daily leave in for ends


New Member
Now that the colder weather is here:

Does anyone have any suggestions for a creamy daily moisturizing leave in for my ends (after my hair is dry) that doesn't have water or mineral oil in the ingredients? My EVOO mix isn't cutting it.

I use the ORS carrot oil cream and I love it. It may have water in it though. I'm not really sure. What about the mango butter?
Unless you're using strictly oils, a good moisturizer is going to have water in it.

Profectiv healthy ends is good, real creamy and moisturizing.
I agree with sprung...I think a good moistuizer is gonna have a water base...otherwise you'll have excessive build up issues...

anyhoo, I like Giovanni Direct on my ends. I just discovered this 3 weeks ago. I had been putting on my NG and the length but I didn't concentrate it on the ends. So I tried Giovanni on the ends followed with jojoba oil to seal and I haven't looked back! It's been great...
You may also consider some kind of distilled water/glycerine mix...or even glycerine with rosemary eo...
I have been trying coconut oil and healthy hair butter on my ends for about a week and they have been feeling a little better but it is to early to say it is working magic but my hair is soft in the morning
I have just discovered using ORS hair mayonaise on my ends. It makes my new growth and ends really soft and moisturized.I know it should be used as a deep conditioner but I decided to just use it on my ends and then use my domincan conditioners for deep conditioning.
I use Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner mixed with Wild Growth Hair Oil. I love it. It has NEVER failed me.