
Well-Known Member
ok i did my wash and air dried my hair this weekend and i noticed something. while the majority of the length came out straight the ends were frizzy. i did the ponytail method of air drying and left the ends out dont know if this contributed or not. well i oiled my hair and put the caruso curlers. hair came out cute. i then combed it out a couple of days later and again the majority of the length was smooth and shiny while the ends were frizzy. i tried to moisturize it but to no prevail. so i came to the conclusion that my hair is either damaged from the no lye relaxers and split ends (i now use lye relaxers)and i need to cut them off gradually. i dont want to do a total cut i just want to trim every couple of months the damaged ends till they are gone. the problem is that i dont know where to go. most places cut the hair even though you ask for a trim. i want to do this gradually so i can grow my hair and gradually trim off the damaged ends. i want to get a trim before i put braids in my hair so i can leave my hair alone and allow it to grow and then once the braids are gone, relax my hair and trim. i want to do this for several months so i wont be a drastic cut but more gradual (sorry i am using that word so often). i just dont know where to go. does anyone in the NYC area know of a place that will respect my wishes? too many places i have went to are too scissor happy and i dont want to go in with shoulder length hair and come out with hair to my chin. anyone in the NYC area have any recommendations? It will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all.
HELP!!! PLEASE!!! /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif God bless you all.
I am having the same problem. I just noticed this last week. My ends are so frizzy and dry. I put Carol's Daughter Healthy Butter on the ends and it moisturized it immediately - but I know that I do need a trim (I haven't had one for a long time) and I am planning on getting my hair braided this weekend as well. I do plan on getting my hair trim - my stylist will be - my husband. I trust him because he does his own hair and it looks pretty good to me. I am going to let him trim off what needs to be trimmed because getting braids can only make the situation worst.

I know that Tracy posted a thread a couple of days ago on a stylist she went to in the Bronx that did not trim alot of her hair. Maybe you should go there or get a friend to trim it.
i'm going to do a search and see if i can find it. i would have someone to do it but i just wanted a professional to do it. i was thinking after the initial trim i would then try to trim on my own when i could. i was thinking of doing a doing a two strand twist thing with my hair and then just trimming the ends. i think i can maintain that on my own. i just want someone i know will just trim a bit off without cutting like 2 inches off. i want it to be gradual. i think tracy mentioned someone in manhattan who gave her a decent trim i am not too sure. i will have to do a search. i am glad i am not the only one who is dealing with this and i am glad that you have a solution that will work. i think i almost had a panic attack when i thought of what a set back this was but then i thought if i just trim every 6-8 weeks or when i get my relaxer i will get rid of most if not all the damaged ends and then i will be on my way to healthier hair. God bless you all.
I am getting the two strand thing this weekend too. The braider told me to make sure that I trim my ends before I get any braids or twist because when you take them out your ends won't be so damaged. I braided my hair once without getting my hair trimmed and let me tell you I only left the braids in for six weeks and when I took them out - I had to cut close to 3 inches of hair. And mind you, I took very good care of them. Never again will I get any braids of any type without trimming my ends first. GOOD LUCK!
thanks. its depressing but i know i am doing right by my hair. hopefully mid 2003 i will rid of the raggedy ends and will have new growth to boot. God blessy ou all.
Azul are you POSITIVE your ends are damaged? I just had to ask because no matter how much I got mine trimmed, if I let them air dry they would ALWAYS be frizzy. *shrug* I even look at them very closely to see if there are splits and there aren't. It's just frizzy *shrug*. All I do is keep them constantly moisturized and that seems to help. I just don't want you to get a chop only to find out it's not really doing anything but making your hair shorter.
My ends are the same way Enyaa. Sometimes it's really hard to tell when the ends act up like that. But the moment I put my hairdressing on it it's smooth as silk. It totally transforms the hair.

