Dc question


New Member
What are you suppose to dc with? I see a lot of people dc with oils but then I see a lot of ppl dc with conditioners. Which is appropriate? It seems like no moisture would penetrate the hair if u dc with oil, am I wrong?

Also are you suppose to dc while wet or dry? I usually do it wet and get good results, but is dry better?
I think a lot of people add oil to their deep conditioners, but I'm not sure about using it on it's own. I deep condition on wet hair after shampooing, I've never tried it on dry hair but I've heard that it work well for some, because dry hair acts like a sponge and absorbs it. Not sure how true that is, though.
What are you suppose to dc with? I see a lot of people dc with oils but then I see a lot of ppl dc with conditioners. Which is appropriate? It seems like no moisture would penetrate the hair if u dc with oil, am I wrong?

Also are you suppose to dc while wet or dry? I usually do it wet and get good results, but is dry better?

@BBritdenise, I'd follow whatever the treatment directions say. Aubrey's GPB is both a regular conditioner and a DC. This is what the directions say:

Shake well before using. After shampooing, apply to damp hair and work through concentrating on the ends. Leave on for 1 or 2 minutes, then rinse. For deep conditioning: Apply to dry and distribute from scalp to ends. Leave on for 15 minutes, then shampoo and condition hair as usual.
So for regular conditioning, you apply it to your damp hair after rinsing shampoo off. For deep conditioning, you apply it to dry hair BEFORE you shampoo. Then after follow that shampoo with a moisturizing conditioner.

This is what Nexxus Emergencée (a reconstructor, which means it has both protein and moisture) directions say:

Shampoo with Nexxus® Shampoo for your hair type. Apply an ample amount of Emergencee to completely cover the hair. Work through. Cover hair with plastic cap. Leave in for 10 minutes with or without heat. Rinse with lukewarm water. Shampoo with Therappe® Luxury Moisturizing Shampoo and follow with Humectress® Ultimate Moisturizing Conditioner to maintain moisture balance. Proceed with styling. Emergencee is an excellent pre-treatment for delicate hair prior to all chemical services
So to DC with Emergencée, you first shampoo, rinse, then apply it to damp hair and wear a cap. Then you shampoo it off with a moisturizing shampoo then condition with a moisturizing conditioner.

So you see, different products, different rules. The makers of the products know how best they work so I say use them as directed. I don't add stuff to products because I don't want to mess up a formula that works.
I remember reading a thread on this forum a few years ago about what it meant to actually "deep condition". What I gathered from it was that a conditioner is a DC if it suggested being left on the hair for a period of time (3+ minutes), contained cetrimoniun chloride, or stearalkonium chloride (which allows the conditioner to penetrate the hair shaft, as opposed to just coating it), and lastly your cuticle layer has to be fairly raised by either body or external heat. I remember it saying that it takes about 15-30 for this to happen, so I always DC for at least 15 min.

These are just the guidelines that *I* follow. I know there are women on this forum who DC with everything under the sun. But for me, DCing following these rules have allowed me to no longer need to moisturize during the week, after apply my initial leave in.

I DC on wet hair because It helps with the distribution of product. But I believe the idea behind dry DCing was that your hair absorbs more product because it does not have to soak in as much water first. I've had good result dry DCing, but not significant enough to change my routine.

As far as adding oils... People do for different reasons. Oils that penetrate ( coconut, olive oil, avocado oil, etc.) can boost the effectiveness of your DC, some oils make it easier to detangle. Some think adding oil seals in more of the conditioner. My DCs usually have enough oil in them already that I don't need to add more.

You just really have to experiment with different products and techniques to find what works for you. I would start with one product, unaltered. Try it on dry hair, wet hair, heat, no heat, and for different times... and then just play from there.

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Nonie is there more than one type of Nexxus emergencee? The directions on my bottle are the same except it doesn't say to cover with plastic cap and leave on for 10 minutes. I wonder If I'm using the wrong treatment. Sorry OP don't mean to jack your thread.
@Nonie is there more than one type of Nexxus emergencee? The directions on my bottle are the same except it doesn't say to cover with plastic cap and leave on for 10 minutes. I wonder If I'm using the wrong treatment. Sorry OP don't mean to jack your thread.

Hi @sherrimberri, no, it's the same one. A few years ago, they changed the directions on it. Previously IIRC, one didn't need to shampoo the hair after using it, but I think they might've had people who didn't rinse the conditioner off well and so had issues, so they played it safe by adding the shampoo. At least that was what we deduced a few years ago when we noticed the directions had changed and asked them if the formula had changed and they said no. Those of use who used it with the old directions continued to use it that way. When I posted those directions above, I simply did a Google search coz I was at work and not where I could copy the directions from an actual bottle I own. Those directions were on Amazon so I'm guessing there are still some bottles with the old directions? But I haven't noticed any difference in how my hair feels when I use the bottles with the new directions, and I still use it the way I used to use it--per the old directions that I posted above. I just no longer use heat.

(BTW, I discovered Emergencée in the early nineties when a stylist stopped my jheri curl from breaking just like that *snaps fingers* with a treatment with the product. He used heat and like magic, hair that was coming out in my hands when I stroked my hair just stopped pronto. Because I've seen it work like magic when used the way the directions above say, I'm stuck on using it that way of leaving it in for 10 minutes. I just don't use heat coz I'm scared of bubble hair...plus the directions did say you could skip the heat, so I'm still following rules.)

Here's the old discussion I was talmbout:


And another discussion where this came up again:

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