Dandruff-what killed it for you?


i have had dandruff long now that i cant remember not having it:wallbash:
i have tried various suggestions from this board such as:
no sls
no mineral oil
no petrolatum
use organic
no scalp greasing (havent use grease in ages, just what ever moisturiser i used in hair)

but nothing helps. i have shoulder length hair which i relax 3 times a year (havent had it relaxed since april). i wash once weekly i.e when hair gets so itchy i cant stand it but recently ive had to wash more often as itchies are coming faster. at the moment im using jason sea kelp poo and ntm daily conditioner(love it). I've also used ORS mayonnaise/uplifiting poo, organix, aubrey organics,dominican cond etc)

is there anything else i can do? ive used head and shoulders and tgel in the past but nothing stopped it:nono:

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I stopped applying anything to my scalp. Initially I thought and believed dandruff would get worse but I ignored the initial itches. Then they were gone, never to return. I haven't used any product on my scalp since back then 1980...except when I was growing back a bald patch.
Make sure it is dandruff first. I thought mine was for years but it wasn't. Go get lisa akbari's book. Its only for 10-14 bucks.

Also, go sulfate free.
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i thought i was doomed to dandruff forever, but once i started co-washing once weekly in addition to my weekend shampooing, i have yet to see another flake.

i also wet my hair daily with distilled water from my spray bottle, and make sure to wet my scalp, as well.

all those years and my poor scalp was thirsty as hell...for water!
Make sure it is dandruff first. I thought mine was for years but it wasn't. Go get lisa akbari's book. Its only for 10-14 bucks.

I used Neem Oil about 3 times and mine disappeared.
I now use it every 6th week to keep whatever it was at bay.

A tree native to India used for centuries in cooking, Ayurvedic medicine and for hair and nail care. Neem leaf is anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. It's strengthening to keratin protein, making it ideal for hair and nails. Neem leaf extract stimulates circulation to the scalp and supports hair growth and discourages flaking and irritation of the scalp. Traditional Indian hair treatments use a neem tea rinse for hair loss and packs of neem leaf pulp for conditioning. Poultices and washes are applied to skin wounds, infections and eczema. Neem is so gentle it is used internally for gastritis and as an eye wash.
Make sure it is dandruff first. I thought mine was for years but it wasn't. Go get lisa akbari's book. Its only for 10-14 bucks.

Yes, do this first.

i thought i was doomed to dandruff forever, but once i started co-washing once weekly in addition to my weekend shampooing, i have yet to see another flake.

i also wet my hair daily with distilled water from my spray bottle, and make sure to wet my scalp, as well.

all those years and my poor scalp was thirsty as hell...for water!

Ditto. I also tried a home remedy of green tea on the scalp. I haven't seen a flake since . The relaxer may also be your culprit though.
I use a Neem bar. It's super cheap, $1/bar and long lasting, at least 4 months of twice weekly washing.
Another Cheap way is to wash with Apple Cider Vinegar...you can follow up with a regular shampoo or...rinse and condition....It works, hope this helps....
I used to have "grwing" dandruff as my mother would say. Funny I had growing dandruff but my hair never did grow lol. I started cowashing my hair and the dandruff suddenly stopped. I haven't had not a flake since....except that time i went back to washing my hair every 2 weeks. It looked like a snowy day!! I think if your hair is moisturized and your scalp is clean, you won't have as much dandruff
Not to oversimplify things, but I agree. Alot of my scalp problems seemed to disappear about 3 months into my transition.

