DANG thats a LONG time...


New Member
So Ive finally come to the conclusion that my ultimate goal will take another 3+ years to achieve. How long do you think it will take to achieve your ULTIMATE goal. Im not talking short term a few more inches. Im alking hair fantasy, Ima pass out as soon as I get there type goal :) I was browsing some fotkis and I see that most people take 4+ years to get to shoulder to bra strap natural UNSTRETCHED. I know Ill hit bra strap stretched next year but unstretched is gonna tak eme FOREVER *sigh* oh well.
*grins* I think I figured out once that it would take me 5 years to get to where I want to be.
Funnily enough, I'm also starting a 'reshape my body' eating/exercising/health plan - and I figure I'll be where I want to be along those lines in five years as well.
2011 - you ain't gon be able to tell me NOTHING!!
Waoow 3 more years, you're brave girl, but i'm curious, what is the lenght when you stretch natural bra strap?
I think i can get to mid back in two years if i don't trim/cut my hair and keep doing the C&G.
I figure it will take me about 5 years to get to bra strap, unstretched natural hair......but 5 years is 5 years.....time ticks on regardless to what you are doing with it.....might as well be reaching goals in the meantime :)
I have no clue how long it will take :ohwell: I want to be shoulder length or slightly longer for the most part unstretched (with layers and shaping). I'm not sure what my growth rate is.

I don't know how fast my hair grows but I'm going to just go by the standard 6 inches per year. It will probably take 2 to 2 1/2 years for me to reach classic length, stretched, allowing for a few trims along the way.
I am giving myself 14 years to hit terminal (as far as it will grow) length, and then I am loc'ing it up. The main thing is enjoying the ride in the meantime.
My long term goal is to let my hair grow as long as it will. So I can't put a time on that. Imma just let it grow as long as it wants to for as long as it wants to. :)
I just made a bet Wednesday Night that I could grow my hair to mid-back by Sept 2009...that's about 7.5 inches of hair...if I get a cut before reaching either the time limit or the goal...whichever comes first...I lose the bet. I'm allowed trims...but anything past an inch is considered a cut, and I'll lose. I don't think it'll honestly take me the 3 years, but I didn't want to add any pressure.

I'm back on the MTG and Vitamin bandwagon...for now...and I'm thinking about the neosporin thingy for speedy growth.

I made this bet with a friend because he tells me I always cut my hair and never let it grow long...it's kinda true...as soon as it starts getting long, I get a cut...this will help me RESIST.
Another 3 years to get to waistlenght. If I stuck with the C & G regime I'm sure sooner but I can't stick to anything too long, that's my downfall.
Based on my growth rate, if I were to go natural, it would take me 5-6 years from 1" of natural hair to BSL.
it's going to take me at least 3 more years to get to my goal. But I really am taking my time and trying not to stress it because I rushed through everything in my life (school, growing up, etc)..... Watch next week I create a thread about I cant take it anymore its taking to long
I'm figuring I should be at or a little past armpit stretched by December 2007. That will be 2 1/2 years of hair growin since I began my transition in March 2005. I actually think I would be quite content with that length and any extra inches past that would just be a bonus.
Cichelle said:
My long term goal is to let my hair grow as long as it will. So I can't put a time on that. Imma just let it grow as long as it wants to for as long as it wants to. :)

me too, just planning to take good care of it
I was talking to a friend of mine about it taking 2-3 years to grow long hair. She said that's too long. I said, you'll be two years older in two years regardless (um, God willing). The question is, do you want long hair when you get there or not? She seemed to accept that. :ohwell:

I have 2 more years (sometime in late 2008) to reach full-mid back. That means my total journey time will be 3 years. I'm so grateful I've already completed the first year.
Hey Beyondcute!
i think we used to im each other about our progress! HEY GIRL I BC'ed!!! ;) i did it like 3 weeks ago and its funny because by the time i had gotten the chance to do it, my new growth had already grown to my shoulder! so i've got this weird bob thing..hahaha i'm LOVING my hair texture and i've even transitioned over to using henna instead of my bigen (i know its okay for your hair but it still felt like a process to me!)...

ive planned to make my full goal- unstretched waistlength (which is hard as hell with curly hair 3C hair!) by 5 years time (if i was being terribly terribly sensible and realistic)...i'm at shoulder unstretched (my hair has actually grown a bit since i've cut it *shockingly* never seems like it does! but before it was up by my ears and now its more than dusting my shoulder in just 3 weeks!) but by the time i had bc'ed, my hair was waistlength stretched but it hardly felt like it was mine with all of those terrible relaxed ends attached! In fact, i think the transitioning was slowing the growth of my hair or maybe i found myself damaging it more because of the two textures so it didn't seem to thrive as well? hmmm... lol

in fact, i've even done a goal time table in my signature....i think i should be able to do it realistically but i'm hoping to really cut the time in half and have it before 2010! BTW, its certainly nice to talk to you again! :grin:
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I'll give myself 2-3 years to get to midback. I have a long torso, so it'll be awhile. I'm also factoring in some trims and/or setbacks.
:perplexed 2 years midback stretched i want waist length but im pushing it im leaving it up in Gods hands..
god loves those who help themselves though ;)
I've finished my first year and reached APL in back(need front to catch up-hoefully by 12/06)....So I had planned to keep hair protectected for a full 3 years, and I am certainly going forward.

Final answer----2 years. Look out for my debut in 2008 of somewhere between BSL and MBL. I'll probaly reach my gaol b4 then but to be on the safe side. 7/08 for MBL=11 inches:look:

As Wanakee says it really doesnt matter how long it takes b/c regardless were getting older anyhow...So that is severly paraphrased but it the truth!
I know it will take a longtime for me to reach armpit unstretched. My hair has a lot of shrinkage. I am guessing it will take between 7-10 years. I am not really stressing about how long it will take because the first year went by so fast. Plus, I am working on my PhD, so there will be a lot of other things on my mind.
beyondcute said:
So Ive finally come to the conclusion that my ultimate goal will take another 3+ years to achieve. How long do you think it will take to achieve your ULTIMATE goal. Im not talking short term a few more inches. Im alking hair fantasy, Ima pass out as soon as I get there type goal :) I was browsing some fotkis and I see that most people take 4+ years to get to shoulder to bra strap natural UNSTRETCHED. I know Ill hit bra strap stretched next year but unstretched is gonna take me FOREVER *sigh* oh well.

Well I be darned! Im over in anther thread, taking measurements to see how far bra strap is on me. 27 inches. So then I think okay, 27 inches divided by 6 inches a year and Im looking at 4 years and some change! Im already 1 year in so thats 3 years and some change. I was right. It will be another 3 years BUT thats with straight hair. I don tknow how long it will be for my unstretched hair... *sigh*