Daters that Cheat!!


New Member
I was listening to Michael Baisden Show today and he was talking about Single people who cheat and how he doesn't understand why they do it.. He basically stated if you are dating more than 1 person, you should let them know and that people should call the person they are dating and just say "I know you are Cheating" and hang up the phone :lachen:. He also said that he wasn't talking to married or relationshiped people.

Now, I'm thinking, if we are dating, how is that cheating? I'm not committed to you so how is that cheating. I can understand being honest and letting the person know that you are multi-dating but to call it cheating if someone doesn't let you know? Is there something I 'm missing? Is my idea of cheating different?
If everyone is single I dont understand where the cheating part is coming in?

Maybe I'm missing something too.

All I know is Michael B is a fool. Tis' all.
If you are exclusive then I consider that cheating if you are with another person. If there is no gf/bf title and you are just hanging out every now and then but seeing other people then I don't consider that cheating.
If we are just dating how is it cheating? When I use the term dating I think something casual and I let the men know that I have other male friends, I don't go into detail because it's none of their business.
If you have an explicit agreement to some sort of commitment and exclusivity then fine.

Otherwise, it's not "cheating". Folks need to stop operating under assumptions and start asking real questions and being prepared for real answers. Until we have an explicit agreement that has been voiced and accepted, there's no commitment there...and we females need to get it through our heads.

I've met his family + we have sex + he tells me he loves me does NOT equal commitment!

Co-signing with Dannie - why do people act like Michael Baisden makes sense...
As soon as I saw Michael Baisden's name, I was like, whatever!!!

I won't lie though... I listen to him and Mo'Nique sometimes just for the comedy! :)
I didn't hear this show, but when I've heard him say that before, he included people supposedly in relationships, too; talking about how some people do try and give the impression that they're not dating anyone else 'cause they know that if the other person knows that, then they'll leave. So, even if they are just dating, people keep it to themselves because they know they couldn't have the relationship on their terms if they told the other person they weren't committed to them. I think the situation he's talking about comes up when one person believes there's a committment and the other person knows that but still does what they want to do.
i guess this is so traditional of me, but why would I want to be with someone who is seeing other people, at least not after a while. I suppose it would turn into a competition thing. But I believe in guarding my heart and when people do it like this it seems to me that someone is bound to get hurt.
I guess I was a CHEATER and didn't know it :lol: He speaks silly to keep them ratings!

CDW your hair looks so pretty in your avatar!
i guess this is so traditional of me, but why would I want to be with someone who is seeing other people, at least not after a while. I suppose it would turn into a competition thing. But I believe in guarding my heart and when people do it like this it seems to me that someone is bound to get hurt.

I see what you're saying, and I think (at least I hope) that there is a point in which the partners stop seeing other people. Like for me, if I'm seeing someone for three months and he hasn't done anything, he gets cut from the team.

If I stopped seeing everyone else in the meantime though and put all my money on that one guy, then I possibly missed out on someone who would have wanted to be exclusive!

So I DO agree with the point I think you're making... at some point, the other people have to go, but that should happen ONLY when one of them asks for an exclusive relationship.
That's the point of dating though..... to get to know ppl before you decide to be in a relationship.

If two ppl decide upfront on exclusivity- fine. But dating more than one person is not cheating. It's also a woman's choice not to disclose. If he really wants to lock you down and be "the only one" he will make that very clear. :yep:
If you are not exclusive, then it's not cheating. I always presumed that any man I was dating was also dating someone else unless & until we discussed being exclusive.

Physical relationships are different.....because if you are physical then hopefully you have already had the exclusive talk.
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hell hath no fury like a man no woman wants
and vents on radio about it under camouflage

if slides like a snake.....ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
That's the point of dating though..... to get to know ppl before you decide to be in a relationship.

If two ppl decide upfront on exclusivity- fine. But dating more than one person is not cheating. It's also a woman's choice not to disclose. If he really wants to lock you down and be "the only one" he will make that very clear. :yep:

That's what I say. :lachen: Michael B drives me crazy some times.

But to be honest, there are some people that actually stop looking or dating because they have gone out a couple of times with someone and have some conversations with them. If we haven't agreed verbally and mutually, then it ain't happening!!!
If you are not exclusive, then it's not cheating. I always presumed that any man I was dating was also dating someone else unless & until we discussed being exclusive.

Physical relationships are different.....because if you are physical then hopefully you have already had the exclusive talk.

See that's how I am. If we haven't discussed having an exclusive relationship we aren't in one. If we are just dating there is a presumption he is seeing other people, whether he is or not. I'm pretty upfront, I will say yes I'm seeing other men, but the who, what, when and how is none of his business.