DC Changed My Hair Color


Well-Known Member
Last week I DC'd with yogurt, baking soda, and aloe vera gel. I put a plastic cap on my hair and left it for an hour. Then I rinsed it out and co-washed with HE Hello Hydration Moisturizing Conditioner.

My hair felt soft, strong and moisturized. When I got out of the shower I noticed my hair color seemed more vibrant or deeper in color. It looked great and I assumed it looked darker because it was wet. But after it dried it stilled seemed deeper and darker in color.

Over the years of relaxing my hair turned dark brown with a reddish tint to it. My hair was black before I started relaxing.

5 days later my hair is definitely darker than it was before the DC.

Does anyone know have any ideas why my hair got darker after DCing with those ingredients?
do you relax your hair? if the lactic acid in the yogurt changed the color, then its presence in the hair will stay as long as it's in your hair.

when you relax, and your cuticles are lifted, your regular color should come back. i had a similar experience; the ayurvedic powders i use make my hair color darker, but when i relax, the color leaves my hair strands.