly coily kinky when I want too!
Tom Hanks and Jeff Goldblum (he was on The View recently looking relaxed/flatironed or *something*. eek!) come to mind too.:nono:

Excellent article!
That was a good article.

But celebrities really aren't the people everyone should be looking to as examples for curly hair love. They have to do what they have to do to get paid. Fitting in is their livelihood.

With the number of people who relax on this board and in real life, it's a lot less likely to see curly hair embraced on a day to day basis with the people you work and socialize with. Obviously, there's not that much curly love going around. I can't be mad at Oprah's makeovers when everybody I see has straight hair.