Dating outside of your race


New Member
Do any of you ladies (or men) date outside your race OR have done so in the past? What was your experience like? What was the reaction of your friends and family? How'd you cope with problems that arose from the race/culture difference?

Currently I'm dating a white guy and it's a totally new experience for me because I've only ever dated black men. My mother seems a bit miffed that he's white... but I'm not sure if it's displeasure or just surprise... A few of my friends have been a bit iffy as well.. and again, I'm not sure if it's disapproval or just genuine surprise. I've only had one friend (black male) chew me out for it. He accused me of being a sell out and says that the white guy only wants me as his concubine :perplexed
So far it's going well... he even asked me if it's really true that white people smell 'renk' when they get hot and
Claude hawmercy dis is the wyte man smogards bar and convention center up in here chile:lachen: :lachen:
Baby you new around these parts:confused: :look:
Try using the search function and you'll get loads of information, shared experiences, positive feedback and basically damn good stuff.

You really should try it. IRL ain't nothing new under the sun you know? :)
By tommorrow you will have loads of replies but if your bored go head on to the search function.
firecracker said:
Claude hawmercy dis is the wyte man smogards bar and convention center up in here chile:lachen: :lachen:
Baby you new around these parts:confused: :look:
Try using the search function and you'll get loads of information, shared experiences, positive feedback and basically damn good stuff.

You really should try it. IRL ain't nothing new under the sun you know? :)
By tommorrow you will have loads of replies but if your bored go head on to the search function.

Yeh I realise I could have done a search... but laziness has overcome I'll see what tomorrow holds. :cool:
firecracker said:
Claude hawmercy dis is the wyte man smogards bar and convention center up in here chile:lachen: :lachen:
Baby you new around these parts:confused: :look:
Try using the search function and you'll get loads of information, shared experiences, positive feedback and basically damn good stuff.

You really should try it. IRL ain't nothing new under the sun you know? :)
By tommorrow you will have loads of replies but if your bored go head on to the search function.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

She's right. I was planning to come in and say the same thing...probably not in those words, but the message would have been similar. :lol:

ETA: To answer the question, no, I have not dated outside of my race, but it's not out of the question.
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Wow. Umm...let's just say you'll be getting a ton of replies to this thread. :lachen:

To answer your question, yes, I date outside my race. :)
Ive answered this question so many times. like the others have said, we have MANY threads that have asked nealry the same question as you. Yeah im sure you'll get a lot of replies
I knew it had been discussed alot but who knew.

To answer the OP question, yes I've dated outside the black race.

You have to do what you feel is best for you.
Yeah, we have discussed this topic many times before but you can always come here if you need any advice. I feel that you should do what's best for you. And if he's willing to make you an honest woman and show his affection toward you publicly instead of in the dark and behind closed doors then you have found someone who likes you for you.

Good Luck and be blessed.
I agree with Honey! Girl love is love. Don't worry about what others say just do you. Everyone has to live and find happiness for themselves.:)
Nevaeh1282 said:
I've only had one friend (black male) chew me out for it. He accused me of being a sell out and says that the white guy only wants me as his concubine :perplexed:

Like all the other ladies said, I'd suggest you read through the many threads on this board on this topic. Let's just say that Firecracker is right... this board is very um, white/Asian/Hispanic male friendly. :lachen:

As for this comment above, all I have to say is that black women get the most grief from black men when they date out of their race (and vice versa, to be fair). And I see you're in the UK... so that means that I bet my bank account that the black male that is criticizing you has dated a white woman or two, which makes him a hypocrite. That's the oldest line in the book that a white man can never love a black woman for her and only wants her for sex... like black men (or other men) aren't guilty of using women for sex themselves.

And of course, black men who date white women NEEEEEVER see themselves as sell outs... but black women who date interracially are... so, I hope you see how absolutely useless your "friend's" advice is!

If you like this guy, then do your thing and don't let anyone try to make up crap to prevent you from dating him... especially black men who want to keep black women for themselves while they date all the white women they want.
i date outside of my race. i've dated latinos and white men. my mother doesn't mind me dating other than black men, but my father can't stand it. i know he prays to God that when i do choose to get married that my husband is black.
Galleta said:
i date outside of my race. i've dated latinos and white men. my mother doesn't mind me dating other than black men, but my father can't stand it. i know he prays to God that when i do choose to get married that my husband is black.

Not to put you on the spot (just in general).

Everytime I hear that parents try to enforce their preference onto their children it makes me wonder. Should parents have any say on which race their children should date or marry?
Amina said:
Not to put you on the spot (just in general).

Everytime I hear that parents try to enforce their preference onto their children it makes me wonder. Should parents have any say on which race their children should date or marry?

No they shouldn't but I know a lot of parents(and kids too for that matter) may feel that their children "owe" them. Sad, but true.:(
Galleta said:
i date outside of my race. i've dated latinos and white men. my mother doesn't mind me dating other than black men, but my father can't stand it. i know he prays to God that when i do choose to get married that my husband is black.

My father was the same way.
Honeys all parents have dreams, goals, hope and aspirations for their children.:look: Not saying that the child will accomplish what is expected but there is nothing at all wrong with a parent wanting anything for their child.

Now the race the child chooses to marry should not be as important as many other aspirations. A good loving positive provider should be the want for the child.
With that being said if our parents had no expectations or aspiriations for us where would any of us be:confused:

We live in an imperfect world. A world full of personal preferences and choices.

Just like I don't want my child to be gay some other parent doesn't want their child to marry out of their race. Ain't really a damn thang we can do about but its still a personal preference like your choice in hair etc. :look:

I don't know how "owe" has anything to do with a parent trying to force someone one to marry a certain person? I can see as a parent how my children would owe me in regards to being a positive productive citizen if I raised them that way. Really more like expectation not owing me ****.
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I've never dated anything but Black men. Men of other races don't seem to be particularly attracted to me. But it's okay, cause I haven't come across many that I was attracted to either.
firecracker said:
Claude hawmercy dis is the wyte man smogards bar and convention center up in here chile:lachen: :lachen:
Baby you new around these parts:confused: :look:
Try using the search function and you'll get loads of information, shared experiences, positive feedback and basically damn good stuff.

You really should try it. IRL ain't nothing new under the sun you know? :)
By tommorrow you will have loads of replies but if your bored go head on to the search function.

MzLady78 said:
I've never dated anything but Black men. Men of other races don't seem to be particularly attracted to me. But it's okay, cause I haven't come across many that I was attracted to either.

I doubt that... you are a very beautiful woman. They may not approach you, but I bet they are lookin'. :grin:
Thanks Lotus & Dlewis!!

I don't know, maybe they do. I tend to have my mean mug on when I'm out (guys always stop me and go "smile, ma-it can't be that bad) LOL. I just have so little patience with guys that sometimes I feel like I have to look unapproachable. I know that may keep me from attracting a decent guy but I can't help it.
I used to be so set in dating only black men,

But it seems that they're not the ones that are interested in me.

I've dated outside of my ethnicity/cultural background, in fact it was my first bf. I was so set out on finding a brotha (caught up in the whole black love thing) at first but instead I found 'something new' (:lachen: ) I absolutely don't regret, I'm not the kinda of person who looks at someone's skincolor b4 dating them, but like I said, dating a brotha just seems like the obvious choice, when really it's not, it's all about finding someone you can interact with and so on.