Deal for Mega Tek Users


Well-Known Member
Equus Now is having a sale where if you purchase between $50-$150 you get 10% AND free shipping. They sell Mega Tek for $21.95...If you are an advid user, you can get 3 bottles and save a pretty penny.
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I think it ends up calculating to be $20 a bottle with the sale and free shipping :-D Pretty good deal.
:woot: Thank you!! :kiss:

Awwww sooookie sooookie!! I've been ordered not to shop anymore but...I just GOTTA have my Mega-tek! :sekret:
LaNecia said:
:woot: Thank you!! :kiss:

Awwww sooookie sooookie!! I've been ordered not to shop anymore but...I just GOTTA have my Mega-tek! :sekret:

LOL, you can't beat the price...more so for those who are regular users of MT, buy in bulk and save some $$$!!!
The poo was a bit strong for my hair also, I've diluted it tremendously, which seemed to help.

I finally ordered last night, I got the last three bottles.... :mad:. Now, before ya'll send me to PJ's Anonymous, I also buy this for my mom! Really! :lol:
LaNecia said:
The poo was a bit strong for my hair also, I've diluted it tremendously, which seemed to help.

I finally ordered last night, I got the last three bottles.... :mad:. Now, before ya'll send me to PJ's Anonymous, I also buy this for my mom! Really! :lol:

Ok, thanks for the info ladies. I have the shampoo, but haven't used it too much...I didn't notice drying the few times I used it, but I will definitely keep an eye out for that.

Good you caught the last day of the sale (and the last three bottles).

Shoot, I bought them ALL for myself!!! LOL.
so1913 said:
Shoot, I bought them ALL for myself!!! LOL.

You probably got yours first and THEN told us about, huh? Holdin' out!! :grin:

If I didn't get such a great deal on the ones I got, I'd be :mad: . :lol:
LaNecia said:
You probably got yours first and THEN told us about, huh? Holdin' out!! :grin:

If I didn't get such a great deal on the ones I got, I'd be :mad: . :lol:

Sure did! had to make sure
i got mine! :-D
so1913 said:
Got my order today :-D

I'm good to go!

Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww! Are we gloating?!?! :lol:

Happy for you, mine'll come sometime before my next birthday....*impatiently tapping fingers on desk and looking out the window :look: *