Azul, i remember you saying that the end behave themselves when oiled, and I'm wondering (but don't quote me on this) that even if the ends were damaged that the moisture wouldn't have any effect on them.

Decide for yourself, but if you have splits, which I think I remember you saying them sort those out first before you trim away gradually.
I'm in the same boat. The ends of my hair are damaged from years of neglect and daily flat-ironing! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif I've been trimming gradually, but I've finally decided to get a good cut so I can get a clean start growing my hair. Good luck!
strangely i didnt think of that. come to think of it i always had frizzy ends because of the no-lye relaxer. whenever water hit my hair i used to joke it was like a chia pet it would grow. i immediately grabbed some wgo and ors carrot oil after seeing your post and mixed some together and placed it on my ends. the hair got softer and less brittle feeling. i think maybe the dry breaking feel was because i had them in the curls for almost a week and when i mosturized i didnt focus on the ends as much because i didnt want to ruin the style. the only part that didnt respond to the treatment was the very ends which stayed looking frizzy and dry. i think the hair needed a lot more moisture and thicker treatments. the very ends also have split ends and the hairs arent laying flat they are literally going in every direction bending everywhere. so i believe a trim is in order. i think the no lye relaxer and the split ends really did a number on my ends because the rest of the hair responds well to everything and is sleek and straight. i wanted to find a place to get a trim by next week because thats when my next wash is due though it seems like i need to wash now because with all this oil in my hair it looks greasy and limp. i do think i have maybe a good half an inch of ends that need to gradually trimmed. i didnt think of the other reasons my hair may be frizzy i just assummed it was damaged. what is a test to tell if your ends are damaged? i know split ends is one and what i have with the ends of the hair going every which a way and not laying flat may be another because the rest of my hair doesnt do that. i am wondering how can you tell otherwise besides obvious signs? how do you not know its something else all together? God bless you all.
Azul, there are several things you can do to test for damage. 1.) Take a strand of hair and hold it at each end between your thumb and fore-finger. Hold it taut, and slide down the hair using your thumb nail. The hair should curl/coil up (like when you're making coily ribbons to put on gift packages), if it's in good shape. If it's damaged, it will break and/or the cuticles will visibly lift up. The point of the breakage or cuticle separation will tell you where the damage begins. 2.) Stretch a piece of hair. If it is healthy, it should be able to stretch 20% or more without breaking. Also, if you stretch a piece of wet hair, it should be able to return to it's original state when it's dry. If it stays stretched, it's damaged. 3.) If your hair feels mushy and sponge-like when it's wet, that's a sign of damage.
Well 1/2 inch isn't that bad. I hear what you're saying about not messing up your style but you know what? I finally had to say style be damned and just give my ends what they need. I stay in braids and drawstring ponytails while growing out and my ends are a big part of the reason why. Plus I've found that as they get healthier, styles will get better too.

I don't consider myself any kind of "end expert" or anything but other than seeing splits, sometimes if you look close enough you can see hairs where the very tips are SIGNIFICANTLY thinner than the rest of the shaft. To me that means they are weak and prone to breakage or perhaps they have already split a little off to the side. My next trim will be about 1/4" (I hope) to deal with that.
i'm learning that as well. i think my best bet after the braids are out is protective styling and to limit how much i keep my ends out. even though i didnt take my hair down to often i still wasnt able to pay special attention to the ends which makes them appear dry and brittle. i'll probably get a trim next week and do some rebuilders and stuff for the next couple of weeks before i put my braids in. i put my hair in a bun after moisturizing it and felt it just now and it still feels soft. so i guess that is a sign. its not unbelievably soft but compared to before its an improvement. i think i will have to look into drawstring ponytails and invest in a good hair dryer to do roller sets. i am going to do this 365 day challenge and i will prevail even through the set backs. i remember i had a ponytail before like about 2 years ago and all i did was oil my scalp and just brush the hair a bit and my hair went from chin to shoulder in a couple of months. the cut was in april and by august it was touching my shoulders. so i think i will have to look into it since that and braids have helped. God bless you all.