I still get relaxers... The thing I've found is that SULPHUR works to get rid of dandruff. You can use the basic sulphur grease or there are other greases that contain sulphur. Boundless Tresses is a good sulphur based product. As soon as I started using sulphur the dandruff disappeared!
thanks so much! i havent relaxed since april which is 5 months. i thought this may have been the culprit but it hasnt gotten any better. ive also tried acv rinses-did one today. i aslo used neem oil a few years ago as a pre poo-it stinks but didnt do anything. i have a neem bar that i was going to wash my hair with.... i quit sulphates etc last year and thought thwould help:nono: but i will not go back to them anyway.
nina-def-how did you use neem oil?
i havent put anyting on my scalp for months apart from coconut oil as a pre poo. ive never put miconazole on my scalp-need to find uk version!!!
what does lisa akbaris book say about dandruff? have been eyeing it for a while
thanks so much for the tips-keep em coming!!!!!!:grin:
I still get relaxers... The thing I've found is that SULPHUR works to get rid of dandruff. You can use the basic sulphur grease or there are other greases that contain sulphur. Boundless Tresses is a good sulphur based product. As soon as I started using sulphur the dandruff disappeared!

Yea..that didn't work for me. But maybe what I had wasn't actually dandruff. Whatever it was, its gone now.
Daily co-washes and/or daily rinsings (with warm water only), and/or daily washings. :yep:

As said by previous posters -be sure you have true dandruff vs. a dry scalp and then what KIND. Dandruff can have different sources requiring different treatment.
honestly? Oiling or greasing my scalp. I suffered from dry scalp - causing flakes when I was relaxed. It was so embarrassing when they would take out the rollers and flakes would be all over:ohwell: Once I started oiling/greasing my scalp I haven't had that problem.

ETA: seems like going natural also helped many of us. Sorry just read through the thread.
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I used Neem Oil about 3 times and mine disappeared.
I now use it every 6th week to keep whatever it was at bay.

A tree native to India used for centuries in cooking, Ayurvedic medicine and for hair and nail care. Neem leaf is anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. It's strengthening to keratin protein, making it ideal for hair and nails. Neem leaf extract stimulates circulation to the scalp and supports hair growth and discourages flaking and irritation of the scalp. Traditional Indian hair treatments use a neem tea rinse for hair loss and packs of neem leaf pulp for conditioning. Poultices and washes are applied to skin wounds, infections and eczema. Neem is so gentle it is used internally for gastritis and as an eye wash.

Where can I find this, looks promising?
Also, if I just fall off my game, I have a spray bottle with 2-3 parts water and 1 part vinegar. I part my hair and spray it on my scalp. Be sure you have a towel nearby because it will RUN! I coat my hair with conditioner (as a pre-poo) and let it sit on my scalp for about 10-15 minutes. I work some of the hard spots out with a fine toothed comb. Nothing too strenuous, just lifting the dandruff up. Then I wash and voila, no dandruff.
I have the same problem. always had dandruff except when I was natural. the problem for me was the relaxers which is why im transitioning back natural.
If you have build-up (which can mimic dandruff), apply diluted shampoo directly to your scalp, part-by-part using an applicator bottle with a nozzle. Alternatively a baking soda scrub (1-2 tsps mixed with conditioner) applied to the scalp resolves the problem.

If you have real dandruff, try Selsun Blue shampoo applied as above; it's very drying so put oil or conditioner on the length of your hair first. A natural solution would be to mix a few drops of tea tree oil in a carrier oil and apply that to your scalp like grease an hour or more before shampooing.

If none of the above suggestions are suitable, an anti-fungal cream like MN would work as dandruff is caused by a skin fungus.

Some of the other ideas mentioned - sulphur, ACV, etc. - are also effective.
If none of that works, there is a shampoo that you can get over the counter (like from Walmart) called Nizoral. That has worked for me when I've used it in the past. The over-the-counter version is a weaker strength of the one you can get a prescription for from your dermatologist....have you been to the dermatologist?

Hope you find something that works :yep:
A few drops tea tree oil (100%) at drug stores or Walmart mixed with olive oil, applied to the scalp, cover head with a plastic cap, workout or clean up, and wash the hair.
Go to a dermatologist and have he/she properly analyze your scalp. My mom had what she thought was severe dandruff and after visiting the derm, she learned it was actually a scalp fungus. It had been brought on from using Wild Growth oil. Even though you haven't been relaxing your hair, a fungus may still be present on your scalp.