If you are still looking for a hairstylist that you can trust to trim your hair then I highly recommended seening Migulina. The salon is on 1st Ave btw 88 and 89th I think. If you are interested then reply back and I'll confirm this address again for you.

I always see her when I want a trim (just saw her last month for one and like before, she did just what I asked, approx 1/4 to 1/2 inch off all over).

She's really quiet spoken but LISTENS. Just explain how much you want off like you've said here and show her in the mirror while holding a few strands between your fingers. She just nods, says okay and does it. I found her from a girlfriend and I completely trust her now. A trim is approx $15 but you GET what you ask for /images/graemlins/grin.gif(She also does fantastic wash and sets and is nice to chat with for hair advice).
oh wow thank you for the recommendation because i had no clue where i was going to get a trim. i was even contemplating doing it myself but then i envisioned myself struggling to do the back. i have rechecked my ends continuously and even used VO5's dry ends conditioner and it really helped. it doesnt feel as brittle as it did before. and even though i dont always agree with everything he wrote i had to reread shamboosie's chapter on the affects of no lye relaxers and everything he said about the way it would look and feel is exactly why i was panicking because the top part has the lye relaxer and in contrast to the ends it looks like its damaged. so instead of me hacking off all my hair i will just get a simply trim and just keep the ends conditioned. i think i was so quick to self diagnose and not really doing different tests to figure out what the real problem may be. i took a breather and just kept moisturizing the ends until they behaved. i have to realize because of the no lye relaxer the ends will be drier and more brittle and i have to take extra care to them. thanks again for the recommendation i plan to get the trim some time next week. i want to take the time to get my hair ready for my braids. i may pick up dudley's hair rebuilder and do some treatments to strengthen the hair before i put the braids in. God bless you all.

Azul, my ends are pretty much like yours, probably because of the no lye relaxer that I used before. Sounds like you don't have major damage, you probably just need to trim the no lye hair away. I can see and feel the difference in my hair between the lye relaxed hair and the no lye hair - like you noticed with your hair, my ends are more brittle and require lots of attention. My ends also get frizzy when wet. Do gradual trims to get rid of this hair and you'll be fine.
GO SEE MARVIN! I am sure you have heard of him already from other ladies on the board. He is excellent and listens to clients. He is also great at administering hair advice. I don't have a card on hand but his website is www.macstyle.net Trust me, you won't regret it! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
azul, to confirm, the stylist I told you about is Miguelina, address is 1st ave between 88 and 89th streets. tel 212410 9109. Ask for Miguelina only to do the trim, its a nice quiet salon and she does EXACTLY what you say esp. if you stress wanting just a trim with the very ends only off.
thank you so much for the recommendation. you are life saver. let me tell you she did exactly what i told her and made my hair look even which it hasnt looked in a while. i was inspired to go because every woman i saw that had healthy hair with their ends clipped. it made the finished look so much better. i was so nervous but when she was done i felt like a monkey was lifted off my back. i was holding on to their ends for dear life like they were really making a difference in the length but now the hair looks healthy and when i combed my hair there wasnt breakage like before. i thank you so much. i really needed this trim. i plan to get braids and i didnt want to have unhealthy ends doing that. i plan to go back when i take my braids out and i relax my hair. thank you again. God bless you all.

I'm sooo glad you liked her! isn't she great? she's now THE person to go to for when I want a trim. She's thorough and truly 'dusts.' And its cheap too! A definite keeper. Yes the other customers there do have healthy looking hair. I remember going there on a Saturday and noticing that.

She's so nice too. So now you have a place to go for all your trims /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I just found this post. I will have to revisit this salon. I remember leaving there and my hair felt so thick and lovely after I went. And all I got there was a trim. Hopefully she is still there otherwise I am screwed. God bless you all.